For this kind of greeting, the Tang army was basically very good at it. Hundreds of artillery were directly lined up on the city wall. The soldiers also saw what was happening in the distance, but many people had only heard of it but had never seen it before, so they didn't know. How powerful are Datang's artillery?

But soon these people saw that when they heard the sound, the Tang soldiers' cannonballs had been fired directly at the city wall. In an instant, the entire city wall burst open, and many people felt the bricks shaking under their feet.

They were all a little unbelievable. Looking at everything in front of them, they originally thought that the city wall of Luocheng should be quite strong. If the Tang army wanted to attack, it would be able to hold on for at least more than a month. But today is only the first time. One day, they saw that the city wall was covered with cracks with the largest cracks, which could even fit a bowl.

The soldiers on the city wall were stunned for a moment. They didn't expect that Datang's artillery was so powerful. This was just the beginning. If the fighting lasted for a long time, wouldn't our city wall collapse? Looking at the mighty Tang army in the distance, they didn't know how to deal with it.


Wu Yuanhao could not let them continue to be beaten. He had to fight back against the Tang army. Although he did not go to the city wall, he could feel it from the vibration. The Tang army had done a lot of damage to the city wall. At this time, he had to fight back. Let the Tang army know that we also have the power to fight back.

A dozen catapults were ready inside the city walls of Luocheng. Under the operation of hundreds of people, they immediately threw out the huge stones.

Wu Yuanhao looked up at the soldiers above. They could not see the situation outside. I heard that if the soldiers of the Tang Dynasty discovered that there were catapults on the city wall, they would immediately name these catapults, so they put the catapults on the wall. The vehicles were placed under the city wall, so although part of the range was sacrificed, they were relatively safe and would not be blown up right after the war started.

The two flags above are waving together, which means that the army of the Tang Dynasty is not fools. They also have their spies in the city. How far can your catapult hit? They probably know better than some of your soldiers.

It took a lot of effort to move these catapults from the city wall in order to ensure their safety. But now the range is out of reach. In fact, even if they are placed on the city wall, it is useless. After going up, you can go forward at most a dozen meters or even more than 20 meters, which is still out of reach of the Tang army.


It has been said above that we can't hit them, and the soldiers below don't know what to do. If they continue to attack, they can only smash the ground outside. But if we don't attack, our brothers will continue to be smashed off the city wall. In addition to Apart from these catapults, we may have no other weapons to fight back.

"Order everyone to hide."

Wu Yuanhao is still a very pragmatic person. If he encounters someone who loses his mind, he will definitely order the catapult to continue throwing stones. Even if there is no way to hurt the Tang army, then we must let them know that we people can still Living, according to modern people, means gaining a sense of existence.

But Wu Yuanhao did not do this. He knew that there was no use in brushing up this presence. The Tang army would not continue to attack today. It was getting dark. What they did was to suppress us mentally.

Sure enough, it was pretty much what he thought. After nearly half a stick of incense, the artillery sound of the Tang Dynasty army finally stopped. Thick black smoke was everywhere on the city wall, and many artillery fire hit the city wall, which was short-lived. The soldiers couldn't even hide. They could only fall off the city wall following the flying shrapnel.

As for the north side of the city wall, it is even more terrible. I don’t know how many cannonballs were fired directly at the city wall. Now there are cracks everywhere and it looks shaky. If the Tang army continues the bombardment, it will easily open on the city wall. A gap. Once there is this gap, their cavalry will not be able to live without food. They can rush in from the outside in an instant. We are still thinking about defending Luocheng for a month. Isn't this a dream?

Wu Yuanhao asked his men to quickly transport the wounded. These people were not important in his heart, but he could not keep these people on the front line battlefield. If they continued to stay on the front line battlefield, what would happen to the remaining intact ones? Soldiers with no damage will feel afraid when they see these people in the future. Do these people still have the will to fight? Don't you have to find a place to hide?

"The general killed at least more than 1,900 people, and more than 1,300 people were ineffective. The remaining more than 3,000 people were injured, but they can still fight. We don't have enough medicine."

The results of the battle that were quickly tallied up by my men don't sound like many, but the two sides did not engage in hand-to-hand combat. They just fired artillery shells at you in a safe area, causing you to cause more than 3,000 casualties.

"Can the wall still hold up?"

Compared with the casualties, Wu Yuanhao was most worried about the city wall. Although they had already begun to strengthen the city wall when the war broke out in Indochina, they still far underestimated the combat effectiveness of Datang's artillery. Today's artillery Todoroki also made them understand that it was absolutely correct to strengthen the city wall in the first place, but some people also regretted it. It should have been reinforced thicker.

"The thickness of our city wall is about 1.6 to two meters. Although there are many cracks on the surface, it can still hold up. However, if similar bombardments are repeated several times, I am afraid the city wall will not be able to hold on. Yeah, we have to think of a way soon."

After hearing this, Wu Yuanhao breathed a sigh of relief. If the city wall could not hold up, then there was no need for them to stay here. The outside of the city was relatively flat, which was more suitable for the cavalry of the Tang Dynasty. If we can't hold on to attack the city wall, then everyone should retreat into the mountains and forests. At that time, we will have a good mountain battle with the Tang army. We grew up in this old forest. The Tang army It will never be our opponent.

"General, brothers are impatient right now. How should we fight tomorrow?"

Seeing that Wu Yuanhao remained silent for a long time, the deputy general had no choice but to ask. (End of chapter)

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