The Strongest Imperial Grandson of the Great Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1619: Attacking the Living Forces

Li Xiang also felt that this opportunity was rare, so he came with 20,000 troops first, and placed Changsun Ze in the rear and asked him to bring the remaining troops. Of course, not many troops were dispatched this time, only 50,000 troops were dispatched. , plus those in the hands of Su Dingfang and Cheng Chuliang, there are only 70,000 troops in total.

Li Xiang also came to a conclusion. This time we are not trying to occupy territory or capture prisoners. The most important thing is to annihilate the effective forces of the Arab Empire. These 70,000 people are enough. We only need to take their Once the military power is defeated, do we still need to worry about the future territory? What's more, the territory of the Arab Empire is useless now, except for the desert, which is the Gobi Desert.

Of course, it will be very useful in the future. There is a lot of black gold here. If we turn this place into the inherent territory of the Chinese nation, then our people will also be able to enjoy two yuan a liter of oil in the future. Then there is no need to envy. These Arabs are here, and they can help us extract oil.

Of course, there is no use in saying this. At least the people present don't know what Li Xiang is thinking. They are all in a competitive mood now and have only one idea in their heads. There is only one great empire in the world, and that is the Great Empire. In the Tang Empire, anyone who dares to compete with us must find a way to suppress them. We must not allow them to rise up like this.

"Your Highness, it seems that this journey is not going well?"

When Su Lingfang welcomed Li Xiang in, he found that they were all dusty and covered in wind and sand. Only those who have been here for a long time understand that this is all because of the sandstorm. If It would never be like this without encountering a sandstorm.

"It went smoothly, but when we were about to arrive, a huge sandstorm blew over. Fortunately, our people were pretty good. We only hit more than 80 people. Without training, in that sandstorm , I estimate our loss is close to half.”

What Li Xiang said is true. In such a desert area, the biggest enemy is not the people of the Arab Empire. The biggest enemy is the sandstorm. When the biggest sandstorm comes, the entire desert will be covered with clouds. You and your No one around you can see it.

After all, the Tang army had been trained. Whenever a sandstorm broke out, they would immediately gather around the carriage, and then connect them end to end. Everyone would take off the chain iron locks from the carriage, then tie them up, and fix them deep. Bury them in the sand, so that everyone can save their own lives by grabbing these things. If you can't catch them, then you can only go to the sky and take a plane. By the time you come down, you will probably have been killed. Fallen to death.

Cheng Chuliang and Su Dingfang were also sighing. They had been fighting in the desert for many days, and they had encountered similar sandstorms many times. When Li Xiang told them about it, these people thought it was impossible, but now they know This thing is so terrifying, so meeting the Arab army can make them excited, but if they encounter such a terrifying desert storm, even these two people will feel scared, you know, they are not afraid of anything. .

Li Xiang really wanted to tell them about the endless power of nature, but thinking about the many terms in it, if he really said it out, it would take half a day just to explain it to them, so he might as well not talk about it at all. Okay, now we are talking about emergency military situation.

"What is the situation in the central and northern regions of the Arab Empire? Please give me a practical report. Although I have received all your memorials, there is still a gap with the specific description. I will add your army this time. Let's There are a total of 70,000 people. We don’t want to study how to conquer the territory, and we don’t need prisoners. But we have one purpose, which is to annihilate the Arab Empire’s army on a large scale and attack their effective strength.”

The last time he led an army of hundreds of thousands, he spent a lot of money advancing and retreating, but he didn't get many results. Although he also transported back a lot of things and people, Li Xiang also concluded, Having more troops is not of much use. Anyway, our combat effectiveness is strong enough. With these 70,000 troops gathered together, we are capable of fighting against hundreds of thousands of Arab Empire troops. There is no need to recruit so many people. Coming to the front line will cause instability in the rear.

This time Li Xiang came with only tens of thousands of troops, and that was agreed upon with Xiao Shougui. What Xiao Shougui was most afraid of was what happened last time. Last time we had better luck, and the elders of the tribes in the Western Region did not dare to rebel. They are also weighing it in their hearts, but that doesn't mean they will weigh it this time.

Xiao Shougui has all the people who were exposed last time in his hands, but the most important thing is that there are still a group of people who have not been exposed. How do you know what these people want to do? How can you know what they are thinking? If we don't deal with it well enough, we may face a huge defeat. Therefore, under such circumstances, there must be no chaos in the rear. Li Xiang simply left all the large troops in the rear and controlled each other. On the contrary, Nothing big will happen.

"The general believes that 70,000 troops are enough. When Li Chengyi defeated the 100,000 troops, he only had 20,000 troops. If we now have 70,000 troops, and if we convert according to this ratio, the enemy will It doesn’t matter if there are hundreds of thousands of people.”

Su Dingfang said happily, of course the battle ratio cannot be converted in this way, but in some cases, if we can calculate it accurately, it is almost the same. This time Li Xiang mainly brought gunpowder. As long as we have enough gunpowder, it is no problem to annihilate part of their army. The target is set at 100,000 to 150,000.

Li Xiang set this goal, and there is a reason. This goal can be easily achieved. If it is set too high, it will make us fall into the goal. The height of the goal directly determines our psychological pressure. Even if we only kill 100,000 of them, it is very cost-effective for us. The Arab Empire will also have various problems that cannot be solved. Don't forget that there are so many refugees in their country. (End of this chapter)

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