When I got up the next morning, it was quiet in Ludongzan. These people were different from usual. In the past, when they got up in the morning, their camp was the fastest and they finished breakfast early and waited, but now these people The people were not in a hurry, they seemed to have received the order, we and the Tang army would just wait and see.

Li Xiang walked out of his tent and thought about what Lu Dongzan said yesterday. Is this guy really not worried about his family's affairs? Li Xiang also hoped that this guy would be separated from him. Otherwise, Li Xiang would feel extremely uncomfortable just facing this guy along the way. He didn't expect that Lu Dongzan really wanted beauty over power, and he ended up with Li Xiang. .

"How are we leaving today?"

Yuchi Jingde also wondered about this matter.

"As much as we walked yesterday, we will walk as much as we walked today. What's there to say? If this old boy has the ability, let's continue to use it like this. Let's see how long he can use it up."

While Li Xiang was talking, he saw Long Yi coming back from outside. This guy must have encountered something. He was with dozens of brothers around the team. If nothing happened, he would usually not show up. Li Xiang found an excuse to go back to the tent. Long Yi was already waiting for him in the tent.

"Your Highness, several people came out from the Tubo camp last night. We captured them all and found this from their bodies..."

Li Xiang knew that Tubo would not be peaceful, so when he left Chang'an City, Li Xiang asked Long Yi to lead fifty brothers around the camp. Once someone went out, they would capture everything they could. Of course, if If it's heading towards Tubo, we won't care, but if it's heading back to Chang'an, it's definitely not going to be a good thing.

This is a letter that was probably dictated by Lu Dongzan and then asked to be written down by others. What the letter talks about is the abnormal relationship between Li Xiang and Changsun Pingting, and then he boasts about it and makes them stay in Chang'an City. The spy released this news. Firstly, it could ruin Li Xiang's reputation. Secondly, in order to eliminate such rumors, the court would definitely order Li Xiang to speed up his advance.

"This bitch has a really smart mind. No wonder he is the wisest man in Tubo. Fortunately, I have been prepared. If he were to send the news out like this, it would be really difficult."

Li Xiang smiled and cursed, how could Lu Dongzan swallow this breath? After returning home, he thought of this poisonous plan, but it was a pity that Li Xiang had prepared it earlier than him.

"There won't be homing pigeons, right?"

Li Xiang suddenly thought of flying pigeons to send letters.

"Then don't worry. We have our own people in the Imperial City Si Yamen. Once they hear such news, they know what they will do and will definitely nip such news in the bud."

On the surface, the people in the Imperial City Department betrayed Li Xiang and were all under the emperor's command. In fact, that was just an illusion. They had spread all over Chang'an City. It was very simple for them to find out the information. The spies are also under their control. If someone receives a message from Fei Ge, they will make that person disappear immediately. Therefore, Li Xiang is already ahead of everyone in terms of blocking information.

"That's good. Send the order. I'm going to my cousin's place to have breakfast. At the same time, I'll lift the tent curtain so that this guy can watch."

This order from Li Xiang is extremely insidious. In front of Lu Dongzan, Li Xiang will perform a play with Changsun Pingting, which will directly stimulate the depths of this guy's heart. If the stimulation is too great, then this guy will be able to do Something even more unusual happened.

Lu Dongzan thought about having dinner with Changsun Pingting every day. Unfortunately, every time he went there, Changsun Pingting felt uncomfortable here or there, and there were guards arranged by Li Xiang at the door, so he didn't feel comfortable either. Being able to force his men to break in.

"It's early enough, Prime Minister. Are you going to have breakfast with my cousin?"

Li Xiang was dressed very casually. This was not the dress for meeting women. Lu Dongzan was already feeling a little uncomfortable. He had long noticed that the relationship between Li Xiang and Changsun Pingting was not that simple, but in this camp Among them, you came here so nakedly. Isn't this a bit too much?

"Miss Changsun is not feeling well, please go back first."

Lu Dongzan regarded his eldest grandson Pingting as his personal property, so he naturally did not want Li Xiang to come in, not to mention the abnormal relationship between the two.

"My health is much better. If Xiang'er comes in, I still have something to tell you."

When Li Xiang was about to speak, Changsun Pingting's voice had already come out. Although Changsun Pingting didn't know what Li Xiang was going to do, Changsun Pingting was an extremely smart person. She had already felt it in the military camp in the past few days. Li Xiang It should be to anger Lu Dongzan, and she is a very good introduction to the medicine, so Changsun Pingting chose the critical moment to strike and stabbed Lu Dongzan in the heart.

"You Han people are the most particular about the security of men and women. You woke up this morning in a disheveled state. How could your nephew enter your aunt's tent?"

Lu Dongzan stopped in front of Li Xiang and thought what he said was right.

"It doesn't matter. I slept with him when he was little. Come in quickly."

Changsun Pingting's words came out again. If it hadn't been in front of Li Xiang, Lu Dongzan would have spit out a mouthful of blood. Li Xiang admired his cousin very much in his heart. He had thought so much in the past two days. None of the methods are as lethal as your words.

"Please give way."

Li Xiang turned away his hand, then patted Lu Dongzan, turned around and went in without giving him any chance to stop him. Lu Dongzan wanted to follow, but the Tubo warrior next to him stopped him. , there are still several guards of Li Xiang standing at the door. We also wanted to go in a few days ago, but we were no match for them.


Lu Dongzan scolded several of his men severely, and then stood there and continued to stare. Now he did not dare to leave. According to his crazy fantasy, as long as he left, the two of them would not know that they were in the tent. What are you going to do?

"What on earth do you want to do?"

Changsun Pingting has already finished dressing up. Although she was talking about intimacy just now, she had already packed it up when she saw Li Xiang.

Li Xiang did not answer. Instead, he looked at Changsun Pingting's figure. Did I really sleep with you when I was a child? Why don't you have any memory? After traveling through time, have these most critical memories been erased? What is this dog system thinking? I remember everything I should remember, but I don’t remember everything I shouldn’t remember...

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