When the two were about to talk, they suddenly saw two colleagues in the distance entering the tent. The two looked at each other and smiled. Everyone was discussing this matter, so they might as well go over and ask together. It would be best to act in unison, even if If you do something wrong, it is impossible for the higher ups to blame you. After all, the law does not punish everyone. If one or two people do something wrong, then you will be blamed.

"Old Xiao..."

The two people in the tent were discussing something. When they saw the two of them coming in, they were all speechless. His Highness King Wu had invited a total of twenty-one people. They were the only four in their camp. There is no need to hide and tuck in, it just so happens that everyone is rolling around together.

Zhao Dezhu is a fifth-grade guerrilla general, and he is also the highest-ranking among them. Everyone is headed by him. They have been fighting for half their lives, and they only have this position now.

His Highness King Wu has promised them that as long as everyone returns from the Eastern Expedition to Goguryeo, everyone will be promoted to at least two levels, and they all look forward to taking off with His Highness King Wu.

At present, the army of the Tang Dynasty is divided into two factions. One faction is naturally the descendants of nobles. They have a higher starting point and stronger abilities. After all, I am a hero. As far as these people are concerned, they really have not lost their reputation. Their father's face.

The rest are naturally these civilian generals. Although they all have grades and are separated from the common people, they have no foundation in the court. Even if they have made great achievements, there will be no one to speak to them. Wu His Royal Highness saw this clearly, so he tried his best to win over them during this period of time.

"The four of us brothers have come from the same place. I won't hide some things from you. There are two invitations, one representing the East Palace and one representing the King of Wu. How should we choose? Today we We have to make a decision. After the election, the four brothers will make an oath together. If anyone dares to betray, we will find an opportunity to kill him."

When discussing such a matter, Zhao Dezhu must hold back his subordinates. If someone leaks it back, then don't blame us for being dirty. The army is so clean and tidy, and the other three people also expressed their obedience.

"Let me tell you that His Highness King Wu treated us well. In the past, we didn't even have anyone to talk to. His Highness King Wu has no foundation in his hands. If we go over, we will be the first batch of people. Will we be able to get less of this benefit in the future?"

Lao Xiao thought about it again and again, but still felt that he should follow His Highness King Wu. After all, Li Xiang had many soldiers and horses, including several generals. Is it enough for us people to go there and see them?

"Don't look at me. You all have your say and express your opinions. Let's sum it up at the end. This is a major event that affects our lives. Everyone has to think about it carefully. If this step is taken correctly, there will be no future. I dare say that I will be a successful person, but I will be a popular drinker in my life, but if I make the wrong move, let alone a successful career, my life may end up here."

Zhao Dezhu saw that only Lao Xiao expressed his opinion, and no one else expressed his opinion. He had to let them all speak out. When discussing such matters these days, if someone does not express his opinion, it means that he has something up his sleeve.

"I think it is better to follow His Highness Taisun. Although His Highness Taisun has many capable people, now that he has asked us, he should give us some promises. And I also heard that although His Highness Taisun is He is not very old, but he is definitely a man of great promise. Thinking about the things His Highness the Grand Sun has done, will they encourage us, the Tang Dynasty?"

The Yunqi Lieutenant thought for a while and said, although what His Highness King Wu said was right, what His Highness King Wu said was false. Arrangements could be made for them only after the Eastern Expedition to Goguryeo was over, and that would have to be a great victory. Although Everyone thinks that the Eastern Expedition to Goguryeo was also a great victory, but who can tell clearly what happened on the battlefield?

"I also think that the East Palace side is better. After all, it has strong strength. Although it is currently occupied by nobles, as the status of the East Palace side becomes higher and higher, there will definitely be a lot of vacancies. We are at a critical moment. After siding with them, can His Highness treat us badly?"

Qiaoqiwei also had the same idea. Everyone had a balance in their hearts. Although what King Wu said was very nice, except for some empty words, there was not much that touched people's hearts. Maybe they would give out some money at the banquet tomorrow night, but What can you do with that little money? They have also heard about the situation in Chang'an City. The Lanling Xiao family has withdrawn, His Highness the King of Wu's most powerful ally...

The three of them had finished expressing their opinions, and everyone looked at General Zhao in unison. You are the eldest brother of us. As you said, we have been in this military camp for more than ten years, and in the end we still need you. Just come and make up your mind.

"Boss, what do you think?"

As the boss, of course you have to be careful. If you just say it like you do, you won't have the majesty of the boss!

"To tell you the truth, when it comes to the future, I think His Highness King Wu's side is better. After all, it is better to provide help in times of need than to add icing on the cake, but the uncertainty over His Highness King Wu's side is too high. In addition, I have received the latest news. Wu His Highness the King’s allies have all withdrawn, all of this is due to His Highness Taisun’s tricks..."

When General Zhao said these words, the people below immediately understood what was going on. There is indeed a future with His Highness King Wu, but if there is a future, it must be supported. Now all your allies are gone, including The first money to win people's hearts has to be sold from assets, and I was stuck when selling assets. This shows that this is the last step for you to get out of trouble.

"I also heard that the very powerful gunpowder is all in the hands of His Highness Taisun. If His Highness Taisun is stuck on the battlefield, we will have to fight the Goguryeo people and kill a thousand enemies. Self-destruction of eight hundred!"

Yun Qiwei thought about what he wanted to say. They had all seen the power of gunpowder on the martial arts field. Coupled with the ballista made by His Highness Taisun, as long as it was pulled out on the battlefield, could the people of Goguryeo rush over?

In an instant, all three of them understood that if our people were to go to the battlefield, the one in the East Palace would immediately stop the artillery. We would have no use for anything except the knives in our hands, but if we follow him , with the support of this gunpowder, are we still afraid of not being able to win? This gunpowder conquered Tuyuhun and Tubo one after another. Can Goguryeo be more powerful than them?

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