For example, for some die-hards in the army, His Highness King Wu has not been idle during this period. It does not mean that all of them can be bribed by Li Xiang. Several of the lieutenants are determined, and now His Highness King Wu is already They expressed their withdrawal, but these people still did not pay allegiance to Li Xiang.

If this is the case, Li Xiang doesn't have the time to wait for them to change. The opportunity has been given to you. If you can't hold it, it can only be said that you people are pedantic. So on a dark and windy day for a month, Here, these lieutenants died suddenly for various reasons.

Under the control of the Tang Dynasty, such a thing had never happened. Li Xiang also gave people the impression of being gentle and elegant, and it was impossible for him to do such a thing. But Li Xiang did it. For ordinary people, Their days went on as usual, after all, the news could not reach their ears.

But for the dignitaries in Chang'an City, they all knew about this matter, and they were all shocked by Li Xiang's cruelty. In fact, everyone in the army knew about Li Xiang's cruelty. At that time, Li Xiang's cavalry passed by, and dozens of tribes were deserted. How could he be a charitable person?

You lieutenants think that the expedition is imminent, so you can go against Li Xiang? Li Xiang's actions also served as a warning to others in the army. Those who follow me will prosper, and those who go against me will perish.

After Li Shimin learned about this incident, he originally wanted to talk to Li Xiang, but later he gave up on it. Although those few people were leaders in the army and would cause losses to the Tang Dynasty after killing them, as a big country The next generation of monarchs of the Tang Dynasty must be decisive in killing, and must have a ruthless heart towards outsiders, and even more so internally.

Even Li Shimin didn't say anything. Even if other people knew the news, how could they comment on it? It can only mean that you guys didn't see the situation clearly and bumped into His Highness Taisun's knife edge.

On the second day of May in the 19th year of Zhenguan, nearly two years after Li Xiang was reborn, a foreign war of the Tang Dynasty began again. Tens of thousands of troops marched from Chang'an City, and hundreds of thousands of troops marched from various places in Guanzhong...

Their family went all the way east, passed Luoyang, went straight to Yanzhao, and then continued to march northeast until they reached the border between my country and Goguryeo.

Su Dingfang has arrived at the border ahead of schedule and has begun building a camp for the follow-up troops, which has now been completed.

Officials at all levels in prefectures and counties along the way have also prepared all kinds of food and will load the vehicles with the army when it passes by.

After three whips were sounded, Li Shimin personally read the proclamation for conquering Goguryeo, and the army began to move slowly. Li Xiang was the general in charge of conquering the east, General Li Jing was the marching general, Niu Jinda was the left general, and Su Dingfang was the right general, leading twenty Ten thousand troops defeated Goguryeo.

Because General Li Jing was in poor health, he immediately changed to a carriage after leaving Chang'an City. This carriage was specially made by Li Xiang. Some shock absorbers were added to several wheels, and from both sides. The wheeled carriage was changed to a four-wheeled carriage, which made the whole carriage more stable. General Li Jing had never enjoyed such a carriage.

Looking out from the window, all the carriages transporting baggage are four-wheeled carriages, which can pull one to two times more than two-wheeled carriages. Of course, many more mules are used.

These things were originally modified in the army during the conquest of Tuyuhun, but they were not implemented by the entire army. This time, after such a long delay, it can be regarded as a replacement of equipment for the entire army of the Tang Dynasty. In the future, all armies will have it. Use this wagon.

"General, is your health okay?"

Today I have walked thirty miles. According to the previous rules of the imperial court, I walked forty miles a day. Too much is not good, and too little is not good either.

"Don't worry, your highness, my old bones can still hold up. But your highness has been on the horse all day. If you feel tired, you'd better come to my carriage to have a cup of tea and take a rest."

General Li Jing had a leisurely day. All the things that should be arranged have been arranged. In the morning, various war horses came galloping to report to him the army's marching instructions. But now it is past noon, and the things that should be arranged have been arranged. The children were gone too, so it was time to rest.

"This is the first day of marching. I'm still looking forward to inspecting the whole camp immediately. I'll be lazy again tomorrow."

Li Xiang said with a smile. It was his first time to be the commander of an army of 200,000 people. This was also a big test. So after setting off in the morning, Li Xiang led dozens of guards around him, back and forth. He didn't know how many miles he had traveled. The army had only advanced forty miles today, but Li Xiang felt that he had traveled a hundred miles.

After hearing what Li Xiang said, General Li Jing did not force himself. Instead, he felt that Li Xiang was like a commander of the army. During the battle in Tuyuhun, although Li Xiang achieved great results, the troops under his command could only survive. Thousands of people came, but this time it was an army of 200,000. It was completely different from that time, so there was nothing wrong with Li Xiang making more inspections.

"Go and report to the Generalissimo. Two miles ahead is where we will stop today. Ask the Generalissimo if there have been any changes?"

Niu Jinda was walking at the front of the entire team. One thousand meters in front of their team, there were 150 cavalrymen conducting reconnaissance. Although this was within the territory of the Tang Dynasty, those who should be careful must also be careful. It was also specially given by Li Xiang.

Niu Jinda was originally prepared to follow His Highness the King of Wu, which was also instructed by Li Shimin. Who knew that later, just like a big drama, His Highness the King of Wu suddenly collapsed. Of course, His Highness the King of Wu was also willing to go on an expedition, but unfortunately the various forces in Chang'an City If you don't want to, then His Highness King Wu can only be a tragedy.

For Niu Jinda, he has always been very resistant to Li Xiang because the prince had a bad relationship with him and even spoke ill of him in front of Li Shimin, so he chose to stay away from the influence of the East Palace. He once relied on Wei Later, King Wei died, and King Wu extended an olive branch. For Niu Jinda, as long as he had nothing to do with the East Palace, he could get along well.

But fate just played a joke on him. Now that Li Xiang has become the generalissimo, he can only serve under Li Xiang. Originally, he also thought about not going to war, but he is a bit embarrassed at his age. If this time If you can't make meritorious service, you will never have a chance to be with the general in the future.

Who doesn't want to be titled as a general before dying?

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