The Strongest Imperial Grandson of the Great Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1600 The Caliph wants the truth

"Tell me the truth, what kind of situation has it reached now? Our entire empire is very clear about all this, and you don't need to hide anything. If we continue like this, how long can we hold on?"

The caliph said angrily. Now he no longer cares about those polite words, because this guy knows very well that if there is no way to contain it, the entire empire will fall into danger in an instant. Although the Arab Empire is large and powerful, the Tang Dynasty has now aimed at their aorta.

Sukhguman has always been an important official of the country. If he were put in the Tang Dynasty, even if he was not as good as Changsun Wuji, he would have to be at the level of Li Jing, but now the caliph's tone is already accusing.

Of course, Sukhguman himself is very clear that he was in high spirits when he went to war. He believed that he could cause great damage to the Tang army and even recover the land area of ​​the Anton Governor's Office in one fell swoop. But now he has not achieved any strategic goals. Instead, he has retreated a long distance. Not only did he retreat a long distance, but he also lost many cities in the north.

Of course, these things can be forgiven. After all, the Arab Empire is a big country, and they don't care about this loss. After all, they have occupied the Mediterranean Sea and the land area is very large, but the question is how to solve the refugee crisis?

When the refugees first appeared, the high-level officials of the Arab Empire were still praising Sukhguman, thinking that he had found a solution that was not a solution when there was no solution. This also helped the Arab Empire to overcome the difficulties. Although no one encouraged him at that time, there were indeed many private praises.

But now these voices are gone. Everyone thinks that this guy did the stupidest thing. You turned the refugees into weapons of the Tang Dynasty. Instead of trapping them, the refugees began to reflect on us. The loss of one city after another, these refugees simply ignored everything in order to find food.

The army of the Arab Empire also went out of the city to encircle and suppress them, but the number of refugees was too large, not to mention that these people were also the compatriots of the soldiers. If they were asked to kill these people, they would feel bad.

It is precisely because of the kindness of the past that these refugees are now even more powerful. They have crossed states and provinces and have almost spread throughout the central region. According to the statistics of the Arab court, the number of refugees scattered between cities alone has reached five million. In this era, this is a very scary number.

Seeing the angry caliph, Suheguman didn't know how to answer. If he told the actual situation, the two people present would definitely not believe it. If he didn't tell the truth, the current situation would continue to deteriorate. If it deteriorated to the point where it could not be cleaned up, I am afraid that the end of the empire would come, and he would die even more miserably at that time.

"General, don't have any concerns. If you have anything to say, just say it. The real Zhu will fool us through the difficulties. Now the empire has reached a critical juncture. The Tang Dynasty is different from other enemies. It is stronger than the Franks we encountered before, so there must be no concealment."

The prime minister may have seen Suheguman's embarrassment, so this guy immediately stood up. Now you don't have to consider other things at this time. The most important thing now is how to solve the problem at hand? If we don't solve it properly, we may all become prisoners in the future. They have also heard of the great reputation of the Tang Dynasty. There is only one result of war with other countries, that is, the destruction of the country.

In fact, this is also a very normal thing. Take the Arab Empire as an example. They have also conquered many countries. When you have the upper hand, will you suddenly withdraw your troops? This is simply impossible. You will definitely get the greatest benefits, and then you will call off your troops. Now the situation has changed. You have changed from the attacking party to the defending party. This is also a very normal thing.

Suheguman took a deep breath. The prime minister said so. Since you want to know the truth, then I will tell you the truth. If you can't accept it later, you can't blame me. I am also responsible for the entire empire.

"From the current situation, if we cannot contain these refugees, then according to my estimate, we will lose about 70 more cities. After losing these 70 cities, perhaps the refugee tide will settle down, but the Tang army will also arrive in the central region of our country, less than 500 miles away from the imperial capital."

When Sukhguman finished speaking, the two people present were shocked. They had expected the situation to be tense, but they did not expect it to be so tense. If it really becomes like this, then there is really no way to live in the future. Do we have to flee as a country?

More than 500 miles, it sounds far, but for the Tang army, it is just a moment. Although their movement speed is not as fast as the Arab cavalry, they can move steadily, including the logistics of the troops, all of which are transported by naked horses, so in this case, our crisis is also reflected in reality.

The caliph was also stunned. He originally thought it was just a problem on the northern border, but now it seems to have spread to the central part...

We knew the war situation was bad, but we didn't expect it to be so bad. We thought that the large number of troops of the Tang Empire would withdraw, and the threat to us would not be so great. But why would only a small number of troops bring us such a big crisis?

When Khalifa asked this question, Sukhguman answered honestly. The refugee strategy did force back a large number of troops of the Tang Empire, but a small number of troops were not afraid of the refugee problem at all. If the refugees attacked their military camps, they could kill them directly if they were few in number, and run away if they were many in number.

To put it bluntly, your refugee problem is not a problem at all for Su Dingfang and Cheng Chuliang. They can solve the refugee problem very well.

So in this case, there is nothing to say. They can just withdraw directly. As for whether you can catch up, look at those yellow-faced and skinny refugees. Who can they catch up with? (End of this chapter)

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