When they came to the city wall, they had never seen such a situation. They had fought before, and it was common to fight with enemy countries at night, but most of them would not attack the city because they relied on With such a strong city wall, the attacking party will definitely suffer a loss, but now the Tang army doesn't care about this at all. Looking north from the city wall, all Wu Yaya's weapons are torches.

The most important thing is that the Tang army will not use their lives to fill it. Although there are many people coming, most of them are standing on the outside. Wu Yuanhao also understands what these people are standing on the outside. Then Just waiting for a city wall to collapse somewhere, and then these strange soldiers will rush in. At that time, it will be the end of Luo City.

"General, look over there, it looks like they have newly delivered artillery."

A young general pointed to a torch belt on the left and said that the distance there was relatively close and he could clearly see what was being transported. They were transporting to a hillside on the left side of the city wall. If they were to fire from there, they could directly Hit the top of the city wall, which is the position occupied by Wu Yuanhao.

Wu Yuanhao suddenly realized at this time that the Tang army actually had many ways to treat him. However, they wanted to lure the enemy deeper during the day, so they did not fight him or use these methods. Now there are no more With so many worries, he threw out all the cards in his hand to see if he could win this city.

While Wu Yuanhao was thinking, the artillery on the hillside on the left had already fired. The first shell missed the target and landed inside the city wall. A catapult below was instantly blown to pieces.

Many of the soldiers below have never seen the power of artillery, and now they have seen it. During the day, he was still scolding the soldiers who fought out of the city for being useless. Tens of thousands of people were defeated in this way. General You ran back naked, how on earth did you people fight?

Now these guys have shut their mouths, and they finally know that the enemy they encountered this time is different from before. Looking at the exploded catapult next to them, they know that this was the case during the previous war. The gadgets are all at the very rear. They were burned when we were defeated. At most, they were destroyed when we were defeated. Now we can’t even see the enemy’s face. A catapult has already begun to burn.

Wuyuanjia knew that this was the artillery on the hillside correcting their position. The first shell missed the target and fell into the city. The second shell was probably about to fall on the city wall. They were anxious now and thought about what they could do. What, it's a pity they don't have attack weapons that far away.

"Immediately take your three thousand men and rush out from the west gate, and then go to the mountain to annihilate their artillery. It would be best if you can transport those things back. If you can't transport them back, you will have to wait for a while." Burn all the fires. You must remember that the fate of the whole process is in your hands. You have also seen what happened just now. If we let them burn us hard, I am afraid we will not be able to hold on until dawn tomorrow. "

Wu Yuanhao immediately pulled over his top horse Fan Mingzheng.

The three thousand men under him are also the most elite. Wu Yuanhao originally thought of sneaking into the jungle with these three thousand men, but now the most important thing is to take out the artillery on the left first. If he doesn't take out this artillery, If the artillery is taken away, let alone sneaking into the jungle, the whole city will be blown into rubble by them tonight under the black light. Even if they retreat into the mountains and forests, I'm afraid those people will fight His will was also shattered.

"My subordinate will go immediately."

Fan Mingzheng is a young general who is quite famous in Vietnam. However, he has not fought in actual combat. However, his men are well trained. After receiving orders from Wu Yuanhao, he finally has the opportunity to go to the battlefield. , who had been guarding the city before, and now wanted to make a small contribution.

Sure enough, it was similar to what Wu Yuanhao said. Less than a few minutes after Fan Mingzheng left, artillery shells on the hillside were thrown onto the city wall. There was no room for anyone to stand where he was just now. If you were still standing If it were there, it would be a living target on the hillside.

"Put out all the braziers and torches..."

Wu Yuanhao is still a bit capable, and this guy can also see that the reason why people on the mountain can see the target of attack is because they hold torches and braziers in the dark night. If these things are extinguished, then the people under the mountain will There is no other goal.

Sure enough, it was pretty much what he said. When the people on the city wall put out all the torches and braziers, the frequency of artillery attacks on the hillside was obviously much slower. Without those torches to illuminate their attack route, they didn't want to go anywhere. A waste of shells.

"General, we'd better leave the city wall as soon as possible. We can no longer hold on to the left side of the city gate."

As soon as the situation on the city wall was contained, another bad news came. Although the artillery on the hillside could not attack them, the artillery on the north of the city wall was not idle. They concentrated their efforts to attack both sides of the city gate. On the other side, a large number of shells exploded in this area. Now it is not just a problem of cracks. A section of the city wall has begun to collapse, exposing the soil inside.

The inside of the Vietnamese city wall is all made of adobe, and the outside is built with bricks. Now the bricks outside have been blown up, and the adobe inside cannot last long. According to the current attack intensity of the Tang Dynasty army, It will only take an hour or two at most. By then, these earthen beasts will collapse, and the Tang cavalry will rush in.

The plan really couldn't keep up with the big change. He had just sent his most elite troops. Wu Yuanhao couldn't wait to call them back immediately. If Fan Mingzheng's people were by his side, it would still be too much to retreat into the mountains with them now. Too greedy, you should have waited for people to retreat into the mountains and forests from the beginning.

At least some of them could be brought in at that time. Looking at the chaos now, I really don’t know how many people can be gathered.

"You quickly catch up with Fan Mingzheng and ask him to retreat to the mountains and forests on the southwest side. Take as many of your men as you can. We can no longer hold on here. The whole army retreats into the mountains and forests and burns the city..."

Wu Yuanhao could only continue to change his orders... (End of this chapter)

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