Knowing that Li Xiang had advanced to Anshi, Goguryeo's top leaders really couldn't sit still. Once Li Xiang captured this place, their resistance force north of the Datong River would not even be able to form a system, and the rest of the army would not be able to form a system. It is equivalent to being separated from Goguryeo itself.

"All preparations, fire!"

This is the unknown number of times the artillery has fired. Since we arrived in Anshi, many troops inside have wanted to rush out. However, according to Li Xiang's order, they did not annihilate them, but only used artillery shells to blow them back. These people had no defensive equipment on their bodies, so when they encountered artillery shells, many of them turned into blood gourds, and in the end they had no choice but to retreat into the city.

Niu Jinda could see clearly in the tent that dozens of people would die at once. Tomorrow will be the time for his general attack. If these people just think about running out, there will probably not be a few people left tomorrow. According to Datang According to the regulations, it depends on the number of people you kill and capture. If the number is not high, the credit will not be great!

"Don't go out if you know you can't escape. If you escape, you will die. Can't you wait for just one day?"

After hearing Niu Jinda's words, Li Xiang and Su Dingfang laughed. In fact, people are like this. If there is no chance to escape, they can only stay in the city and wait for death. But if there is such a chance, no matter how many times they try, Everyone wanted to rush out.

They could also see from the city wall that the Tang army was coming from the west in a steady stream. If they could run out today, they would go out. If they couldn't run out today, with the Tang army encircling them, even if they Even if I have wings, I'm afraid I won't be able to get out.

"General Niu, it's better to sit down and rest. Tomorrow will be the time for you to go to the battlefield. The people of Goguryeo are not weak in fighting ability, especially when they fight to the death in the end, they still have a certain fighting ability."

Su Dingfang had fought many times with Goguryeo people, so he naturally knew the strength of these desperadoes, but Su Dingfang also felt that compared with the last war, the combat effectiveness of these people had dropped too quickly.

Of course, it may also be because we have artillery. When the artillery exploded on the battlefield, many people in Goguryeo panicked and their original combat capabilities may not be used. This is also one of the main reasons why we were able to win quickly.

"You boy have all kinds of merits in my arms. I am not as leisurely as you. We are both deputy generals, but you can already go back to the capital to receive rewards. I have nothing under my hands. I am not Are you anxious?"

Niu Jinda and Su Dingfang are also familiar with each other. If it were anyone else, they would not dare to say this. But at this moment, there is nothing to hide. It is very normal for a grown man to pursue merit and think of using his military exploits to make his wife a wife. thing.

Hearing Niu Jinda say this, Su Dingfang smiled and stopped talking. After all, he was taking advantage. If he continued to argue, it would be a bit of an advantage. He had already made up his mind. All the tough battles were left to Niu Jinda.

"Report to His Majesty the Grand Sun, report to the two generals, Li Renxi, the general manager of Goguryeo's Northern Territory March, sent a letter..."

Li Xiang has closed all channels for dialogue. No matter whether you send people or deliver letters, we don't care. In the past, it was not that no one surrendered, but Li Xiang blocked all the ways of surrender for them, mainly because At that time, I had been attacking, but now I have finally started to rest. Someone has sent a message again, and the level is getting higher and higher.

"Is this person also here to surrender?"

Li Xiang no longer wanted to read these letters, so he motioned to the young general below to open them.

"To report to Your Highness, he is not here to surrender. He said that Goguryeo has sent someone to discuss this matter. Their King of Hanjiang, Gaoxian, is the younger brother of the King of Goguryeo..."

The captain looked at it and said, this can be regarded as a letter of credence from Goguryeo, but our highness didn’t even read it. This means that you, Goguryeo, don’t have such an opportunity anymore. I gave you a chance in the past, but you guys People don’t hold it well, and now they still want to return to the original level. Do you think it is possible?

"The order goes down. At midnight tomorrow, General Niu Jinda will be the commander-in-chief and he will capture Anshi for me."

After Li Xiang finished speaking, Niu Jinda immediately knelt in front of Li Xiang and expressed his acceptance of the order.

As for the letter that was sent, the captain threw it directly into the fire. Judging from what our Highness means, it means that he has no intention of talking to you.

"Your Highness, are we too tough? If we wait for two days, their negotiators may come, and we can take over the land north of the Datong River without spending a single soldier. Wouldn't that be Better?"

Su Dingfang said with some confusion. Although their attack went smoothly this time and they quickly captured a large area of ​​land, this was a war after all. If they could win it through negotiation, it would save us. There is a lot of resources, and there is no need to let the brothers suffer.

"What are you talking about? Taking advantage of the high morale of our brothers, we are going to seize all the land north of the Datong River in one go. If we want to negotiate then, will we still want the land north of the Datong River? We want their land south of the Datong River."

Niu Junda said while eating the roasted leg of lamb. People in the army have big appetites. In a short time, a roasted leg of lamb went in.

Li Xiang laughed after listening to Liu Jinda's words. Although the final development may not be like this, there is nothing wrong with what Niu Jinda said. If we stop attacking now, the object of our negotiation will be the land north of the Datong River. But if If we take Anshi, the target of our negotiations will be the entire Goguryeo.

"How's the land survey going?"

Li Xiang also thought of another thing. Our army is fighting in the front, and the land in the back must be auctioned as soon as possible. We can't let us fight at a loss. Anyway, these lands belong to Goguryeo. As long as someone buys it, That would be equivalent to giving us a mouthful of blood.

"People in Liaodong County have already started working, but because the land area is so vast, it will still take some time."

Su Dingfang has already asked people to do this, but the land area here is too much, and it is hard to figure it out for a while...

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