The situation in Gaochang State is very urgent, but no matter how urgent it is, it cannot shake the foundation of the Tang Dynasty. Something happened in Chang'an City at this moment, but it can have a profound impact on the Tang Dynasty.

Li Shimin has issued an imperial edict for Li Jue to go to the Beiting Protectorate to serve as the Protector of the Beiting Protectorate.

This matter made Li Chengqian very troubled. Of course he was very clear about his son. The last time in the carriage, King Wu had made it very clear. If you want to save your youngest son's life, it is best for you. Use your own brain. If you really let your youngest son go to the north, he might not even have any bones left.

Li Xiang might not take action for Li Chengqian's sake. After all, this is his half-brother.

But as for those people under Li Xiang, they had already completed the war in the north. It could be said that they came through a hail of bullets. They were about to reap the fruits. A man came from Chang'an City and robbed their work. These people in the army No one cares whose son you are.

Although Li Chengqian has never been in the army, he also knows how these people in the army do things. If you are already in their way, don't expect them to give you face. You don't know how you will die by then.

So on a day when he was not going to court, Li Chengqian held a banquet at home, but he did not entertain anyone. Except for his legitimate son Li Jue, no one else was present.

Looking at his son, Li Chengqian had mixed feelings in his heart. He was afraid that his son would have a future, but at the same time he was afraid that his son would not have a future. Born in such a family, he could only choose one son who would have a future. If there were two If both sons are promising, then fighting will immediately break out.

He knew very well what happened to Li Tai back then. The emperor wanted to replace Li Chengqian's crown prince, so what was the result of doting on Li Tai in every possible way? The two brothers fought so hard that they almost demolished the city of Chang'an.

At that time, Li Shimin's position was already stable, so he could let the two sons fight hard. Whoever wins would be able to inherit the throne. In the end, Li Chengqian became weird. If it weren't for Li Xiang's appearance, the East Palace might not be able to stay anymore. Went down.

Now the status of the East Palace has risen rapidly, but it is far from stable, so Li Chengqian cannot let such a thing happen, especially the war between Li Xiang and Li Jue, which will destroy the entire East Palace.

"I wish my father a long life of good health."

Li Jue picked up the wine glass in front of him. He behaved very meekly, but Li Chengqian knew very well that this son was not an ordinary person. He might not have shown much in the early years, but in the past two years, he has become more and more capable. It stands out that it is basically impossible for such a person to get along.

"You are sensible. There is no need for us, father and son, to go around in circles. My father doesn't want you to leave Chang'an. You should stay in Chang'an. Under my father's nose, any matter can be easily discussed."

Li Chengqian drank the wine in the cup, and then went straight to the topic. Everyone in the palace was evacuated, including some guards, all twenty feet away, so the father and son could not talk about anything. It's impossible to be eavesdropped by others.

Li Jue knew what Li Chengqian meant. He was just afraid that he would fight for power with his eldest brother, which would affect the status of the entire East Palace. The moment Li Jue received the imperial edict, he knew that he would not have any chance during the period of leaving the capital. Live a good life.

"What the father said is that the son should stay well by his father's side and learn more from him, but now even with him..."

This kid also has his own response plan. Li Chengqian hasn't played his cards yet, and he won't show his cards. As a member of the royal family, even the father and son must proceed step by step when talking. No one will expose themselves. His trump card was revealed at once.

"You used the imperial edict to fool me. Do you know who I am? I'm telling you now, I am your father. Everything I do is for your good. Don't think that the Protector of Beiting is a good job. You won’t be able to achieve anything there, and you may not understand the situation there, but you only need to understand one thing, all the people north of Chang’an City are your eldest brother’s people.”

Li Chengqian did not slowly put pressure on his son like others, but directly told the truth. Although you are two brothers, you are not two biological brothers. The struggle between the two of you is greater than others. To be cruel, are half-brothers still brothers?

"Isn't this just right? My son is looking after the territory for my eldest brother. My eldest brother should not treat his son badly."

Li Jue was still unwilling to give up this opportunity. This opportunity was too important to him. If he lost it like this, he would become a rich man like the other young masters in the East Palace and would have no chance of getting involved in the imperial court.

"What kind of person is your eldest brother? I don't need to tell you more. I know you still remember things about your grandfather's family, so I will tell you now. It is a good thing for you to forget about this matter. But if you can’t forget it, then I, as a father, can’t help you.”

Li Chengqian has known for a long time that his youngest son has always remembered what happened back then and wants to treat Li Xiang as his servant. But your shoulders are not as tall as each other at all. Your mother has already moved out of the East Palace, let alone you now. Even Li Chengqian, the father, and Li Shimin, the grandfather, probably wouldn't be able to force Li Xiang to do something unpleasant.

After hearing what Li Chengqian said, Li Jue was a little shocked. He had long known that his eldest brother was very powerful, but was it already so powerful? Even his father, the prince, couldn't force him to do anything?

"My son knows that what he did is right, and he will never be an enemy of him on this matter. But this time when he went to the Beiting Protectorate, his son also wanted to make a career and be his deputy in the future. Isn’t it better?”

Li Chengqian finally figured it out. This son was determined to go to the north. He had said all good and bad things. Unfortunately, this son did not have enough money and salt. It seemed that he had to make a decision for him. If he really went to the north, when the time came, No bones or scraps are left.

"Let me ask you one last question, can you stay in Chang'an City?"

Li Chengqian has put down the wine glass, and his face has lost the gentleness of the past. At this moment, Li Chengqian is like a fierce tiger, and his son has become food in his eyes...

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