Li Xiang carefully studied the information sent back by Su Dingfang. These information were all from a month ago. It will definitely develop worse in this month, and he should receive even worse information tomorrow.

Generally speaking, when something happens at the border, the border guard will write a memorial every day and send it out every day. This is also to let the court better understand the situation at the border.

According to Li Xiang's original policy for the Western Regions, they should be coerced by force. Now that the countries in the Western Regions have formed a coalition, this also reflects another thing, that is, they originally respected Li Shimin as the Khan of Heaven. This is simply a lie. What a joke, as long as you don't beat them into submission, these people will only say good things.

"Your Majesty, I think this is a good thing. In the past, we were immersed in an illusion. They paid tribute in the memorials to us, but in fact we didn't get much benefit. Now they are alone. The true nature of this situation has been exposed, which shows that everything in the past was false, and we just took this opportunity to push all the way westward from Gaochang."

Li Xiang is always so straightforward in doing things. You have already shown your fangs, so what else can I say? If we cannot be friends, we are enemies. There is absolutely no middle choice. What's more, the Western Regions are very important to Datang, especially the Hexi Corridor, which must be in our own hands.

After Li Xiang finished speaking, many people present nodded. They didn't think so in the past, but after Li Xiang's southern and northern wars ended, these people had an inherent thought in their hearts...

According to what our Highness Taisun said, foreigners can only choose to accept or not accept it. If they accept it, then they will accept our various agreements and the whole country will reform. If they do not accept it, it will be more convenient for us. The army will directly kill them, and then we will carry out reforms ourselves.

"Your Majesty, can we adopt a compromise idea? We have just ended the war in the north. Xue Yantuo and other parts of the Turks are still unstable. We need to survive smoothly. If there is another war now, it may be very difficult for us, the Tang Dynasty. It would be detrimental.”

Li Xiang never expected that Changsun Wuji would stand up and oppose his suggestion, but this is normal. Although the two of them are already in the same trench, when it comes to such a major national matter, Changsun Wuji has always been He acted according to his own ideas. As long as it was beneficial to Datang, he didn't care whose side he was on.

Li Xiang also admired Changsun Wuji. Only in this way can Tang Dynasty have different voices. If everyone talks about the same thing up and down, it will actually be extremely detrimental to the development of the large intestine.

"What Lord Changsun said makes sense, but if this is the case, what should the Western Region Alliance Forces do? What do the surrounding vassal states think of us? They may think that we, the Tang Dynasty, do not have the guts, and the turmoil caused by that time will be even greater. , Xue Yantuo Khan is the instigator of this matter, once he wins, then Xue Yantuo’s hometown may be even more difficult to manage.”

What surprised the court ministers was that now Changsun Wuji was on the opposite side of Li Xiang, while Fang Xuanling was in Li Xiang's trenches, and he actually supported Li Xiang's statement.

Li Shimin is still very satisfied with the situation in front of him. Normally, we can fight as much as we want, but at the critical moment, we must speak out our true thoughts. Only in this way can we help Datang instead of bringing the struggle to the In the midst of such a military and national event.

After Fang Xuanling finished speaking, many people present began to talk. It is not a matter of fighting now or not. If there is a fight, the support from the court will definitely not be much. After all, two wars have just ended. Although now The imperial court has a little money, but domestic people's livelihood problems are still waiting here.

But if they don't fight, it will easily encourage their arrogance, especially Xue Yantuo Khan, who will definitely cause huge waves. In just two months, he has already united all the countries in the Western Region. , it shows that this person is a competent conspirator. If he is given a longer time, then I really don’t know what the final result will be, and it may make our Datang even more difficult.

"You know the situation in the northwest, so tell me the truth. No matter how many more troops there are in Su Dingfang, we can fight this battle. What I'm talking about is to win the battle."

It's the most critical moment again. The other ministers are already used to it, but Xiao Shougui is a little unaccustomed to such a tone. Is this what the emperor should say? In fact, everyone knows that the emperor likes to listen to Li Xiang's opinions on these major military and national affairs, and he wants to simplify all opinions into one sentence, which makes it easier for the emperor to choose.

At this time, the court was very quiet. No one said a word. Everyone was waiting for Li Xiang's answer. Li Xiang was also doing quick calculations in his mind. Li Shimin didn't rush him. It seemed to be a matter of course. , but Xiao Shougui, a newly arrived person, saw some clues, that is, no one in the entire court seemed to be able to answer such a question except Li Xiang.

Su Dingfang has a total of more than 10,000 people in his hands. These people are all people who are good at fighting. Some of them are system soldiers exchanged by Li Xiang. It is not impossible to count on them to sweep across the Western Region army, but if they do this, then what? It is a bit difficult to occupy the Western Region.

"If we return to the emperor, I'm afraid there will be no need to increase troops or transport various supplies to them within a few months. They can obtain them locally. But after a few months, I'm afraid something will have to be done. The first thing is to appoint local people. Local officials, and secondly, I mobilize the troops stationed in the local area. The troops under General Su are good at fighting, but if they are to manage local public security, it will be a bit overqualified."

After Li Xiang finished speaking, everyone understood what was going on. It was still the same as before. The people under Su Dingfang were enough to determine the outcome, but the court had to start preparing to take over the entire Western Region now.

If it were a newcomer, such as Xiao Shougui, he felt that Li Xiang was a little too confident in his words. The war hasn't even started yet, and you are already preparing to take over the entire Western Region. Is this too early?

Li Shimin also had a smile on his face. How could an aggressive emperor not fight?

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