The Strongest Imperial Grandson of the Great Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1547 Cooperation among the three armies

Many links were omitted. The commanders of both sides had not even met each other, and they did not say a word. The Arab cavalry on the opposite side had already started to attack. These people had only camels under their crotches and swords in their hands, except for the robes on their bodies. It was really simple.

"You have never seen Arab cavalry, today I will let you take a good look. These people are purely born for war. When they pass by, they are like locusts, crushing all the society you have created. What you have to do is to kill them all before they rush in."

Li Chengyi looked back and saw that many people in the team had disdain on their faces. These people had fought with the cavalry of the Arab Empire before. Although this army ran in a more orderly formation, in their opinion, when our artillery sounded, it was also a pile of loose sand.

Others were transferred from other places. There was a trace of doubt in their eyes. How could they fight like this? The two sides had just met for only half an hour, and the other side had already launched an attack regardless of anything. Our scouts did not come back. Did yours already go back? Do you know us?

As the military strategy says, knowing yourself and the enemy will ensure victory in every battle. Don't they care about this at all?

"Artillery, get ready, enter the range in half a quarter."

According to the ancient timekeeping unit, a quarter of an hour is fifteen minutes, which is about seven minutes now, and the enemy will be able to enter our range.

Thirty-six artillery pieces have been deployed. In addition, there are more than a hundred crossbows in the rear, but the crossbows have a shorter range, but they are also ready.

In front of these people, more than 2,400 musketeers are also ready. They are divided into two batches and shoot alternately.

Behind the musketeers, 1,500 soldiers hold chain crossbows to clear the obstacles near the musketeers, and the musketeers specialize in attacking the cavalry in the distance. The two armies cooperate with each other. As long as there are no loopholes, theoretically no one can rush into our camp.

Behind the entire army, more than 3,000 cavalry are ready. When the enemy tends to collapse, our cavalry will immediately rush up and will not give the enemy any chance.

"Warriors, hold your scimitars and charge at the pagans in front. No one can stop you or the believers of the true God. We are the masters of this land, and all the Tang army is our stepping stone..."

The Arab generals were also encouraging their soldiers. In their eyes, they were almost all fighting spirit. They also wanted to defeat the Tang army and then realize their own fame. In this way, they would be like fighting all over the world. No matter whether it was the Western or Eastern army, they were not their opponents.

The soldiers also clamped their lanterns, wishing that the scimitars were about to cut off the necks of the Tang soldiers. Just when they were dreaming of this, there was a sound of shaking the earth.

Not far from a cavalryman, a fireball suddenly appeared. He hadn't figured out what was going on yet? The whole person fell in the opposite direction of the fireball. Even if he was straddling a camel, he couldn't stabilize his body.

His luck was relatively good, at least he was not within the explosion range. Look at the soldiers who fell in front of him, they were covered in blood and wailing, completely different from the Arab soldiers a moment ago.

Those people were still fantasizing about making achievements and defeating the Tang army, but now they have no idea. They just want to know how they were injured. There is no Tang army in front of them, and they are not within the range of the opponent's bows and arrows. How did we get injured?

The Arab general who was just passionately encouraging morale has died at this moment. He is in the center of another fireball explosion, and even a complete body cannot be found.

The war horses and camels in the team have never seen such a situation. Many war horses are running around like crazy. The camels are running a little slower, so they have not fallen into such panic, but they soon began to move around. Many people fell off the camels' backs. You know, this is their childhood companion, and they have never seen such a panicked camel since they grew up.

The true god has brought down a disaster...

Many soldiers thought so in their hearts, because in their opinion, this kind of fireball has absolutely nothing to do with the Tang army. It must be the true god they believe in that has brought down a disaster. Otherwise, how could there be such an attack method? This has never happened in dreams.

A large number of fireballs exploded in their team. In fact, not many people were actually killed, only a small part of them, but when the fireballs appeared around, at least hundreds of soldiers and livestock were affected by the fireballs and ran around.

You must know that they are moving at high speed. When their livestock change direction slightly, it is not just themselves that are affected. More than a dozen people around and behind are affected. Looking from a high place, groups of camels and war horses fell to the ground.

These camels and war horses fell to the ground, and there may be a chance of survival. After all, they stand up faster, but the people on their backs are different. Once a person falls to the ground, even if he does not die, he is probably disabled.

For those present, they had never seen such a hell, and had never seen the Tang army. We were already in a mess. Not only did they not expect such a situation, but Li Chengyi and his Tang army had never thought of encountering such a situation.

This was the second large-scale battle between the two sides. During the last battle, you should have heard about our killer moves, and perhaps you should have your own way to deal with it, but from the current situation, it seems that these soldiers don’t know at all.

If you want to ask the reason, the intelligence blockade of the Arab Empire is an important reason. They failed on the eastern battlefield, but they couldn’t let their men know, so they blocked all of this. At this moment, some generals may regret it. If they could have informed the soldiers earlier, perhaps this situation would not have occurred. Now they have been defeated before the battle.

Li Chengyi was also a little annoyed. Are our musketeers no longer useful? They probably can’t rush up. (End of this chapter)

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