Many years have passed since the peaceful life, and the people here are happily multiplying. At first, he was just a bachelor soldier, but now his family has dozens of people.

The local government also knows what is going on in this village. Although they are now useless veterans, they still have many students and old friends in the army, and some of them have even become officials. If you want to find something with them, it may not show up at the time, but if there are generals going to the capital, they will stop those generals and say a few words, and the local officials will be happy.

So when there is nothing to do, the local government will not come here, unless they are mentally ill. Not only can you not find any good things here, but you may even lose your job. For every official, such a place is a forbidden zone in his life.

But today the situation is different. The children in the village saw from a distance that a team of black knights came from a distance. These people were wearing black gauze clothes, riding war horses and camels under their crotches, and they were coming towards the village here. It was obvious that there was something wrong.

The young people in the village also saw this scene and hurried to inform the old people in the village. They had been born for 20 to 30 years, but they had never seen such a thing.

Didn't the court promise them before? The village would not come to recruit soldiers, but these people were obviously recruited by the king.

Although the old people in the village often said that they would send their children and grandchildren to serve in the army, it was just talk. No one was really willing to let their sons serve in the army.

Especially those who had a decent life, they were even more reluctant to let their children and grandchildren serve in the army. When they were on the battlefield in the early years, they had experienced the ruthlessness of the battlefield. Now they were carrying the credit just to let their family live a good life.

People in their forties and fifties were not so worried. After all, they were no longer old enough. Even if they were taken to the battlefield, they could not serve the empire. The most worried were people in their thirties.

In the eyes of all the generals who have served in the army, these people can be said to be the most valuable wealth of the entire army. Their physical strength can still keep up, and the most important thing is that they have very rich combat experience. If they can be organized, they will definitely be more than three times the number of new recruits.

Moreover, these people have families and jobs, and are easier to control. They will never be deserters on the battlefield. If they are deserters or surrender, then their families will have a hard time. Even if they are arranged to do the most dangerous work, these people will go without hesitation, and their families will take good care of them after they die in battle.

But if you escape, then your family will enjoy the exile. Anyway, there are too many places to be exiled around the Arab Empire, and they are everywhere. The land they have newly occupied. On those lands, the disputes between them and the indigenous people can be said to be endless for three days and three nights.

Several old people came out of the house in a panic. They looked at everything in front of them in disbelief. If it was normal, it would be okay for the family members to join the army. After all, the army of the Arab Empire was invincible. Although there were casualties, the chance of survival was very high.

But now the situation is different. The army of the Arab Empire fought with the Tang army. Everyone can see that when fighting with the Tang army, our losses were very large. Although the court has been promoting our victory, these old people also understand that if we really win, will we send people to them to recruit soldiers?

Sending people to them to recruit soldiers can only mean one thing, that the existing army can no longer hold on, and they must be dispatched.

"Hello, old man Modira..."

Just when these old men hadn't figured out the situation, the team of black cavalry had arrived in front of them, and a young officer got off the horse. This person knew Modira. When old man Modira led the team to capture Tunisia, it was a huge price. He brought more than a hundred people, and in the end only five or six people survived. Those five or six people were the original residents of this village.

"My lord, I don't know why you come here. We have received the will of the previous generation of caliphs, allowing us to live here permanently and not let us join the army again."

Modira said nervously. He has a total of four sons, three of whom died on the battlefield, and one son is by his side. If he is recruited now, he is not worried about going to the army, but this son may not be able to be saved. Is it going to make me not even have a son when I am old? What's more, my grandson is still young, and I can't support the family at all.

"That was all in the past. Now, the generals under the command of Grand Marshal Sukhguman, His Excellency the Caliph, have allowed us to recruit soldiers around the capital. According to the policy we have formulated, your village must send 19 people under the age of 35."

The gentleman took out the official document he was carrying. Some people in the village could read. When they saw the blue official seal on it, they knew it was real. It was also stamped with two official seals, one for the army responsible for recruiting soldiers, and the other for the local government.

Nineteen people under the age of 35?

Modila began to think in his mind whether he could keep his son, but when he thought about it, he found that the government had already counted all the people, including his only living son, and no one could escape. This was to transport away the most elite people in the village.

You should know that the area near the capital of the Arab Empire is not so peaceful. There are still many desert bandits around. These people had all kinds of identities in the early years, but they had one thing in common, that is, they were not in harmony with the Arab Empire, so they ran to the desert to become bandits.

The capital garrison corps has also cleared them out many times, but unfortunately there has not been much success. Some people even said that the leaders of those bandits kept giving gifts to the garrison corps, which was why they survived countless clearings.

If all the strong laborers in the village leave now, then this village will become the favorite place for bandits. Maybe they will arrive early tonight, and then the whole village will become a disaster area. (End of this chapter)

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