Originally, there were still some soldiers in Jiangnan who were organized and were preparing to resist the attack of the Tang army. However, after rows of cannonballs were fired out, this part of the army immediately became headless flies.

Many soldiers felt strange why the shells followed them wherever they went. In fact, his feeling was wrong. The main reason was that shells fell everywhere, so he felt that the shells followed him.

Fifty thousand soldiers were the first batch of people to cross the river. On a seven-kilometer-long front, everyone crossed the river spread out to minimize resonance.

Li Xiang stood on a high place and saw the dense crowds of people crossing the river below. This was the beginning of the Tang Dynasty's hegemony. Tuyuhun and Tubo are all our homeland. Of course, this is based on the 21st century. According to human concepts, only by crossing this river can we truly open up new territories.

"It's like a dream. Our advancement speed is so fast. I thought that occupying the land in Jiangbei within a few months would be a victory. I didn't expect that we are now heading south."

Qin Huaiyu said incredulously. He also came up from behind, but the vanguard task had been handed over to others, so Qin Huaiyu could only follow Li Xiang obediently.

"There is nothing surprising about this. Everything has been decided since the beginning of last year. At that time, our strategy was to weaken Goguryeo without limit. Unexpectedly, their domestic people also cooperated with us and pushed the fight to It has reached the highest level, resulting in Jiangbei not having much combat effectiveness, otherwise we would still be fighting hard now. It can be seen that the war is not just military, but extends to many aspects."

General Li Jing stroked his beard and said.

After the general said these words, everyone looked at Li Xiang with admiration. After two years of hard work, it is finally time to reap the rewards. From this time on, Goguryeo will follow the Tang surname. .

Niu Jinda and Su Dingfang led their men to the south to cover up the killing. After their horses arrived, these two men took the lead and led their men to charge all the way. The Goguryeo army had no will at all. They only thought about it now. After running away, when they heard the shouts of killing from behind, these people immediately threw their weapons and surrendered.

This is also normal. Among Goguryeo's border troops, 60% of them were forcibly brought here. They were just ordinary people in the border area. They didn't even have a day's training. Now you let them When fighting on the battlefield, they have no fighting skills and no fighting will. Why don't they surrender?

What's more, in the hearts of these people, the Goguryeo court did not regard them as human beings, but only wanted to treat them as cannon fodder. How could they work for such a court? In addition, the prime minister and generals had fled, which made it even more difficult. It's impossible to sacrifice one's life.

At noon that day, the pursuing troops finally stopped. They received the latest order from Li Xiang, asking them to set up a defense line on the spot. We have to take a good inventory of the occupied areas. If we continue to move south like this, it will be very difficult for us. It doesn't do much good for us. After all, we are on other people's soil, and the price of greedy advancement is not small.

In just one morning, the Tang army charged for nearly fifty miles. During this period, the Tang army killed a total of more than 19,000 Goguryeo troops, captured more than 84,000 people, and countless livestock and border residents.

Although several lines of defense were set up in Goguryeo, when the Tang army arrived, all the people here had already fled. They would follow the officials and even the officials were unwilling to resist. They Why should we resist? Many officials had already retreated southward before seeing the Tang army.

"Why are we told to withdraw our troops? If we continue to run forward, I will probably be able to reach the capital of Goguryeo when it gets dark today."

Niu Jinda came back on a fast horse. He had never fought such a comfortable battle before. The morale of his soldiers was also high and they were unstoppable along the way. I originally thought that the people of Goguryeo had to have some fighting power, especially after entering their hinterland. Unexpectedly, There are starving ghosts everywhere here, and many of them are skinny. Not to mention resisting the Tang army, it seems that even taking a breath takes half of his effort.

"You are just charging. You have to take a look at the situation behind us. How many prisoners, how many border residents, and how many seizures are around? We haven't counted them yet. If we continue to charge forward, we will lose everything." What if we have missed any organized resistance forces and let them continue to develop within us?"

Hearing what General Li Jing said, Niu Jinda stood aside and did not dare to say anything. The army is also a place where seniority is respected. Among the entire army, the one who has more self-discipline than Niu Jinda may be Li Jing. So when Li Jing spoke, Niu Jinda listened as honestly as a primary school student.

In addition to counting these things in the occupied area, there is another more important thing, and that is to look at the attitudes of Silla and Baekje. Although Li Xiang wants to solve them together, if the two countries send envoys, Li Xiang will Xiang is prepared to adopt a more moderate attitude.

In the afternoon of that day, Li Xiang arranged the more than 50,000 troops on the front line, and the remaining people began to search back and forth within the occupied area. Whether they were people or animals, they had to be registered, and some others entered. Li Xiang ordered people to seal the mountain pass if he didn't want to go to the mountain forest, or if he went in, he might suffer a lot of losses.

Maybe some people can live in the mountains, but most people have never lived in the mountains, so they are likely to run out. Then we will wait at the exit to catch them one by one. As for the mountains, we will not go in for the time being. .

There is a reason why Li Xiang did this. There are still many enemies on the peninsula, and we do not have the time to clear out the rear. Instead of sending a large number of soldiers into the mountains, it is better to surround them first and deal with them when we have time.

You don’t know if you don’t investigate. An investigation would scare people to death. Goguryeo has a large population. Now there are more than 1.3 million people and soldiers in total. More than 90% of them have no food to eat. So many people If people all need to eat, it is by no means a small number.

"Why is this pressure to eat put on us? They won't eat when we don't come?"

After hearing the report from the people below, Niu Jinda was the first to feel depressed...

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