Still twenty meters away from the tent, Xue Yantuo Khan had already heard the coughing inside. Inside was Xue Yantuo's prime minister. I don't know how many people died in one winter because of the cold wind. If it hadn't been for life and death, Xue Yantuo Khan would have Won't come here.

"Prime Minister, are you feeling better?"

Seeing the old Prime Minister Xue Yantuo Khan lying on the bed, he was also a little embarrassed. The old Prime Minister also worried a lot about Xue Yantuo, and now at the end of the day, he had to keep him busy.

"Khan should leave quickly. My illness is already terminal. If Khan stays here for a long time, he will probably get over it. Someone in this tent is already sick."

Although the old prime minister was dissatisfied with the Khan in front of him, the person in front of him was the king of Xue Yantuo after all. If he died of illness, especially at this time, then the people of the Tang Dynasty would be happy.

When the old prime minister said this, Khan Xue Yantuo was really nervous. He cherished his life. Whenever someone around him was infected with the cold, he wanted to bury the person alive immediately. But at this moment, he received a call. According to a series of reports, the Tang army has indeed set off. That bastard Captain Zuo is the vanguard. Dangerous places have been avoided along the way. They will be killed in less than half a month.

And according to the information from the secret agent, Li Xiang was still buying people's hearts along the way. After this catastrophe, the people's hearts on Xueyantuo Grassland have been torn apart. Li Xiang only needs to give them a little benefit to make these people feel Being taken seriously, they are like ants to Xue Yantuo Khan. As long as Li Xiang treats them a little better, these people will immediately surrender to the Tang Dynasty.

According to the information they collected, more than thirty tribes have declared their allegiance to the Tang Dynasty, which accounts for one-third of them. If there is a conflict next, the people under Xue Yantuo Khan will not believe it all. , after all, there are many people from these more than 30 tribes, and their maternal families have betrayed them. Will they continue to fight with the Khan? Even if they dare to follow, can Xue Yantuo Khan believe them?

If these people colluded with their tribes and stabbed each other in the back during the war, Xue Yantuo Khan would not even say he won, but even saved his own life. Now he couldn't believe it. No one dared to believe it. As a veteran of three dynasties, he wanted to listen to the old prime minister's opinions, so even if the old prime minister was infected with the cold, he himself was in danger of being infected, and he had to stay here and listen.

"What did the old prime minister say? You and I are a monarch and a minister. Since my father's time, you have brought great changes to Xue Yantuo. Now that the enemy is facing the enemy, the old prime minister must take good care of his body in order to be able to Find a way for us, Xue Yantuo, and the Gemu sect..."

As Xue Yantuo Khan spoke, he pointed to a few young people next to him. These people were all the sons and grandsons of the old prime minister.

The old prime minister has run out of gas, and he was no longer willing to make blind ideas, but now he thinks of his son and grandson. If nothing is done before his death, according to the way Khan does things, his children and grandchildren will not be able to do anything by then. It’s painful.

"Great Khan, tell me about the situation in Datang."

In just a few words, the old prime minister coughed up several more mouthfuls of blood. Everyone could tell that the old prime minister probably couldn't hold on any longer. What he needed at this time was a good rest, but Khan Xue Yantuo didn't have time to let him go. He rested and immediately asked his men to report some situations.

The old prime minister's family members all clenched their fists. They wished they could start a rebellion now, but unfortunately all their military power was deprived of them. They also knew that the old prime minister was holding on to his will. If he didn't give the Khan an idea, , then people like them will never have a good life in the future.

After listening to the reports from his men, the old prime minister had the door of the tent opened and some fresh air came in. Although the temperature dropped a lot, the old prime minister's mind became much clearer. This should be the last time he made suggestions for Xue Yantuo. .

"We have no retreat. It is impossible to continue going north. So now we can only go south or west. If we go south, we do not have the strength to defeat Datang, then we can only go west."

The old prime minister had no other choice. Xue Yantuo Khan had never considered going west before. At least there was grassland under his feet. If he went west, there would be a large area of ​​​​the Gobi Desert, and there would be no way to survive. If we go down, we can still graze here, but what can we do over there?

There are indeed oases in the Gobi Desert, but there are more than a dozen countries scattered in the Western Region. Are all those countries easy to get along with? The Western Region itself has a lot of territory, but there are not many places where people can survive. City-states have been built one after another on the oases. Those people will fight you to protect their living place. If you go there, I have to fight all the way.

"Prime Minister, I know that the past is the only way out, but there are more than a dozen countries to the west of us. Although each of them is not strong, if our Xue Yantuo army goes over, it will easily arouse their resentment. Once they unite, Let alone seizing territory, our entire army will probably be destroyed."

Khan Xue Yantuo said anxiously that he had discovered that the old prime minister's vitality was slowly draining away. If he had not come up with a good idea before the old prime minister died, he really didn't know what to do with these people in the West. Is it that good?

"If you go west, the whole army may be wiped out, but if you go south, it will definitely be wiped out. There is something different here. We have reached a dead end now, and we can only fight to survive. vitality."

The old prime minister grabbed Xue Yantuo Khan's hand and squeezed it hard, but the old prime minister didn't have much strength at the moment. After saying these words, the old prime minister fainted and the people next to him were shocked. , and quickly gave the old prime minister a few mouthfuls of ginseng soup, but after the old prime minister woke up, he was speechless. It seemed that he could not last a few more days.

Khan Xue Yantuo said goodbye to the old prime minister and came to his tent in a daze, drinking half a catty of soju on the way.

Western Region?

Xue Yantuo Khan repeated these two words in his mouth. Did he really want to go there to make a living?

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