On the way back to Beijing, in addition to the two thousand cavalry, many war horses were also transported back. The grasslands in the north are already ours to decide. All the defenses here are from the Tang Dynasty’s army. These extra Naturally, the war horses have to be transported back. Even if they are not needed in Chang'an City, they are needed all over the country.

Of course, Li Xiang will not make selfless contributions. If anyone wants these war horses, they have to buy them at a price slightly lower than the market price. We are not making selfless contributions. Of course, they belong to Li Xiang's territory.

Li Xiang is not building a small kingdom, it is purely because the Tang Dynasty is not ours now, and we cannot make decisions in many places, so we cannot use our own money to be a good person.

"Are these people really unteachable?"

Li Xiang looked at a group of people in the distance and said, these people are also die-hard elements on the grassland. Some are Turks, some are Xueyantuo people, and some are from the west. In short, there are all kinds of people. After we captured them, They have been educated to a certain extent, but it has been more than a year now, and those who should obey orders also obey orders, but these people still shout and curse every day.

"The rocks in the pit are smelly and hard. I don't know how many correctional officers have been replaced for them, but in the end those people are almost doubting their abilities. They are die-hards, so don't worry about them. Come back. After arriving in Chang'an City, we will send them to the slave market, and we will settle the matter after losing the money. As for how their employers deal with them, we don't care."

Speaking of these more than 3,000 people, Niu Jinda was very angry. Originally, he patted his chest next to Li Xiang and promised that these people would be able to move here. The original population on the grassland was not large. If they could all If they are transformed, it will also be beneficial to our defense of the grassland. Who knows that more than a year has passed, and we have not eaten less food, but our people have not changed. We have used both soft and hard ones, but there is nothing we can do against them.

Li Xiang knew that there were many Turkic royal families here. It was not difficult to make them surrender to the Tang Dynasty. These people also expressed their willingness, but from now on, let them treat them as ordinary people and treat them as ordinary people. All their property was confiscated, which these people couldn't bear.

They have been born in the leader's tent since they were young, and have eaten the best food from around them since they were young. Therefore, these people are not willing to give up this kind of life. When they are asked to surrender to the Tang Dynasty, they are naturally willing. , but when they were asked to give up all their property, these people began to resist.

So far, there are still more than a dozen rebel armies on the grassland. These people appear in the depths of the grassland and constantly attack the Tang army. Although they lose troops every time they attack, they are still very keen on this activity, and these people in front of them The Turkic nobles were supporters of the resistance.

So when Li Xiang left, he took all these people with him. Since you don't obey the teachings of the Tang Dynasty, you can only be slaves. Originally, we were relatively soft-hearted and let you be ordinary people. Ordinary people, what you did in the past will not be held accountable. Now that you don’t want to be ordinary people, then let you try a career that is more difficult than ordinary people.

"How do the brothers on the grassland take turns? We must give them time to go home. Otherwise, no one can persist in that kind of place."

Li Xiang thought of the army on the grassland. Niu Jinda wanted to return home to Chang'an. Ordinary soldiers also have feelings. Everyone came out at about the same time. Although there were some rotations in the middle, more than 60% of the soldiers were It has been two years since I went home. Li Xiang had already assigned this task when he left. Everyone must go home within the next eight months. All expenses incurred on the way will be considered the court's expense. Stay at home for at least two months.

According to the rules established by Li Xiang earlier, when you leave home for a year, you can stay at home for one month, and this month is paid. After this kind of thing spread in the army, many people did not I dare to believe it, but after the first batch of soldiers carried out this order, everyone believed it. Li Xiang really did what he said.

"They have already arranged their shifts, and most of the soldiers know when they will go home. However, I have also talked with them in some key positions. They may not be able to go home, and they must be allowed to continue to perform their duties. year, but I have made it clear to them that they can stay at home for three months when they return home next year.”

Niu Jinda is not just a general who fights on the battlefield. He was originally unable to master these things. After this year of training, Niu Jinda found that his daily management is also good. Everyone has potential, as long as you push yourself. With one hand, you can finally know where your potential lies.

"That's okay. We are homesick, and the soldiers are also feeling this way. After returning to Chang'an City this time, whether it is the Goguryeo battlefield or the Turkic battlefield, a batch of condolences will be sent to all the soldiers' homes. In addition to money, it is food. , there is nothing better than these two things.”

Li Xiang will not treat the soldiers who fought bloody battles with him badly. The imperial court does not have this expenditure, and Li Xiang will bear this expenditure. According to Li Xiang, as long as you follow me as a soldier, you only need to consider one thing , that is to win, as for the remaining things, this is not what you should think about, I will help you consider everything in place.

At that time, when Li Xiang said this, many people thought it was an empty talk, but now hundreds of thousands of people have followed Li Xiang to make a living. They know that this is not an empty talk. Since joining Li Xiang's army, their lives have been great. It's getting better day by day. Even if unfortunately he loses his life, the whole family will not worry about their future life. This is the guarantee of His Highness the Grand Sun.

"Your Highness, you can rest assured. We have a specialized department in the military. They have already started part of the work. When we return to the capital, this work will be fully launched. We have also sent a message from the Hubu Yamen. , they will help us complete it.”

It is a bit unrealistic for a single military agency to complete such a huge work, so it has to be assisted by people from the Hubu Yamen. However, Li Xiang does not believe that the officials in Chang'an City are corrupt. There are quite a few of them...

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