After returning to General Tiance's Mansion, there were still a bunch of people waiting here. Niu Jinda and Su Dingfang didn't go home either. Originally, Li Xiang wanted to have a good talk with his family, but who knew that he would be dragged over to drink by these guys again? , Li Xiang could only smile apologetically to his family.

It is said that people cannot help themselves when they are in the Jianghu. In fact, Li Xiang feels that people cannot help themselves when they are in the court. If you are a son or daughter of the Jianghu, if your ability is high enough, then you don’t need to look at anyone’s face or what they want to do. Just do whatever you want, at least look after the children at home and there will be no problem.

But if you are in the court, many things will be different. Take the matter at hand as an example. No one has gone home, they are all waiting for you here. If you don't give face and go directly to the back house, then these How to calculate people’s positivity?

When facing enemies, Li Xiang can kill decisively, without caring about what these enemies think, and can even deal with them at any time. But these people in front of him are all brothers of Li Xiang, and they have all followed Li Xiang in the north and south, so Li Xiang couldn't order them directly. Looking at the fiery looks in their eyes, Li Xiang seemed to understand what they meant.

These people have stayed in Chang'an City for more than two years, including Niu Jinda and Su Dingfang, both of whom are still in their prime. If they continue to stay in Chang'an City, they will probably become useless. , so the two of them have made up their minds. If Li Xiang goes to the Western Region this time, these two people must follow him.

"Your Highness, let me tell you, these days are really not what people live. Do you know how we live every day? After getting up in the morning, we go to the yamen to work, and then we look at these things on the table, and keep looking at them. It's almost sunset in the afternoon, and then I go for a horse race outside the city. I can't do anything else. Look at my old cow's belly. If I continue to stay, I'm afraid I'll really go to bed one day. No more battlefield."

After everyone drank a few glasses of wine, there was no longer the restraint between superiors and subordinates, especially Niu Jinda and Su Dingfang. This person was Li Xiang's favorite general in the past. Otherwise, it would not have been possible for the two of them to compete on Tiance. On duty in the general's mansion, these two people can be regarded as role models for military generals in the imperial court.

"Your Highness, Lao Niu and I both live the same life. Although I don't have any fat on my belly, I'm very decadent. When I was in the army, drinking a pound of wine didn't cause any problems. Now I'm eight The two drinks are almost gone. This city of Chang'an is really not a place for us to live peacefully. I hope His Highness will give us a way to survive. If there is another war with the Arab Empire this time, the two of us will have to go there no matter what. ”

Su Dingfang and Niu Jinda have already discussed it. At this moment, they are sitting on both sides of Li Xiang. They also know that it is impossible for both of them to go out. Someone must stay here in the Tiance Admiral's Mansion, so the two of them feel that one of them can go out. Okay, at least half of the chance is on your own head. If you don't do this, then the two of you might as well continue to live in Chang'an City. You will have leisure, but then again, wait until you really want to On the day when you have to pick up your sword and go to the battlefield, maybe the person is already disabled.

"You two seem to have discussed it. You don't have to tell me left and right. I have an idea in my mind about the placement of you people. Since I went to the south, you have not been rotated. According to your With their merits, they should not go to the front line again, but as you said, if you really don't go, they may be useless in Chang'an City, and it is impossible for me to let the two generals under him be useless. ”

After hearing Li Xiang's words, the two of them immediately became energetic. They thought that complaining to Li Xiang would only make them walk around in a circle. Even if one of them went to the front line, that would not be the case. It may take a few months to follow Li Xiang this time.

But from what Li Xiang said, it seems that when he goes to the Western Regions this time, he is really planning to take these guys there. If this is the case, we can be considered successful. Following Li Xiang on the battlefield again is better than being in Chang'an. It's much better to hang out in the city.

"Your Highness, are you really ready to take us away? If so, there are still many things to do in Admiral Tiance's Mansion, and we need to find some suitable people to take over. Is there anyone who can be chosen? If there is someone, We need to train starting tomorrow.”

Niu Jinda was a more pragmatic guy and immediately asked who would take over the house of Admiral Tiance. He had to hurry up and hand over these things in his hand. Only by finding the person who would take over could the matter be settled. After all, Li Xiang had just I have also drunk a lot of wine. What if I talk nonsense under the influence of wine? Wouldn't that be joy in vain?

"I am an impartial person. You two can only go one way. Of course, I know who to let go and who not to go. You two must not be happy mentally. Then let's just make a bet. I am in the same bowl. Write two notes. If you have any black spots, you can come with me. If you don’t have any black spots, you can stay in Chang’an. Do you have any objections? "

As soon as Li Xiang said this, although the two of them were a little disappointed, they knew that this was also the case. If the two generals sitting in the Tiance Admiral's Mansion were to leave together, then they really wouldn't know what to say. Well, such a busy work here cannot be handed over immediately, so there is a way to avoid all this, and that is to take away one of the generals and let the other general stay and take charge.

"I am willing to admit defeat."

The two high-fived each other at the same time. They were both men, and they were both good at peeing while standing. As long as Li Xianghua came up with the idea, the two of them would dare to follow suit, not to mention that they had discussed it earlier. Going alone is better than going to the east. The two of them really have enough time in Chang'an City.

People who fight on the battlefield every day, watch the war going on outside every day, and all kinds of information are sent here one by one, but the two of them have no other choice but to watch every day, which makes them feel very uncomfortable. , so even if one of them walks away, it is much better than not being able to move around.

"Get a pen and paper."

When Li Xiang saw that both of them agreed, he immediately asked his men to bring paper and pen, and asked the two people to draw lots on the spot. After seeing this scene, the people below were very excited in their hearts. Admiral Tiance's Mansion There are two groups of people among them. No matter whose general catches him, one group of people will follow him. (End of chapter)

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