Li Shimin has a great status in the hearts of these generals, but Li Shimin will not go out to fight for no reason. Every battle has a reason. Unifying the world was the first battle, and the Turks later provoked us because of them. , there was a reason for Goguryeo later, and there was also a reason for Li Xiang’s war now. Xue Yantuo and Gaochang were both implicated, but apart from these places, who provoked us in other places?

"I know what my father-in-law is worried about. It's just that the Tang Dynasty's finances can't bear it. But now we are fighting two wars at the same time and have recruited two to three hundred thousand soldiers from home and abroad. But will our casualties be high? We will. Did it cost a lot?”

When Li Xiang said this, Cheng Yaojin realized why Li Xiang was so confident. Although we used more than 200,000 soldiers to conquer Goguryeo, most of the soldiers were maintaining law and order in various places. The number of soldiers who actually went to war Not many, the number of casualties is even less.

According to the information Cheng Yaojin received, there were only more than 10,000 casualties among the more than 200,000 people. We took down Goguryeo and the two countries on the peninsula. This loss was not serious for Datang. In addition, The money we snatched can be fully compensated for by military expenditures, and even the Tang Dynasty's treasury can be enriched.

The most important thing is that we have so many more slaves and so much land. From now on, a large amount of food can be shipped in every year. In a farming country, as long as the price of food drops, other items in society will also drop. People's living standards will also improve.

"What you said makes sense, but I'm still a little worried about the frequent use of troops against the Xiongnu during the period of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty. In the later years of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, the money in the treasury was almost gone, and almost every household of the common people was in vain. Don't Make it like that."

Cheng Yaojin remembered the period of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, which was the first counterattack of the entire Han nation against the nomads. It can be said that they did a very good job, but in the following wars, the money spent by the Han Dynasty died. There are too many people, and the overall national strength is severely reduced.

"My father-in-law is worrying too much. As long as we can calculate the cost and control the expenditure at the same time, we will never reach that point. Take our current war in Xueyantuo as an example. Although the land in Xueyantuo is very barren, It won’t bring us much gain, but Xue Yantuo’s people don’t know how to run it, so how could we lose money if it were run by my people?”

Although Li Xiang didn't say how he ran his business, everyone present believed in Li Xiang's management ability. Which shop, large or small, in Chang'an City is not connected with Zhi Da Bao? If there is no contact, you may not be able to continue operating in this city.

"Then where is your next target?"

Cheng Yaojin was not the first to ask this question. Niu Junda also asked this question. Li Xiang is now considering two goals. One goal is naturally Fuso. The countries on the peninsula have now requisitioned their ports. It can be said that attacking Fuso is very easy.

But after returning to Chang'an City, Li Xiang had a new idea, that is, Nanzhao...

These can be regarded as Li Xiang's two strategies. They have not been finalized yet, mainly because a lot of information has not been recovered. When intelligence from various places is sent back, it is estimated that Li Xiang's strategic will will be finalized.

"We don't have a target yet, but I can assure you that you will be able to go into battle within half a year at the latest. There is no place for you in Chang'an City. The battlefield is your destination."

When they heard that there was only half a year left, the two brothers immediately became happy. They were originally born for war, and now they were allowed to hang out in Chang'an City. It was reasonable when they were young, but Niu Jinda and Su Dingfang were rewarded one after another. , these two people really can't sit still. In terms of relationship, we are much closer than you. We are Li Xiang's brother-in-law, so what do you think?

Cheng Yaojin's face was also full of joy, but he did not say anything about this matter. After all, Li Xiang had already decided, but he still felt that he should be stable in his heart. In order not to dampen Li Xiang's enthusiasm, Cheng Yaojin pretended that he had not listened. Not to mention that you can take your two sons with you for this matter.

After discussing these important things, it was time for the banquet. Cheng Yaojin was different from others. Others always had to find some company to accompany the guests, but Cheng Yaojin had no such idea. The whole family ate and drank. If he came As an outsider, the whole family would probably feel uncomfortable, so it would be better for people in your own family to drink.

Li Xiang's drinking capacity is still good, but the three of Cheng Yao and Jin Ye are all big wine barrels. In a short time, a jar of wine went down, but for these three people, it was just to moisten their throats, and the three of them immediately drank again. Someone brought a jar.

"It's not that I don't drink with you. You also know my original wine. This time I came back from the north. I feel a little unwell probably because the weather there is too cold, so I drink it every time. If it’s too much, I can’t sleep at night, and my whole body is in unbearable pain.”

Li Xiang has something else to do tonight. How could he drink too much with these three people? There was definitely no way to escape by other means, so he said there was something wrong with his body. Sure enough, when Li Xiang said this, the three of them looked very worried.

They are now on Li Xiang's boat, and they will be the people on this boat from now on. Li Xiang's health is very important, not to mention that we are still purely relatives. If Li Xiang's health is not good, then my sister will marry Wouldn’t the past also suffer?

"In the future, don't be the first to do everything. I am also the one who leads the troops in war. If you are the first to do everything, what do you want them to do? Leave the charge and fight to them."

Cheng Yaojin pointed at his two sons. Although he belittled his sons, these two guys were also very happy. In their view, Li Xiang was just a pretty boy. Although his skills were good, his essence was still the same. I'm a pretty boy, but my body can't bear it even if I go for a walk in the north. What is this if I'm not a pretty boy? If we two brothers had gone there, nothing would have happened. Is this thick-skinned weather still a problem?

Li Xiang can only surrender to his two brothers-in-law and then rely on you...

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