Ordinary days always pass so slowly. This is already the fifth day. Su Dingfang led the army to continue training outside the city, attracting many people from Gaochang Kingdom to watch. They had never seen this kind of training method.

In their impression, if you want to kill the enemy, you must be strong in the ability to fight immediately. However, they have been watching here for three days. The Tang army seems to have never trained to fight immediately. We have never trained in the way they trained. Not seen.

The first thing to train was the installation and movement of ballistae. Now the Tang army has entered a new level. They have already broken away from the previous scene of swordsmen meeting each other. Many wars ended without the two sides even meeting. This All thanks to artillery.

Many people in Gaochang Kingdom were watching from a distance. They didn't understand what these soldiers of the Tang Dynasty were doing. They took so many ballistae and installed and dismantled them, then put them on the carriage and ran away. Have you run out of strength?

Mr. Zhao has also been watching these days. Although he is a minister of the Tang Dynasty, he doesn't know much about the army of the Tang Dynasty. After watching these days, it is basically clear that what Su Dingfang trains is the speed of these artillery.

The situation on the battlefield is changing rapidly, and it is impossible for you to fire artillery in one place all the time. Therefore, after receiving orders from above, you must switch artillery positions as quickly as possible.

The second is grenade throwing. Veterans know very well that they can throw it as far as possible with the least effort, and can even control where to throw it. However, recruits do not have such ability. There are 800 recruits in the team who came from They are from Chang'an City, so this training project is mainly done by them.

The objects used in training are also specially made and weigh about the same as real grenades. Only in this way can the real throwing distance be simulated.

Of course, there will also be live-fire training. Every three days, the troops will conduct live-fire training. This is also what Li Xiang requested. If all training objects are used, the soldiers will not smell the smoke on the battlefield. It is very likely that we will not experience that situation. Only by letting them smell the smoke of gunpowder on the battlefield will they know that they are not far from the battlefield.

During the live ammunition training, the people and ministers of Gaochangguo were dumbfounded. It was obviously a brick-sized thing, how could it have such a powerful explosion? And there is so much black smoke. If we fight our army, we only need five or six hundred of these things, and we may be able to reimburse thousands of our cavalry.

Su Dingfang didn't care about their experience. This was also a way to show off our country's prestige. Wa Dahan and the border soldiers had seen it a long time ago, but people here had never seen it before, so Su Dingfang didn't mind performing it for them again.

When the ballistae was firing, the officials here came out. The Tang army could attack targets several miles away very accurately, and they attacked multiple times. A scene appeared in their minds. If we go up Thousands of cavalry attacked Datang's military camp. According to their two attack methods, it is estimated that half of our people would be dead before they even touched the gate of the camp.

After the ministers of Gaochang State saw this scene, they also had other thoughts in their minds. If the people of the Tang Dynasty proposed to station soldiers again, could we still refuse like that? What if we anger them? Even though these people have smiles on their faces, it is said that people in the Tang Dynasty will fall out faster than they can read a book.

The king of Gaochang State was the most afraid. He himself was a man without much ability. When he saw the Tang army training on the city gate building, this guy's left hand started to tremble with fear. If it hadn't been for him If you hold on to your cuffs tightly, you might be able to be seen by others.

How powerful the Tang Dynasty is. I used to listen to what others said, but today I finally saw the facts. So for these people, they have to reconsider their relationship with the Tang Dynasty, especially in terms of words. , You can never let your own temper be the same as before. Even though there are only five thousand troops here, if they really attack the capital, it will be like what Wadahan said, and it will only take half a month at most.

After returning to the palace, the senior officials of Gaochang Kingdom were still thinking about the scene just now. Many people's souls had not yet returned to this body. They were still thinking about the explosion outside the city. They all began to think about themselves. Fortunately, this The explosion has nothing to do with us now. No wonder Xue Yantuo was killed.

If the Tang Dynasty used such weapons to attack us, let alone our small Gaochang Kingdom, what could even more than a dozen countries in the Western Regions do? By then, I'm afraid they will all be swept away by Datang.

"Hasn't there been any letter from General Zhenguo yet?"

The king of Gaochang State patted the table, and then asked everyone to put their souls on their bodies. The explosion just now scared away their souls. Now everyone is thinking about how to deal with the Tang Dynasty envoy. Good relationship.

"As far as the king is concerned, no."

A general below said honestly, they have been out for less than half a month, and the whereabouts of the other party have not been found. Xue Yantuo's people seem to have disappeared these days, and they no longer go to rob other tribes. , because when they rob other tribes, their whereabouts will inevitably be exposed. They also know that Gaochang Kingdom is going to exterminate them, and they don't know which corner they have been hiding in these days.

"What position has General Zhenguo reached?"

The king of Gaochang Kingdom was a little irritable. He looked at where his soldiers and horses were, and thought about using remote control to kill Xue Yantuo's people as soon as possible, so that the army could come back early and give himself some comfort.

"Why is it traveling so slowly?"

When his men marked the location on the map, His Royal Highness the King was immediately dissatisfied. It was only three hundred and fifty miles away from the capital. Didn't they conduct a search in the past few days? You must know that the army of Gaochang State is different from that of the Tang Dynasty. They are all made up of cavalry and can travel at least hundreds of miles every day.

This is the advantage of the nomads. Even if the soldiers of the Tang Dynasty were equipped with war horses, they would not be able to walk so fast without special training. The nomads were born and grew up on horses, so they You can do everything on horseback. The speed of travel should not be so slow. There is only one reason why it is so slow now. General Zhen Guo is afraid of death...

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