"Your cousin is different from you guys. He has been studying sages at home for the past few years, and now he has accumulated a lot of knowledge. Let me ask you, where do you think your cousin should go?"

Li Shimin is unwilling to expose these things. Because of his European style, his eldest grandson has been delayed for a few years. But now he wants to make up for it, but he doesn't know which yamen should be sent to. He also wants to hear Li Xiang's opinion. .

In Li Shimin's heart, although Li Xiang is arrogant and domineering, he is still very accurate in judging people. Princess Xiangcheng and Xiao Shougui are also extremely nervous, because this is related to his future. I really didn't expect that there are rumors outside. No, Li Shimin had to ask Li Xiang for some of his opinions.

"My cousin has a quick mind and is very measured in doing things. He is also a very disciplined person. Whichever yamen the grandson thinks is suitable. They can get someone like my cousin. It is a blessing for them. But if my grandfather If my cousin taught me, I think it would be better to go to the killing field."

Li Xiang's words made everyone laugh. Everyone knew that Li Xiang was a warmonger. Princess Xiangcheng did not want her son to go to the battlefield, because in the eyes of many nobles, this was an unflattering thing.

Xiao Shougui, on the other hand, has no such idea. Although he is a scholar, he also thinks that good men are everywhere. Apart from Chang'an City, he has never been to other places at all. He also wants to visit all the places in the Tang Dynasty. Where's the land?

"Since you said that, how about asking your cousin to be your helper? Do you think he should go to Goguryeo? Or go to Xue Yantuo?"

Li Shimin immediately grasped the opportunity. Of course, this opportunity was given to him by Li Xiang. In Li Shimin's view, Xiao Shougui could not be Li Xiang's person. Li Shimin wanted to put him in now.

Princess Xiangcheng's face changed drastically. She thought it was a joke between grandparents and grandchildren, but she didn't expect that her son's future would be decided immediately. Princess Xiangcheng herself wanted to wait two days before asking for this matter, and she would not return to Chang'an for many years. Once, after coming back, I would first seek a future for my son. I'm afraid others would laugh at me.

But I didn't expect that in the middle of the joke, the two grandsons would decide the future of their son. Let's not talk about Goguryeo. It is said that it is well governed now and there are many people. But if they are sent to Xueyantuo, it will be terrible. It’s really making the sky not work, and the earth and the earth not responding.

"My grandson doesn't think there are any challenges in those two places. Uncle Wu is about to go to Gaochang, which is the most important place in the Tang Dynasty. Wouldn't it be better if my cousin could be his deputy? "

A word woke up the dreamer. When Li Xiang said this, Li Shimin understood instantly. Although he sent Li You to the front line, he was still a little worried in his heart. If he didn't find a proper person to watch, If so, this guy is very likely to turn things upside down. If he messes up, even if he is killed a hundred times, Datang's Western Region policy will have to be re-formulated, and the loss will be too great.

But there is someone who looks different to him. The reason why Xiao Shougui took such a name is because he is very observant of the rules. In addition, he is also related to the royal family and is the eldest grandson of Li Shimin. Under various suppressions, even if If Li You is not satisfied in his heart, then he has to look at the various relationships in the court and endure what he should endure.

"I really forgot about this. Your fifth uncle really needs a deputy when he is going to Gaochang. Are you willing to follow your fifth uncle to learn?"

Li Shimin said this, which shows that he has made up his mind. Although there is no need to go to Xue Yantuo, there is no benefit in following a person like Li You. Princess Xiangcheng wanted to refuse in her heart, but at this moment she heard her father's words Then she knew she couldn't refuse.

"As long as His Highness King Qi doesn't despise me for being stupid, I'm willing to go over and have a look, and increase my knowledge so that I can serve the Tang Dynasty."

Li Xiang and Li Shimin both agreed very much with Xiao Shougui's knowledge, but Li You felt uncomfortable here. He clearly wanted to find someone to watch him. After he passed there, Li Xiang's people were everywhere. This was not enough. We need to find another person from the emperor.

But he couldn't refuse in this situation. The ball was kicked from Li Xiang's feet to Li Shimin's feet, and then from Li Shimin's feet to Xiao Shougui's feet. Now Xiao Shougui kicked the ball to him, Li You.

If he refuses at this moment, it will be equivalent to rejecting everyone, and he will also offend Princess Xiangcheng, and then offend the Lanling Xiao family.

A skinny camel is bigger than a horse. In these changes, the Lanling Xiao family has also been severely weakened. But after all, it is still an ancient family. If Li You offends them, no matter what they do in the future, Everything will probably be interfered with by them.

Concubine Yin kept winking, asking Li You to agree. Your father has already decided to do this. If something happens to you, then in the eyes of your father, you will definitely be helpless. A Dou got up.

"What's the matter? If my nephew is willing to go, he can just go with his uncle. Let's take care of each other. Your mother took great care of me when she was in the palace, and I should repay the favor."

Li You was very good at speaking. They were both concubine children back then, so Princess Xiangcheng took more care of her concubine brother.

It's just that this guy Li You is not really grateful. This guy has long forgotten all about the care he showed back then. Now he just has an explanation.

The first step has been completed, and the second step is not suitable to be discussed here. Li Xiang also raised his glasses frequently. It was a real family banquet. What's more, when this eldest aunt looked at Li Xiang, her eyes were really exposed. A trace of emotion, after all, is related by blood.

Li Shimin was also very pleased with Long Yan and immediately gave him a fourth-grade official.

If Xiao Shougui was an official in Chang'an, he would be a fourth-grade official. But now that he has gone to Gaochang, this official is a bit disdainful. But if he comes back, he will have to be promoted at least one level, and he can be considered a member of the imperial court. senior officials.

Princess Xiangcheng also had a smile on her face after she figured this out.

I have already made up my mind. After I go back, I have to search for some valuable things. One part will be sent to Li You's house, and the other part will be sent to the palace. Although this time I am following Li You on errands, everyone knows that Gao Chang The troops over there are Li Xiang's cronies. How can they do it without giving gifts to the East Palace?

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