After coming out of the Duhu Mansion, Jin Yuanzhi was surrounded by 200 Tang soldiers. In addition, there were 500 Goguryeo soldiers. These people will be mobilized by him from now on. He must mobilize them within ten days. It just takes a lot of people.

The time limit given by His Highness is fifteen days, but the time limit given by Fang Yiai is only ten days. He must gather these 1,500 households within ten days, and all of them must be first-class people. It is indeed For some difficult situations, the first batch to pass must be first-class people, and the rest can move later, but these first batch must gain a firm foothold.

According to Fang Yiai's request, if you want to become a first-class person in Goguryeo, in addition to doing your own thing well, you must also behave like a conspicuous person. You do things that others don't do, and others don't. You do one part of the job and you do two parts. In short, you just want to submit to the Tang Dynasty.

What we need now is this kind of people. After this kind of people arrive in the northwest, they will definitely merge with the people of Datang. If the local people bully them, these people can still block the swords for the people of Datang.

Of course, this is just a good estimate of ours. If we really go to the northwest, some things are really hard to say, but in the land of Goguryeo, first-class people will often report their compatriots and use the blood of their compatriots in exchange for If you don't report the food you eat, there is no way you can become a first-class person.

Fang Yiai also understood that after the nearly five thousand first-class people left, it was also a challenge to his rule. However, he still had many Korean second-class people here, and these people were not far behind the requirements of the first-class people. However, Fang Yiai only needs to deliberately control the number of first-class people. After all, first-class people work less time and distribute more food. If there are more first-class people, it means that Goguryeo’s output will be less. , so the number of first-class people in the entire Goguryeo territory was only 20,000.

Jin Yuanzhi didn't have any rest. He led his men to the surrounding gathering areas to arrest people. All the people of Goguryeo lived in a gathering area. There were various shacks here, and there were too many people per unit area. Many Goguryeo people must live here. If their master is willing to build a new home for them, then they can live near their master.

But most people in the Tang Dynasty still like to let them live here. After all, if they live near their new homes, these people are likely to pose a threat to their safety. It is better to let them live in official gathering points. You don’t need to pay a dime, you just need to pay more grain when harvesting.

Of course, for some beautiful or weak women, some Tang Dynasty men will not do this. They will pull these people back to warm the bed. For those men who work quickly, then you will live here for the rest of your life. Well, who made you strong and strong? If you fight with me at home, wouldn't you suffer a loss?

As for the resistance of these women, if you can't stop even one woman from resisting, then you might as well go back to the mainland of the Tang Dynasty. This place is not suitable for you to live.

Every commoner from the Tang Dynasty must undergo military training for two days a week. If someone does not go, he may be fined the first time, but the second time he will have to double the training, and the third time he may be fined. If you are repatriated, the people from the Datang Military Camp are directly responsible for this. It is useless for anyone to seek connections.

The reason why the Tang army is so responsible is actually for the safety of these people. If you guys don't conduct military training, you will be no different from ordinary people. The people of Goguryeo will be submissive to you around the soldiers, but if If the soldiers leave, do you still expect them to be submissive to you?

After working in the fields all day, nothing will be left in the end. All the surplus value belongs to you common people of the Tang Dynasty. If you want to say that they have no complaints in their hearts, do you really think that they are all thoughtless? They must have a desire to resist, so you have to train yourself in the military camp so that if something happens, you can resist for a while.

As long as you can resist the first wave of judgments, then the Tang army will have time to come over. In the past few years of occupying Goguryeo, there has been a lot of resistance from the people of Goguryeo. This is just because the armed forces of the local Tang people are relatively strong. Strong, so the people of Goguryeo did not gain any results, but exposed all their own resisters. The past two years have been a good life.

Thinking about those people who were killed before and those heads hanging at the entrance of the village, the people of Goguryeo did not dare to resist. But this time the situation was different from before. After Jin Yuanzhi led his men into the village, he started according to the list At the beginning, everyone ignored arresting people and thought it was normal, such as sending labor force to the army. Anyway, those with good health would come back after a while.

But the problem is that this time the whole family was kicked out. Did they commit something? In the past, a whole family of children and old people were driven out, and all of them were used for beheading. They never said where to send them. The old people and children were of no use at all. Wouldn't it be a waste of money to send them there?

But many people also had questions. The people who were pulled out today were all so-called first-class people. They were still resistant to the Tang army rating them. We are not animals, why should we be given so many levels?

But now they can no longer think about those things. They also know what the situation is. There may be new changes. In short, we have no right to autonomy. The people of the Tang Dynasty can do whatever they want to us. What else can we do except watching?

When things were distributed in the past, these first-class people were at the front of the line, and they could get the best quality and the largest quantity. Many people were jealous of them behind them, but this time, those who were caught were all the first-class people. The rest of the village began to be happy. Aren’t you the most willing to help the Tang people? Don’t you also want to become the people of the Tang Dynasty? Why are you all caught now?

Half an hour after the arrest began, the first dead person appeared. It turns out that these first-class people are not so reliable... (End of this chapter)

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