After more than half a month of marching, Li Xiang finally returned to the Anxi Protectorate. A group of officials here had already come out to greet him. A new city was still formed where the Anxi Protectorate is now.

"Your Highness is a thousand years old."

A group of people were waiting outside the Anxi Protector's Mansion to greet Li Xiang, but Li Xiang did not get out of the carriage, but directly entered the gate of the Anxi Protector's Mansion. All the princes and nobles of the Western Regions looked at each other, feeling a kind of feeling in their hearts. Bad feeling.

Some people are already guilty, because some time ago, they thought that the Tang army might be trapped, and then their opportunity would come. If they can take advantage of this opportunity to succeed, they will be worthy of themselves in the future. After all, this is not the territory of the Tang Dynasty. After their army comes, we can only serve as emperors for them. And according to the various policies of the Tang Dynasty, I am afraid that your next generation will want to be the emperor. It is impossible for the emperor.

Many people had planned very carefully, and they were able to gather people at a glance. Who knew that the Tang army came back from the front line without anyone noticing? I originally thought that it was His Highness Taisun who came back by himself, but who knew that more than a dozen people had come back? Wan Dajun came back together, and some of them are still on the way. Could it be that they were defeated?

If this is really the case, then they will feel very happy. Unfortunately, they are not defeated at all. Just look at the Arab prisoners in the team. There are many of them, and they are all dressed in rags. And many of them are very strong, and at first glance they are soldiers of the Arab Empire.

Some people have also calculated that there must be at least tens of thousands of Arab Empire soldiers in several prisoner of war camps outside the city. This shows that a big victory has been won. For these little kings of the Western Regions, tens of thousands of soldiers The prisoners were absolutely an immeasurable victory.

"Master Protector, we have also prepared some gifts that we would like to present to His Highness the Grand Sun, do you think so?"

A nobleman from the Western Regions approached Xiao Shougui. He also took this opportunity to explore Li Xiang's tone. If Li Xiang did not meet with them, it would mean that what they had done should have been noticed. Next, they have to think about fleeing to the end of the world, but if Li Xiang meets them, they can observe the expression on Li Xiang's face. As long as he is not discovered, at worst, everyone can continue to hide. In the face of an army of hundreds of thousands Under their surveillance, there is no chance at all, and these people understand very well.

"His Highness has traveled a long distance and must be tired. Don't be anxious. Please stay here for a while. I will go in to see His Highness first and then convey your greetings. After all, His Highness grew up in Chang'an. The climate is very different from Chang'an. If we come back from Chang'an, we won't be able to bear it for a while. "

Xiao Shougui has made an agreement with Li Xiang a long time ago. The deployment has not been completed yet, so you have to stay here for a while. According to Xiao Shougui's original plan, they should have been killed long ago, but there may be bloodshed. Li Xiang The elephants are already preparing to return to the court, so let these people gather here first, and then capture these people together after the deployment is completed later.

"Master Protector is right. Your Majesty the Grand Sun should take good care of your health. We, the people, are here to wait for the good news."

Although the group felt something was wrong, they could not show it. If they really showed it, the Lord Protector in front of them would not be as gentle and gentle as he appeared. They had seen the viciousness of this Lord Protector earlier. , so they are communicating with eyes at this moment.

Of course, this kind of communication is basically useless. If you gather the troops, maybe Xiao Shougui can look at you. But your troops don't know where they are, and they are just a mob when they gather. How can they look at you?

At this moment, Li Xiang has got off the carriage. Although the carriage is spacious enough, it also makes Li Xiang very tired, not to mention the brothers on the horse. Therefore, all the people Li Xiang uses at this moment are from Chang'an City added that their mission was to arrest more than forty nobles outside and then behead them in the street.

In addition to this, there are also more than 40 noble family members, a total of more than 300 people, all of whom are slaves.

In the Tang Dynasty's Western Region policy, Li Xiang was very tolerant and did not want to make things like this, but there are some things that you can't help. Even if you want to save face for them, these people don't want face. Then I'll just be cruel to you people.

The reason why these people dared to join the camp was because the Tang Dynasty had never killed a large number of nobles. They simply sent their sons to Chang'an, or robbed all their money. As for their personal lives and the lives of their close relatives, it was Tang had never planned anything, so they were emboldened and wanted to rebel again and again.

Just when Li Xiang picked up the teacup, the decoration outside had been completed. The first to be relieved were the servants of the nobles. These people had not yet understood. They all stood next to their master's carriage, and then rushed in from both sides to count. Hundreds of soldiers, by the time they reacted, the knives were already at their necks.

"what happened?"

The noble who just spoke saw a large number of people rushing in from the surrounding area. Many musketeers on some rooftops on both sides were already ready. If you people move, don't blame us for being rude.

"Lord Protector, what's going on?"

Some people were still pretending to be confused. Xiao Shougui had already come out with a list. When he saw the person who was talking, Xiao Shougui waved his hand directly, and a musketeer behind him shot him. In full view of the crowd, the man was instantly shot dead.

"Others don't need to panic, but those who want to contact the rebels, your lives will end today. I think you should also know what's going on. Don't think that what you do in secret has not been discovered. His Royal Highness the Crown Prince is indeed more merciful, but today His Royal Highness is not going to continue to be merciful. All those involved will be beheaded immediately."

When Xiao Shougui finished speaking, some people still wanted to run out, but unfortunately the surroundings were already blocked, and their servants were also captured. These people didn't have any chance at all. They didn't touch you before, waiting for this day when you all gathered. (End of this chapter)

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