The Strongest Imperial Grandson of the Great Tang Dynasty

Chapter 451 The Great Victory in Liaodong

Chang'an City

"Great victory in Liaodong, great victory in Liaodong..."

The common people in the capital were shopping on the street. Suddenly, news came from the city gate. Sanming's cavalry came from outside the city to see, with two small red flags behind them. They were coming back from the front line. , so they were qualified to ride across Chang'an City.

There are also various rules for messengers coming to Beijing from other places. If it is just an ordinary letter, then you have to dismount at the gate of Chang'an City and have to be checked by the people at the city gate before you can enter the city.

But if the front line suffers losses, then you people don't need to say anything. After riding your horse to the city gate and passing the news over, your mission will be considered completed.

Only if this kind of victory is achieved, then the generals on the front line will choose the loudest ones and let them shout all the way back from the front line. After the people around them hear the news, they will naturally be more convinced of the court.

How long have our troops been gone now? Has Liaodong already achieved a great victory? Many people's faces were very happy, but some also had worries on their faces. The last time Li Shimin conquered Goguryeo, at the beginning, we all reported victory in the capital, but after fighting for a while, we actually failed... …

Of course, the court did not explain this. It is estimated that no court in any country can admit its failure. This is purely a mental problem, but the common people can analyze it. When so many troops went out with them, more than half of them never came back. , the imperial court was still tracking down Goguryeo spies in the city.

If we really win, do we still need to care about these Goguryeo spies? Let their king issue an order, and these Goguryeo will come out on their own after seeing the details. The common people with brains have analyzed it well. We were defeated last time.

"His Royal Highness Taisun has been victorious in successive battles and has now occupied Anshi. He has captured more than 300,000 people and beheaded more than 40,000 people. The prisoners are already on their way back."

Several soldiers arrived at the place where the people were having fun and immediately repeated these words. Many worried people's faces relaxed. The last victory had no practical meaning. This time's victory has no practical meaning. What a joke, more than 300,000 prisoners, this is no joke. No matter how capable His Highness is, he can't conjure all these prisoners out of thin air, so this time we are a real victory.

"Our Highness is really capable. How long have we been walking? Have we already reached that level? I heard that the last time the emperor was..."

"Shut up. After drinking two ounces of cat urine, you don't know what your last name is, do you? Are these things something we ordinary people can discuss?"

Several people who were drinking in the restaurant also started talking about it. Fortunately, there was one person who had a good drink capacity, so he didn't let any of them say it. Nowadays, there are spies everywhere in Chang'an City. If you say something wrong, it will be very serious. It may have affected all the people at the table. Even though we have won the victory now, we have to keep our voices down when discussing, and be careful that walls have ears.

Li Shimin, who was in the palace, also received the good news. For Li Shimin, it was normal for Goguryeo to win. Originally, he wanted to conquer it personally to wash away his shame, but later because of Li Xiang's series of actions , Li Shimin no longer had any interest in the imperial commander's personal expedition, so he arranged for Li Xiang to conquer on behalf of Tian.

According to Li Shimin's idea, victory is certain, but this victory must have come too quickly. Counting the days from the time Li Xiang left Chang'an City to the present, he has just arrived in Liaodong, let alone fighting with the Goguryeo people. If you put your posture into perspective, it would take ten days and a half to find out. Now you have captured Anshi?

Li Shimin was very suspicious of this matter, and many people in the court were also suspicious, but the soldiers from the front took out some things. Some of these things were the seals of the NATO general manager of Goguryeo, some were the seals of the prefects of various cities, and some were from Goguryeo. letter.

In another baggage, two precious swords were given by the King of Goguryeo. You must know that in the entire history of the Goguryeo Dynasty, there were only five swords given by the King of Goguryeo.

"Your Majesty, Princess Chenbing of Goguryeo happens to be in the north of the Yangtze River. She has been captured by our army. Your Highness has sent an army to transport her to Beijing."

Li Xiang knew that Li Shimin felt uncomfortable. The last time Li Xiang brought back the beautiful women from the Tubo Plateau, Li Shimin felt uncomfortable. So this time Li Xiang learned his lesson and finally captured the princess of Goguryeo, so he simply let him When he was sent back, Li Xiang also saw him, and his appearance...

Anyway, Li Xiang didn't like it, so he simply came back with the prisoners. As for what Li Shimin wanted to do with him, that was Li Shimin's own business.

"The three of you have meritorious service. Go down and have a rest. You will be rewarded..."

After having this princess, Li Shimin's mood was obviously much higher, and some of the ministers below were not surprised. Everyone is a man, especially the highest-ranking man in this dynasty. What does it mean to have a few more women? Isn’t this what war is about? The opponent's king's wife and daughter must serve him. This is the glory of the winner.

"Your Majesty, the Dengzhou Navy sent an urgent report a few days ago, saying that they discovered Goguryeo's envoys. Because His Highness Taisun blocked the entire defense line of the Datong River, their envoys could not come by land, so they came by water. …”

An official from the Ministry of Rites reported another incident. This was an envoy from Goguryeo seeking peace. They had tried their best in Liaodong, but Li Xiang refused to talk to them at all, causing King Li Xian of the Han River not to dare to cross the river.

Everyone thought that Li Shimin would ask Li Xiang to stop for a moment and then see what the Goguryeo envoy said, but what Li Shimin did next...

Li Shimin did not answer directly. Instead, he drew out the sword next to him and cut off the corner of the table next to him with one strike.

"Destroy Goguryeo..."

These four very calm words made everyone understand what Li Shimin was thinking. Many people have forgotten the humiliation Li Shimin suffered in Goguryeo, but Li Shimin himself will not forget it.

Li Shimin has traveled south and north for so many years, and fought hundreds of wars, large and small. Only Goguryeo allowed him to leave Maicheng, so Li Shimin hated this country with itch...

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