The Strongest Imperial Grandson of the Great Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1532 The current situation of Gaochang

After inspecting the market and the army, Li Xiang also met with some officials from Gaochang. After General Molun left, the officials in Gaochang were now scattered, and there were no major officials. Most of them were county governors of various counties.

According to the division of the court, the original land of Gaochang was divided into six counties and forty-seven counties.

In the original palace of Gaochang, Li Xiang also met these people one by one. Most of them were Han people from the interior, and a small number were local people. When the counties were divided, the court also sent a lot of people. Although they were in a hurry when they first came and didn’t know much about the local situation, after this period of familiarity, they basically mastered the situation in their respective territories.

Many Gaochang officials also saw that when His Royal Highness the Grandson summoned them, he often said a few words of encouragement and then went directly. But if it was a Han official, he would talk about some serious things. It seems that if we want to have a deeper contact with His Royal Highness the Grandson, we must make meritorious deeds on the battlefield, otherwise, with our original family background, we will never be able to integrate.

Li Xiang did this intentionally. Before he came, he had people spread the news and told them about the courtesy General Molun received in various places. If you want to be treated like this, you must have great achievements on the battlefield. As long as you can make achievements on the battlefield, the Tang Dynasty will never treat you unfairly.

Many people know that this is a trick, which is what many people call Yang Mou, but what can they do? They can only honestly get into this bag, because everyone hopes to climb up. If they stay in one place, they don’t have to come out to be officials. Since they have come out, who doesn’t want to be an official more and more?

The Han officials watched all this coldly. Of course, they knew the famous saying of His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, that is, those who are not of my race must have different hearts. If you want to be on an equal footing with us, you will have to pay more than twice the price. If you want to say it is unfair, then who made you reincarnate without becoming a Han Chinese?

After meeting with these officials, Li Xiang led the army to continue westward. Gaochang was relatively prosperous. Every ten miles or so, they could meet some tribes on the edge of the grassland. However, compared with the last time Li Xiang came, many young people were gone in the tribes.

Thinking about the Gaochang army with a total of more than 100,000 people, Li Xiang knew where these young people were going. If they continued to graze on the grassland, they could at most improve their lives, but if they joined the Tang army, they could fundamentally improve the class of their entire family.

General Moron's story has been compiled into a fast-paced book, and now it is being sung in turn among the major armies in the Western Regions. Many soldiers in the Western Regions also regard General Moron as their idol, fantasizing that one day they will be able to make great contributions to the Tang court and then go to Chang'an City to meet His Majesty the Emperor.

Now General Moron has gone to the south to serve as a protector general. Of course, they know how much territory a protector general has to manage. If they have that ability one day, their lives will be so exciting.

Li Xiang's brainwashing methods are varied. Anyone may become the protagonist of the story. For the high-level, look at General Morun. For the low-level, look at many Gaochang soldiers. They grow from ordinary soldiers to officers, and then receive bonuses from the court, and then they can let their families live in Chang'an City.

Anyway, the rumors are true. In addition to the original Gaochang nobles, there are very few ordinary people who can really live in Chang'an City. However, the news spreads extremely slowly in this era. As long as you can tell the lie well enough, others have no place to verify the truth.

In everyone's eyes, Chang'an City is like a paradise in this world. If you can move your whole family to Chang'an City to live, it is worth it even if you risk your life. It's the same as the Western Regions. There is big yellow sand every three days and small yellow sand every two days. If you are not prepared, you can spit out half a pound of sand after returning home.

And they also got another news that the average life expectancy in the Western Regions is only about forty years old. Think about it, it is indeed the case. If a tribe has people in their fifties, it is indeed a happy thing.

But around Chang'an City, people in their fifties are everywhere, and there are even people in their seventies and eighties. This shows that Chang'an City is protected by gods. Li Xiang understands that the natural environment there is slightly better, but the common people of this era do not understand that they can relate everything to gods.

When Li Xiang knew the legends of these people, he did not think of standing up to expose them. You can think whatever you want, just think that it is related to gods. Anyway, even under the influence of gods, they are willing to take their families to live in Chang'an City.

"Your Highness, the major tribes in Gaochang are still rich. This time in the war against the Arab Empire, I have discussed with Lord Xiao that if the tribes in Gaochang contribute money, they can also collect nearly 8 million strings of money."

Li Xiang and Zhang Jiuli rode in a carriage together. Zhang Jiuli saw Li Xiang and kept looking at the tribes on both sides of the carriage. The tents inside were layered one after another, and some tribes stretched for several miles. It was obvious that they were very rich.

"Will it affect their normal life and production?"

This number is indeed quite large. You must know that this is the Gaochang Kingdom, not the inland area of ​​the Tang Dynasty. Even in the inland areas of the Tang Dynasty, where agricultural production is relatively high, if you want to collect this tax, That is also a bit difficult. I didn't expect these people in Gaochangguo to be so rich.

"Some tribes can be affected, but most tribes cannot be affected. These people used to herd sheep. Now after a war, the number of people has decreased a lot, and their pastures have expanded, so Their wealth has increased a lot.”

Zhang Jiuli has investigated these people, and their drafts have been submitted, but they have not come down yet, so he simply reported directly to Li Xiang, mainly because Li Xiang had too many things to do. Stare at them. (End of chapter)

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