Seeing the proud look on their faces, Li Xiang snorted coldly. These people seemed to be enjoying themselves when they were suddenly whipped by someone else. They all stared at them, wanting to see what Li Xiang would do next. What to say next.

"Since you know our advantages, do you have anything else to rely on?"

Prime Minister Midu is cunning and cunning, and he also wants to use these words to find out what the Tang Dynasty is thinking, so that we can use this to show off his tactics.

"Now that we are here, we have plenty of ways to deal with you. You are right. You people come and go without a trace on the grassland. However, the area of ​​the grassland is only so large. There are only a few areas with rich water and grass in this grassland. , we only need to send troops to occupy these few areas, I believe your remaining areas cannot support you, right?"

After Li Xiang finished speaking this half, Prime Minister Midu and the people behind him could no longer laugh. What Li Xiang said was true. The grassland looked very vast, but there were not many places with rich water and grass. Here they also The Tang court basically knew the place where cattle and sheep grew the fastest in recent years. If they sent troops to occupy this area, it would be a fatal blow to Tuyuhun's grazing industry.

"And you said that you have hundreds of thousands of warriors in Tuyuhun. I don't object to this at all. I also know that they are very brave. But do you know how many people there are in the Tang Dynasty? The Tang Dynasty is only in the western border states. The population of the Tang Dynasty is larger than yours. Maybe our military force cannot keep up with yours, but we can fight two, or even three or four. At that time, the population of the Tang Dynasty was still rich, and hundreds of thousands of people died. People like me, Datang, can take their breath away, but can you, Tuyuhun?"

Li Xiang's voice became louder and louder, and his words became more and more harsh. The face of General Qin Qiong next to him changed drastically. For the entire Tang Dynasty, if there were millions of casualties, it is estimated that the Tang Dynasty would also insist on They can't go on anymore, but it's even harder for Tuyuhun. They only have a few million people. If they really fight for casualties, they will never be on the same level as the Tang Dynasty.

Prime Minister Midu's breathing has become rapid. This is also the biggest gap between the two countries. If the fight continues in this direction, Tuyuhun may have the upper hand within a year or two, but after their elite disappears, here The one who calls the shots is Datang.

"Don't worry, Prime Minister. I haven't finished what I said here. To the south of you should be the territory of the Tubo Empire. I heard that their relationship with you is not good. Tubo Zampo Songtsen Gampo, Lao He has long been dissatisfied with your control of the trade routes, so your frictions have continued, but he has admired me, the Tang Dynasty, for a long time. If we send envoys to join them and attack Tuyuhun from the south and the north, you can still have A way out?”

Li Xiang said lightly, but who dares to say that these things cannot become a reality. Once these things become a reality, Tuyuhun will have no way to survive immediately, let alone two empires. Even if one empire attacks him with all its strength, Tuyuhun There is no power to parry.

"If our Tuyuhun disappears, you will have to face the Tubo Kingdom in the south. They are not easy to deal with. Aren't you afraid of facing war then?"

What Prime Minister Midu said is also true. The reason why the Tang Dynasty kept the country of Tuyuhun was because it was temporarily unwilling to meet with the Tubo Kingdom. The guy on the plateau was also ambitious, although on the surface he kept sending envoys to the Tang Dynasty. , but the top management of Datang knew exactly what they were thinking. This was also an important reason why Tuyuhun could exist.

"Prime Minister, you are joking. We did think so more than ten years ago, because at that time our court had just been established and many things were not on the right track, so we might still have the help of you Tuyuhun, but in these ten years In the past few years, you have not done anything serious for us. Instead, you have been constantly looking for trouble in the border areas. Now the comprehensive national strength of the Tang Dynasty has increased countless times. If I don't take this opportunity to destroy you, how can I still do it? Do you want to leave it to future generations? As for the Tubo Kingdom you mentioned, do you think it can be a rival to the Tang Dynasty?"

Li Xiang was full of heroism when he spoke, and the soldiers of the Tang Dynasty around him also straightened their backs. Just as our Highness Chang Sun said, no country in the world has the strength to fight.

"Tubo Kingdom..."

Prime Minister Midu wanted to emphasize the power of the Tubo Kingdom, but suddenly the words stuck in his throat. No matter whether the Tubo Kingdom is powerful or not, what you should be most concerned about at this moment is not others, but how you, Tuyuhun, should do. Stay alive.

"Prime Minister, you don't need to emphasize any country. You just need to remember one sentence. Anyone who dares to stop our Heavenly Army of the Tang Dynasty will be doomed."

Li Xiang slightly bent his body so that the other party could hear him more clearly. When Li Xiang said this, Prime Minister Midu just raised his head and glanced at Li Xiang. At this moment, he felt that Li Xiang was like a ghost in religion. The people are really terrible.

"Huh... let's go, we Tuyuhun will not give in."

Prime Minister Midu didn't know how to continue the conversation. Some people around him, including some, had no morale now. If the conversation continued, he might be afraid of the people opposite him.

"Your Excellency, Prime Minister, you must be careful about the door tonight. Our army of the Tang Dynasty likes to stay in daylight and go out at night."

While the other party was not far away, General Qin Qiong stood up and said, This is also a disguised admission that we did what happened last night. Even if we admit it, what can you do? Under the crushing force of comprehensive national power, you Tuyuhun really have no power to fight back.

"The Tang Dynasty is mighty."

When General Qin Qiong stood up, Li Xiang instantly pulled out his sword.

"The Tang Dynasty is mighty."

Thousands of soldiers behind them were waving their weapons. In the distance, Tuyuhun's army had already begun to form a team in despair. When they arrived, their morale was high, but after this negotiation, their morale dropped. Eighty-eight.

"Go back to camp..."

General Qin Qiong laughed for a while. This laughter was heard very clearly by the soldiers of the Tang Army, but to the soldiers of Tuyuhun, it was like laughing at them, but they did not know how to refute the emperor's eldest grandson. Discourse.

Prime Minister Midu turned around and looked angrily at Li Xiang who was retreating...

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