After returning to the tent, Songtsen Gampo's mood finally calmed down. Of course he knew what he had just done, but he had to do it. He no longer had a spokesperson in the army. As the king of a country, if he didn't have himself If you are a spokesperson, especially in the military, this is a very scary thing.

But now he didn't choose him, he had to do this. Next to him, his eldest nephew Luhatai was kneeling here. He also hoped that Songtsen Gampo could take back his life. This guy was also unwilling to go to the northern battlefield thousands of miles away. , they are all the elites of Tubo. Now Tubo is in difficulty. They should fight for Tubo on the battlefield. How can they lead people to fight for the Tang Dynasty?


Luhatai stared and wanted to speak, but he didn't know where to start. After all, the matter had been decided. If he chose not to go, it would be disobedience and disrespect, but the three thousand men under him were extremely Guigui, this is the most elite army of Tubo. Once they leave, Songtsan Gampo's safety will also be questioned. This is the strongest army around Songtsen Gampo.

"You don't need to say more. Go back and pack up quickly. We will set off this afternoon. That devil is not an ordinary person. You must remember it when you are with him. You must not have other ideas. You must follow him. After death, try to be his person, so that you can have a future in the future, and he is still very good to his subordinates."

Songtsen Gampo said with his eyes closed. Of course he knew where his nephew's future was, which should be in the Tang Dynasty. When his nephew left with his people, I'm afraid there would be no chance of returning to Tubo, even if he came back. , Tubo will not tolerate him.

The world is so ruthless. It is said that Lu Hatai led people to help the Tang Dynasty fight, which was tantamount to bringing a glimmer of hope to the top management of Tubo, but he has been a member of the Tang Dynasty from now on. You followed Li Xiang on the battlefield so For a long time, who will dare to reuse you after you come back, so your future can only be in Chang'an City. If you still want to come back, it will only marginalize you, even if you are Zamp's nephew. Useful, including those under you, if you are lucky enough not to die on the battlefield, then you should stay in Chang'an City!


Luhatai knelt down and kowtowed in pain. He also knew that this fate could not be changed. If there was a chance, Songtsen Gampo would not let his closest nephew help Datang fight in the war. Now they do not lack these three thousand troops, but what they lack is real food.

In addition to these three thousand troops, Songtsen Gampo also had a personal letter. In this letter, he was extremely respectful. After all, this letter was written to Li Shimin. If the tone was still the same as before, then Datang The food may come a little later. Although it is not said that Tubo is a vassal state of the Tang Dynasty, the meaning behind the words is already a head lower than others.

"I will send people to Chang'an City later, and you can live a good life there, including the family members of those under you. If anyone is willing to go to Chang'an, I will send people to send them all. In the past, don’t worry about home, live your life well outside.”

When Luhatai was five meters away from the tent, Songtsan Gampo's voice came from behind him. These words were basically decisive. It is no wonder that Songtsan Gampo said this. If there is a way out, Then these people would not work hard to fight for the Tang Dynasty, and then the Tang Dynasty would not send food to them. At that time, the top officials of Tubo would still be implicated.

According to the results of the negotiation between Li Xiang and Lu Dongzan, the deposit must be taken away first. According to what they said before, the deposit amount is as high as 60% of the grain. After arriving at the Tuyuhun border, the remaining 40% must be paid in one lump sum. Qing, if such procedures are not followed, then Li Xiang will not pay them the remaining grain.

In addition, Li Xiang also set a requirement, that is, the performance of Luhatai and others. If they work hard on the battlefield or disobey Li Xiang's orders, the delivery of food will also be delayed, so Only Songtsen Gampo would send these people's families there. As long as these people's families are in Chang'an City, there is no fear of not being able to tie them up, unless these people are animals that can't even survive their family members. .

Li Xiang looked at the dozens of carriages behind him with great satisfaction. They were all loaded with valuables. Originally, Li Xiang only wanted gold and silver, but now Tubo is not that rich anymore, so some gold and silver You can also count the utensils, but you have to weigh them well. We don’t want to take advantage of you, but you don’t want to use these works of art to buy our food. We only need to calculate the weight of gold and silver. As for the value of the works of art, Can't be counted.

In addition to these, there are still 5,000 slaves on the road. These people were given to Li Xiang by Songtsen Gampo. After all, there is not much food on the plateau, and it is very likely that these people cannot be fed. So give them to Li Xiang is also trying to divert the pressure here. The food Li Xiang sends will not be too much. At most, it is enough for the dignitaries and the army. As for these slaves, if they can drink a thin meal a day, then They have taken great care of them.

"I have seen people doing business, but I have never seen people doing business like you. In a few years, I estimate that all the countries around Datang will be harvested by you. No wonder so many people are surrounding you. Everyone around you can really see a way out by following you."

Changsun Chong rode a horse and walked beside Li Xiang's carriage. Looking at the endless team behind him, he sighed. Several people around him also nodded. The reason why they sided with Li Xiang was because Li Xiang is strong enough and can always surprise them.

Just this time when I went to the plateau, I not only harvested those toast masters, but also harvested Songtsen Gampo. It means that we both make money, and we also let you fight to the death in the middle. Maybe one day you will You know what role we played in the middle, but at that time you no longer had the strength to resist. Maybe you have already thought about it now, but do you dare to fall out with me?

Li Xiang smiled and didn't say anything. Where are we now? It's just a Tubo. We have just begun. There will be a more glorious page next...

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