"You'd better put this idea of ​​yours to rest. If the casualties are really so severe, I'm afraid I won't be able to explain it to His Highness. They haven't caused much consequences yet, and we can check for deficiencies in other places. It’s not time for you to go deep into the battle to fix the leaks.”

Of course Changsun Ze knew how much Li Xiang valued this army. If they were allowed to spread out like this, Li Xiang would probably feel uncomfortable by then. Although it is said that raising troops for a thousand days and using them for a while, as he said As I said, our situation has not deteriorated to that extent yet. There is no need for our brothers to risk their lives. We still have some other methods that we have not used.

"What else can you do?"

Huo Qubing said strangely that when they were training, Li Xiang told them in order to let them go to the mountains and forests to pull these people out. Isn't this an opportunity now? There is no way to fight without killing people. If we don't fight if we are afraid of dying, what do we, the military, do?

What is being attacked now is the military's logistics line. After a while, it may be the merchant's transportation line. This is not good for the economic recovery between the two places. Under the influence of Li Xiang, they have basically seen the importance of the economy. Sex.

"If you look at the majority of our logistics transport teams they attacked, they were relatively small. We can set a rule in the army, for example, send out a logistics transport team every three days. The size of this transport team should be With more than a thousand people, when they see that our strength is relatively strong, these people may not dare to take action. In addition, uh, we have a last resort, which is to burn the mountain."

When Chang Sunze said this, Huo Qubing felt chilled beside him. The first method is often used in the army. If you want to sneak attack our logistics transportation team, then we will arm the logistics transportation team. I won't give you guys a chance to make a sneak attack.

But if the second method is not controlled well, it is very likely that the entire mountain will be set on fire. Of course, there is no such thing as environmental protection.

"Will Your Highness agree to burning the mountain?"

Huo Qubing thought of Li Xiang's character. He loved small animals and plants very much. If a fire burned all the forests on the mountain, it would be difficult to explain to Li Xiang!

"Come and read His Highness Taisun's letter for yourself. His Highness has already explained that if burning the mountains can force them out, the worst we can do is burn all the surrounding mountains and forests. If that doesn't work. , then I can only send you in."

Chang Sunze took out a letter written by Li Xiang from behind his back. When he saw this letter, Huo Qubing was very moved. A superior person pays so much attention to the life and death of his brothers below, which will make everyone more willing to give to him. Work hard, even if it means burning down all the nearby mountains and forests, you still have to save these brothers under Huo Qubing.

"Then what are you waiting for? Since His Highness has agreed, I will immediately ask people to set fire, starting around our military camp? It has not rained for a while. If there are burns, it should be easy to ignite."

Huo Qubing said angrily, although only one logistics transport team has been attacked now, he understands the situation on the battlefield very well. If we don't have a new way to deal with it, the other side will immediately expand on this front after they taste the sweetness. The results above.

"Don't be anxious. Even if we want to burn the mountain, we have to do it in a planned way. It's not possible at this stage. We have to surround the mountain before we burn it. They can't stand the fire on the mountain. We have to rush down. If there are no of our people around, they will run from this mountain forest to that mountain forest. We still cannot effectively reduce their combat effectiveness. We can only take care of the city under our feet first. Only then can we discuss burning the mountain."

After hearing what Chang Sunze said, Huo Qubing scratched the back of his head in embarrassment. He was too impulsive in doing things.

While the two were discussing how to deal with the Vietnamese army in the mountains and forests, Wu Yuanhao also set up a temporary tent of his own in the mountains.

This guy ran out in a very embarrassed state. Although everyone around him followed him, all kinds of things were thrown away in the city. Especially when he saw that Luo Cheng was still intact, he wanted to give up all his generals. Cut it off. How did I tell you that the city must be destroyed before you leave the city?

According to his idea, since we can no longer defend it, we cannot leave a complete city to them and let them know our determination to resist. Who knew that after Wu Yuanhao got on his horse, the people behind him also followed. They didn't want to stay in this city as prisoners.

Of course, if they knew that life in the mountains and forests was so difficult, I'm afraid they would still be willing to be prisoners. From the day they came in, they lived on wild fruits and some grass roots in the mountains, because before they came in I didn’t bring any good things with me. I could catch some wild animals in the past two days, but if it took too long, the forest would be eaten up sooner or later.

In the past, their ancestors did persevere in the mountains and forests, and resisted the Han army for two years. However, those people did not rely on supplies from the mountains, but relied on people from the south to send them up. From time to time, they also Go and plunder the logistics transport vehicles of the Han army so that they can stay in the mountains.

Nowadays, they have to use the old method. Although they attacked Datang's logistics transport vehicle this time, because Datang soldiers responded well and used small grenades during the retreat, they directly blew up the vehicle. There wasn't much left for them at all. This trip only brought back less than a few hundred kilograms of food, which was definitely a drop in the bucket for their army.

"You all keep your heads down, what are you doing? I know the harvest this time is a bit small, but for us, this is also a very good start. Their logistics will definitely not be consolidated. In the next period of time, you will all look for your subordinates." I really don’t believe it if good hands rob them, let’s see how long they can hold on.”

Wu Yuanhao knew that he couldn't let these people idle. Once they were idle, they would cause trouble. He had to make them all move. (End of chapter)

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