Of course, there is another layer of deterrence in building roads, that is, when the Tang Dynasty army starts to build roads, it means that your place is officially included in the rule of the Tang Dynasty court. Although some of your troops are still resisting, they are still against us. It doesn't have much effect anymore.

This matter was discovered during previous wars, and was also discovered during the interrogation of prisoners. When they found out that the Tang army abandoned them to build roads, they felt a sense of despair in their hearts. These people were not soldiers. They won't leave as soon as they hit us, but they will occupy the land here and even enslave us for generations to come.

Li Xiang has never vetoed their idea. If it can bring such pressure to the people in the occupied areas, that will be our blessing.

At this moment, Wu Yuanhao was sitting in his mansion. Half of the generals under his command had no way to come over. They were the ones who followed Wu Yuanhao out of the city to fight. Now these people are either dead or in prisoner-of-war camps in Datang. The remaining people are also submissive and don't know how to talk about this matter.

He couldn't figure it out no matter what, just one day had passed, how could he have lost so many of his elite men? Although he still has a lot of troops in his hands, these people are completely different from those who brought out the program. Including those lurking in the mountains and forests on the left and right sides, they are all the top troops in Vietnam. , it can be said that this battle has consumed half of Vietnam's top army, and the remaining part is in the capital.

He no longer knows how to communicate with the people above him. Could it be that he has wiped out half of the country's elites? I still don’t know where I made the mistake. If I insist on making a mistake, it’s because the strength gap between the two sides is too big. No matter what kind of conspiracy you use, you can’t be my opponent, but even if you do If he said this, would the senior officials of the Vietnamese court listen to his explanation?

"General, why don't we ask for assistance? If we are the only ones, I'm afraid it will be difficult to resist their attack. We have seen the attack of the Tang Dynasty army today. With only our remaining troops, brothers do not have that Courage."

One of his subordinates said hesitantly that it has been quiet here for a long time. If it continues to be so quiet, I am afraid that everyone will be tortured to death by such a quiet occasion. Everyone will not be able to sit still at this time. , I have to do something, otherwise I will be so panicked that I will not know what to do.

"You are all people who have been following me for many years. Don't you know how many troops we have in Vietnam? In order to implement this plan this time, most of the elite troops from across the country were called in. Who knew that once Shaanxi The division has leaked this plan. After all, the strength of the Tang Empire is much stronger than ours. Even if all the troops are mobilized, I am afraid they will not be their opponent."

Wu Yuanhao's face revealed an aura of death. People around him didn't know what the general meant. If you give up resistance first, then we people will have nothing to say. After all, we people The strength in the court is not as good. If you really surrender, we people will be just accomplices.

After Wu Yuanhao finished speaking, he drank the wine in the bowl, then looked up at the faces of these people, and suddenly knew that he had just said the wrong thing, and they must have misunderstood.

"I didn't say that we should take the initiative to surrender. After what happened before, even if we all defected to the Tang Empire, they would not leave any good position for us. What I said was that we should transform into Zero, let all of us leave the city voluntarily, and then go to the mountains and forests to ambush them. Only in this way can we give full play to our greatest advantage. If we are in this city as a whole, this is also their best combat, and we simply cannot It’s no match for them.”

After Wu Yuanhao finished speaking, everyone understood what was going on, but what followed was even greater shock. We had just shouted the slogan to keep Luocheng in our hands, but now it turned out that If you want to abandon this city and go to fight in the mountains and forests, how big a blow will it have to the entire country?

"Brothers, generals, we are not afraid of hardship and are willing to follow you into the mountains and forests. After all, we grew up there. But if Luocheng is lost, will the people in the south continue to support us? Will they think that It’s because of our incompetence and the traitors within the imperial court who want us to fight to the death in Luocheng..."

These people can indeed endure hardships, but if there is no support from others in the mountains and forests, it will be difficult for them to persevere. If a small army can indeed live in the mountains and forests with local materials, but so many people are all at once. It's a joke to go to the mountains and forests. Even if you eat all the tree roots on the mountains, you people will not be able to live in the mountains.

The matter raised by this general under his command is indeed quite difficult, and Wu Yuanhao is also hesitant, but if he doesn't do this, there is no point in continuing to fight here. Today's city wall can still hold on for a while, but tomorrow The day after tomorrow, when their naval warships arrive, we will be attacked from both sides and we will not be able to hold on at all.

"When you go back tonight, start making preparations. As long as there are some elites, and the remaining useless ones, let them do whatever they want. Now we don't need to pursue the number of troops. In addition, tell the surrounding people that if If they want to be obedient subjects of the Tang Dynasty, then let them go. Anyway, the Tang Dynasty will kill everything around them and try to let them cause trouble to the Tang army."

Wu Yuanhao knew that many people from the Jing and Yue ethnic groups were not easy to get along with. These people had a hatred attitude towards the Han people. As long as they were slightly provoked, these people would definitely attack the Han people, and the people protected by the Tang Dynasty army It's the Han people. If this kind of contradiction occurs, it will be a war between all the people and the Tang army. If you want to win this war quickly, even with the current combat effectiveness of the Tang army, Unlikely...(End of Chapter)

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