The Strongest Imperial Grandson of the Great Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1574 Difficulties of Immigration

During the long-term foreign wars, the Tang Dynasty accumulated a huge amount of land, but it was not easy to manage all these lands. After a long period of exploration, the managers of the Tang Dynasty also found a practical way, that is, immigration.

Many people were killed in various places. If someone resisted, you would kill people. Even if you killed all the local people, there would still be resistance in the end. Where there is oppression, there is resistance. Li Xiang was very clear about this.

Immigration can be said to be the lowest-cost movement. Bringing our people from the inland and letting them settle down in the local area may be a big problem in a short period of time, but as long as these people can persist, they will definitely give us more than they paid in the future.

In the occupied areas, Tang immigrants played a relatively important role. Take the current Goguryeo as an example. The local resistance forces have almost been suppressed. There is no need for official troops at all. The militia organizations organized by immigrants can arrest these resistance personnel.

Of course, they are the best developed areas, and there are also some areas that are not well developed. For example, the current Indochina Peninsula is mainly because there are many mountains and forests in the area, and bullying of immigrants often occurs. Even if the army captures local people, some of them can still run to the mountains.

As long as these people run into the mountains, their lives are basically saved. Of course, life in the mountains is not good. Some people have proposed to close the mountains, but then again, if you close the mountains, won’t some of the mountain delicacies inside be unable to come out? It is also a huge blow to the local economy.

So the only way is to continue to increase the number of immigrants. When the number of immigrants and the local people form a proper ratio, the local area can easily settle down. The Western Region is also like this, but if the Western Region wants to attract immigrants, it is more troublesome and more difficult than the Indochina Peninsula.

After hearing what Li Xiang said, Xiao Shougui smiled bitterly. Li Xiang knew how difficult it was. The Western Regions were too far away from Chang'an, and they were also on the front line of the war with the Arab Empire. So unless they couldn't survive, no one would be willing to come here.

Everyone knows the benefits of immigration. Look at Goguryeo and Fusang. As long as you have a fighting spirit, you have changed from a proletarian to a property owner. But is the Western Regions the same as those places?

People in Chang'an don't care which area this place is divided into, no matter whether it is Anxi Protectorate or other jurisdictions. In short, in their impression, as long as they are out of Yumen Pass, they still like to call this place the Western Regions.

Some people say that this place is very rich, and all kinds of oases are prosperous, but why don't you talk about those deserts?

Compared with the 21st century, the climate in the Western Regions is still good in this era, but even if it is good, it can't be compared with Chang'an. As long as there is a way to make a living in the inland, no one is willing to come to this place, so the immigration policy has been in place for several years, and there are only a handful of people coming here.

Among these people who came here, many people only have one idea, that is, to make a fortune here, and then take the money back to their hometowns, and have never thought about taking root here, because many people don't think about staying here for a long time, mainly because it is too dangerous here, and the natural environment is not something that ordinary people can overcome.

People coming from the inland basically have to get seriously ill here. The air here is extremely dry, and the food and drink are seriously different from those in the inland. If your body can't hold on, I'm afraid your life may be delayed here. In this era, acclimatization is a serious disease.

Take the Tang army for example. They conducted adaptive training in various places, but when a group of troops came from Chang'an City, many people still lost their lives. Although the proportion is not very high, it is still a death. Even the army paid such a high price, not to mention ordinary people, their price must be even greater.

"We have a total of three groups of immigrants, each of which has a small number of people. Now the total number is only more than 9,000 people. There is really no way to promote it. We have begun to provide cash subsidies, but no one is willing to come."

Among the immigrants from various places, they are generally given houses and land, and never given cash, because they are afraid that these people will run away after taking the cash. After all, people who are willing to immigrate to the frontier have certain defects in their moral character. If you expect them to take the money and take root here, I am afraid you really overestimate them.

But people in the Western Regions would not come even if they were paid, and would just run away after getting paid. People would not commit such a crime. It was mainly because it was too difficult to run back from here. Take Anxi Duhufu as an example. It was located in the west of the original 36 countries in the Western Regions. If the army wanted to run back to Chang'an from here, it would take about three months, and ordinary people would need more than half a year.

If they could live a stable life for half a year, they would be able to get the money to buy a house, and many people would still be willing to take the risk. But the question is, have you lived a normal life for half a year? You are struggling on the line between life and death almost every day. Even if you are physically strong and lucky, and have passed through one difficulty after another, but these local people with scimitars, are you afraid?

Li Xiang thought that the benefits of immigration were enough, but now it seems that it is far from the case. No matter how much benefits you give, when these people think that the local area is unsafe, they don’t need to come to earn this money. No one will have this plan if they take the money but have no life to spend it.

"It seems that we have to think of some new ways. If there are no immigrants from our local area, life will be difficult after all. Relying on our army alone, we have killed batches after batches. Now these forty or so people have proved that we killed fewer people before? That is much more than other places, but the problem is that we can’t get over this hurdle."

Li Xiang also drank a glass of wine in a depressed mood. Xiao Shougui also felt panic. His Highness handed this matter to him. It was obvious that he was dissatisfied with his work, but the problem was that he had racked his brains and didn’t know how to attract immigrants.

"Your Highness, if our Han immigrants can’t come, can we throw a group of other people over? For example, Gaoju Liren, for example, Fuso people, they have to act according to orders..." (End of this chapter)

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