As time went by, the temperature became lower and lower. Goguryeo soldiers still went to the riverside every day to pry open the ice, but they also discovered a fatal thing, that is, the ice was now pried open. It's not that easy to drive anymore, it's taking longer and longer each day, and now it's starting to freeze during the day.

Many people have told Gai Yuan Suwen that our approach makes no sense. Even if we can keep the river in front of us from freezing, the entire Datong River has grown longer. Can we keep the entire Datong River from freezing? ? This is simply impossible unless we don't eat or sleep and keep staring at the entire river surface, smashing open the slightest bit of ice.

But Gae Yeon So-moon doesn't listen to him. There are so many soldiers under his command and they are doing nothing now. How can this be done? Gai Yuan Suwen has fallen into a state of confusion. If something happens to his men, what does he think he did to resist the Tang army? If you stay in the military camp every day, you will really have nothing to do, and you will be very panicked in your heart. Although what you are doing is useless, at least you are working, and you will feel a little more at ease. a little.

Li Xiang has sent people to investigate clearly and has also called in the old people around. According to them, in five or six days at most, the entire river surface will be frozen very hard. At that time, no matter whether it is You can come and go freely when running a carriage or doing other things.

However, for the sake of safety, Li Xiang was still prepared to separate his troops. Only a thousand people could pass through at a time, and the remaining people had to wait on the shore. After the first group of people passed, they had to pull iron bars on both sides. Lock, the soldiers had to hold on to the iron rope when crossing the river. If the ice in the middle opened, relying on the iron rope could still save a life.

As for the cavalry crossing the river, everyone must dismount, and then fifty people form a small group, and they must spread out evenly to try not to cause too much shock to the river.

Li Xiang was actually too careful in doing this. In previous winters, Goguryeo's army would cross the river directly on horseback, but it was just winter now, so there was nothing wrong with being careful.

The soldiers under his command are also ready. They have been resting here for nearly two months. Although they often go out for training, most of the time they still stay in the tent bragging, so one by one They were almost furious, and now orders had been issued from above, asking them to conduct restorative training every day. Seeing that the attack was coming, the opportunity to make contributions was also coming.

Listening to the sound of the training of the Tang Dynasty army opposite, the Goguryeo army was not happy at all. Their faces were full of worry and their whole bodies were shivering with cold. Although the King of Goguryeo sent them some cotton clothes, The quantity sent was so small that twenty people could not get one item, and the remaining people could only wear everything they found on their bodies.

Although this can temporarily maintain the temperature of their bodies, the combat effectiveness is greatly reduced. Many people look for clothes from the dead. The clothes are colorful and colorful. From a distance, they don't look like an army at all, just like beggars. Same.

Even this kind of clothes worn by beggars was a novelty among the Goguryeo army. When someone fell asleep and did not get up, his clothes would be stripped off the next morning, and then the whole person would be thrown into the Outside, no one even had the energy to dig a hole to bury him...

There is no dry food to eat every day, only ice water to drink, and even a fire is a luxury. Who has the energy to bury someone?

Gai Yuan Suwen saw all this, but he had no other way. He couldn't control so much at the moment. All the imperial treasury had been emptied, and there were still things in the warehouses of many nobles in the rear, but The King of Goguryeo couldn't make up his mind. If he sent those people's things to the front line, it would offend all the nobles in the country. There are not many troops in the rear. If those nobles rebelled, the King of Goguryeo's own life would be at risk. It's all a matter.

Seeing that the training of the Tang army was getting more and more powerful, Gai Yuan Suwen also knew that they were about to attack. In the past few days, he had sent out his most trusted people to get an understanding of the entire Datong River defense line. If If the Tang army came to attack, they wouldn't be able to hold on for even a few days, and they would even fall apart on the same day.

So Gaiyuan Suwen had to make some preparations for himself. When he came from the capital, he also wanted to reorganize his house, and then use the natural danger of the Datong River to make the Tang army lose a lot of troops here, and then he You can use victory to negotiate with the Tang army, even if you give them all the land north of the Datong River, as long as you can keep Goguryeo.

The ideal is very beautiful, but the reality is very skinny. After coming to the front line, he also understood that if you only rely on the troops in front of you, don't expect to cause any losses to the Tang army. You will be able to run faster when the time comes. If his son was not captured by the Tang army, it would be regarded as a meritorious service to Goguryeo.

So this guy plundered the entire army to get enough supplies for his three thousand armored troops, including food and drink, so that they could run faster when the war started.

These soldiers under his command also understood that Gaiyuan Suwen placed them at the southernmost part of the military camp. They were the most capable of fighting in the entire army. Normally, they should be placed at the northernmost front line, but now they are placed at the southernmost point. Isn't it just to escape in the far south? If it is in the far north, it will not be easy to travel through the entire Goguryeo military camp when war is about to break out.

Now the generals of each battalion still know you as the prime minister. If they enter a state of chaos, they will do anything to escape, let alone you are the prime minister. Even if the King of Goguryeo is here in person, these people will do anything. Those who dared to wield a knife to kill, at that time who cared about class level, as long as you can survive, you have to kill all the way.

Gai Yuan Suwen had seen the chaos on the battlefield, so he had to be fully prepared. He entrusted these generals under him with important tasks, hoping that when the Tang army attacked, these generals could resist Staying for two hours can be regarded as buying time for him to escape, but the generals also have Xiao Jiujiu in their hearts. Do you think only the Prime Minister will escape?

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