The Strongest Imperial Grandson of the Great Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1420 Sneak attack on the transport team

Although Huo Qubing and others came out, there are intelligence stations in Datang everywhere. As long as they go there, they can know most of the recent things. Of course, it is impossible to know too much detail. The main reason is that they are afraid that the intelligence stations will be compromised by others. Come on, if that's the case, then we won't have any secrets.

"Sneak attacks are quite active, basically at 2 to 3 times a day, but the number of people has dropped significantly. At the beginning, it could even reach a scale of two to three thousand people, but now it only has a scale of five to six hundred people. The combat effectiveness has dropped. It’s also very powerful, because this is provided by the intelligence station, so there is no more detailed information.”

The people under his command carry several pieces of information with them, but they must destroy it immediately after telling them. The others will continue to be kept close to them. If anything happens, they must be destroyed immediately.

"That's right. Look at how bad they are. I guess they didn't take care of Laolinzi at the beginning. They just wanted to sneak attack us here. If there is no outside support, I think they will probably do it on their own. Death inside, this old forest is definitely not as simple as they think."

Huo Qubing said very confidently. Several young generals next to him also picked up their telescopes. They could see very clearly through the telescopes. Many people were now as thin as firewood, saying that they were all like mummies. There are no problems, obviously it has been a long time since I received various supplements.

"Even if these people are well cultivated, I guess their combat effectiveness will not be restored. However, after they establish this transportation channel, I am afraid that there will be a continuous flow of material resources, which will also have a big impact on us."

The few people present said with some worry that the situation at the rear was getting better, because the old forest really couldn't support so many people, so the situation of these people was getting worse, but if the King of Vietnam continued to support the old forest, , then the lives of these people are about to get better. Doesn’t it mean that our transportation team in the rear will encounter a larger-scale war?

"I can't see that we should change the battle plan immediately. We are not going to sneak attack on them anymore. We will stay around the royal city and specially attack their transport team. Since they can sneak attack on our transport team, we can also sneak attack on them. Yes, and it would be much more uncomfortable for them to lose a transport team than for us to lose a transport team."

After Huo Qubing finished speaking, the eyes of those present immediately lit up. In addition to land transportation lines, we also have sea transportation lines. Even if all the transportation materials are burned by them, then we can still recover from them. Get enough supplies at sea.

But the Vietnamese army in the old forest is different. Apart from this transportation line, they have no other way to obtain supplies. As long as we stay in the Royal City of Vietnam and other transportation thoroughfares and inquire about their When the transportation team sets off, we will destroy this batch of supplies directly. We can't hold on in the mountains and forests at all.

However, Huo Qubing also saw another side through this investigation, that is, the Vietnamese army has very strong tenacity.

Now these people are basically at the end of their rope, but they have not forgotten their mission at all. By retreating south, they can return to their hometowns. However, they did not choose this road. Instead, they continued to follow Wu Yuanhao. During the attack on the Tang army in the mountains, many people were so thin that they would never be the same as normal people after they recovered. They still did not retreat.

His Royal Highness the Emperor Taisun said back then that the troops here are not like those from other places. Their combat effectiveness is still very strong. You should not try to take advantage of them. You can only defeat them hard on the battlefield. And We have to destroy all the energy and energy of these people, otherwise even if we rule this area in the future, we will not be able to take it for too long, and they will probably take it back in the end.

When Li Xiang said this at that time, many people didn't take it seriously at all. They thought that Li Xiang had too high regard for these Vietnamese, including Huo Qubing. But now Huo Qubing has changed his mind. What Li Xiang said is true. So An army would have to make them suffer greater losses, and the faith in their hearts would have to be defeated.

Huo Qubing's battle plan reached the intelligence station at an extremely fast speed, and then reached Chang Sunze's hands at an extremely fast speed.

After thinking about it, Sun Ze believes that Huo Qubing's battle plan is currently the most reliable. Although we have naval warships, the current situation has also changed. Coastal cities are not the targets we want to attack. These talents in the mountains and forests are If we fail to deal with the target we want to attack, then we continue to move south, which means that these people in the mountains and forests will cause us more harm.

So Changsun Ze immediately selected 1,500 people from his army to join Huo Qubing's 3,000 people, and let them continue to fight in the rear of Vietnam.

Of course, these people were all broken up into pieces. Fortunately, there are many Han Chinese in Vietnam. If there were not so many, we really would not be able to hide these people. Although the Vietnamese court has begun to discuss, Don't lump all these Han people together, but there will always be loopholes.

Wu Yuanhao finally got the first batch of supplies that he had been longing for, but this first batch of supplies was so small that not all people could even have a full meal.

I heard that people from the Tang Dynasty pretended to be him and went to the royal city. This guy was also yelling angrily. I really didn’t expect that people from the Tang Dynasty had such a conspiracy. In their impression, they always thought that the army of the Tang Dynasty was only They know how to fight head-on and don't know how to play these tricks. Now it seems that they really think highly of them.

In fact, this is a very normal thing. When the Han people read Sun Tzu's Art of War, you people don't even have normal writing skills. How can you go against them?

Wu Yuanhao persuaded the envoys from the imperial court with good words that they must transport a large amount of supplies to them after they return, and at the same time transport back some people who can't hold on. If they can be given another batch of fresh troops, then that's it. The better, they will be able to better attack the Tang army... (End of this chapter)

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