
This is located in the southern part of Central Asia, which is the experience of Afghanistan today. The patrol team of the Tang Dynasty army has arrived here. Before, they had to go about 300 miles north of here, but because the two countries were going to war, the Tang Dynasty army began to spread southward.

This patrol team has about 300 people. As long as they go deep into the territory of the Arab Empire, according to the requirements of the Tang Dynasty army, the number of people cannot be less than 300. The main reason is that after the number of people increases, their various equipment is also relatively complete. Once they are surrounded by the Arab Empire, they can also have the strength to protect themselves.

If there are only a few people, I am afraid there is nothing to say. Of course, it is easy to be exposed when there are more people, but there are not many people in the surrounding area, so it is still easy for them to survive. What's more, they have sounding balloons. When the enemy is dozens of miles away, they can find a place to run. As long as they are not surrounded by the enemy, everything is easy to say, but the Arab Empire does not need to mobilize a large number of troops to surround a patrol team of 300 people.

"Report to the captain, the news has been passed down, the surrounding is very safe."

Captain Wang Shentong, a native of Jiangnan, has served in the northwest for more than three years. It can be said that he has been promoted from an old soldier. This time, leading the patrol team to the south is a good opportunity for him.

This guy does not have a good background. If he wants to rise, he must have some merits in his hands. If he does not have any merits, it is probably not easy to say. Now this guy has left 300 miles with his people. According to the instructions from above, they will be able to meet the army of the Arab Empire in a few days.

In fact, they have encountered many troops of the Arab Empire along the way, but these troops are all affiliated with the local army, which is the second devil army of the Arab Empire.

These areas originally belonged to the Arab Empire. They were conquered by the Arab Empire, so they had no sense of belonging to the Arab Empire. When they heard that the Arab Empire and the Tang army were fighting, these people seemed to be watching the fun. After seeing the Tang army, these people didn't care. As long as you can take out money, maybe I can sell you a batch of supplies. Now these people under Wang Shentong bought a lot of fodder from the local army.

When marching in such a place, there is nothing else except camels. Even if you want to ride a warhorse to fight, you have to think about what the warhorse eats. If the large army moves south, it mainly relies on camels. This is the best means of transportation in the desert.

"Ask the patrol teams around to see where they are. We have been rushing a little fast these days. We cannot exceed the average distance of everyone. If we exceed too much, it will not be good for us."

Wang Shentong is a strong individual. If he fights alone, four or five people are not his opponents. But when it comes to team action, this guy is very clear and will never take risks. Once he exceeds the contact distance between the patrol teams, he will immediately shrink back. It's not that he doesn't want to make merit, but he knows the power of the team.

After entering the Tang army, everyone from top to bottom will give you some brainwashing education, so that you can get rid of your personal heroism. If you are the only one left, you can play as you want, but if there are brothers around, you must consider the power of the group.

After receiving the order, the sounding balloon began to move to the surrounding area.

"Black-clad Arab army."

Just one hour after the sounding balloon left, his men shouted loudly.

On the hillside in the distance, troops wearing black gauze robes have appeared. These people are not local troops. They should belong to the Arab Empire, but there are not many of them, about two or three hundred.

"Line up."

Wang Shentong touched his bald head and quickly ordered his men to gather. Now the sounding balloon is going around. If it is above our heads, we can also know the situation of the other party. Now the distance is about ten miles. For the cavalry of the Arab Empire, it will take a few breaths to rush over, not to mention that they are at a high altitude.

"Do you want to release another balloon?"

One of his soldiers said that there are multiple sounding balloons in the patrol team. If one has a problem, the others can still take over. Now that one is being pulled by a camel to find our patrol team elsewhere. If we want to know the strength of the other party, we must raise another sounding balloon.

"It's too late now. Order the artillery to prepare the musketeers outside, and the other troops to prepare for battle."

Spreading a sounding balloon and then raising it into the sky is no joke. It will take a long time at least. The current situation does not allow us to have such an environment, so we can only prepare first.

If Wang Shentong knew the situation of the other party, he would never stay on the defensive here. It is very likely that he would lead his men to kill. We all have hundreds of people. Think about it, our losses in the war with the Arab Empire are nothing compared to you.

The Arab Empire's army did not expect to find the Tang army here. They were the northernmost scouts of the Arab Central Army this time. According to their thinking, they should go a few hundred miles north to see the Tang army. It seems that the local army did nothing.

Obviously, the Arab Empire's army was hesitant. If they had met the Tang army in the past, they would have raised their scimitars directly, but at this moment, these people were not sure what they were doing on the hillside. Wang Shentong made a prompt decision and ordered his artillery to fire.

Several crossbows fired instantly, and the shells exploded around the Arab Empire soldiers. They had not figured out how to deal with it yet? The Tang soldiers' crossbows had already hit them. At such a long distance, they had no weapons that could hit the Tang soldiers' heads.

Many people had never seen the power of gunpowder. When the crossbow exploded, many people did not even hide. As a result, they were covered with holes all over their bodies, and the blood directly dyed the desert below red.

The soldiers' horses and camels had never seen an artillery shell explode, and they immediately became chaotic. Wang Shentong also drew his sword... (End of this chapter)

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