In fact, people's ambitions are never satisfied. It turns out that Wadahan is just a dispensable prince in Gaochang. Not to mention having real power, it is unknown whether he can survive.

At that time, Wadahan only wanted to have the opportunity to grow. Now that he was pushed to the position of king by the Tang Dynasty, and seeing the separation of powers in the entire country, he felt a little uncomfortable.

Others can issue orders at will when they are kings, and I am also a king, but unfortunately there is a Supreme Emperor above me, and the king's orders must be approved by the Supreme Emperor. Whenever he thinks of this, Wadahan feels that injustice.

Half a month has passed since the political incident, and all parts of the Gaochang Kingdom have accepted it. They used to have many people making troubles, but under the rapid rectification of the Tang army, the troublemakers have all gone to the Kingdom of Heaven, so the remaining These people are extremely stable.

Many people just don't speak on the surface, but they still object in their hearts. It's just that they cherish their lives more. Are there not many people dying these days? The people of the Tang Dynasty are also very cruel. If you show any resistance, then grass will probably grow on your grave next year.

General Mo Lun was originally Wadahan's subordinate, and the two had known each other for many years, but in just a few days, General Mo Lun had already moved to the Tang Dynasty.

It can be seen from the letters sent back from the border. Most of them are sent to the Protectorate first and then to Gaochang Palace. How could the original General Mo Lun do such a thing?

Of course, this is normal. From an ordinary border general to a border prince with heavy troops, this is not a simple leap. Without the help of the Tang Dynasty, how could such a thing happen? General Morun remembered Datang's kindness in his heart, and naturally knew what to do next.

He knew that there would be many people around him looking at him, so under such circumstances, he had to set an example. According to the plan of the Tang Dynasty, the entire Gaochang would be divided into three kings. Although Wadahan He is a king in name only, but in fact he only has one-third of the rights. If you want to keep all this, you can only follow Datang closely.

Some people are happy and some are worried. When General Morun is happy that he has become a royal family, Wadahan is sighing in the palace.

"Your Majesty, this is too much. This is our royal city, and all the armies should be in our own hands. But now it's better. In addition to the palace guards, other military officials from the Tang Dynasty have to manage it. They talk nicely about what they call consultants, but without their nod, we wouldn’t be able to mobilize even one soldier.”

A general in armor poured out his bitter words here at Wadahan. Yesterday morning, an official document was sent to the Tang Dynasty army. Starting from tomorrow, rectification will begin. The original system in the Gaochang Kingdom army will be broken. Datang Officers of these armies will be re-appointed and trained according to new programs. All of them, including some middle- and senior-level officers, will be dismissed.

They were considering their own gains and losses, so they gathered at the palace early in the morning, hoping that Wadahan could say something to them and at least keep their high-ranking officials and generous salaries. Some people only hold this position for three generations. If this official document is thrown away, I will die without the shame to see my ancestors.

The generals below took turns to come up. When they saw that His Highness the King did not express his position, they thought that the matter was not serious enough, so one by one they all complained, wishing that if His Highness the King did not say this, the whole of Gaochang would be destroyed. Same.

When Wadahan heard this, he was very angry. If he followed the requirements of the Tang Dynasty, he would not be able to mobilize a single soldier in the entire Gaochang Royal City except for the four to five hundred royal city guards. All soldiers are under the supervision of the Tang army, and he, the king, is a polished commander.

At that time, he wanted to talk to Su Dingfang. If it were in the past, he would never have such courage. Now that he has become the king of Gaochang, he thought he had such ability, but after he left the palace , he smelled the smell of blood outside. How did his king come from? Isn’t it because of the military coup carried out by the Tang Dynasty?

During the military coup, the Tang Dynasty killed countless dignitaries in Gaochang before he could claim the position of king. If he went to question Su Dingfang now, if Su Dingfang became fierce, he would be killed directly. There will be no place to cry when the time comes.

What's more, besides him, there are several younger princes in the Gaochang Palace. This is something you don't understand. It's not that we don't give you this position. After you are deposed, your younger brothers can also become Gaochang. Kings, they also have royal blood.

So Wadahan retreated at that time. Today, Wadahan has a stern face when facing these crying generals.

Yesterday, I returned from the palace. You people should have got the news. If you are sensible, you should not talk about this matter today, so as not to embarrass me.

But you people are not only here, but you have also called all the reputable people around the royal city. Do you want me to be embarrassed? Are you afraid that others won't know that I'm afraid of Datang?

"This matter is my decision. After experiencing that great change, the entire Gaochang has been in danger, so I asked the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty to help maintain order. You all must accept the adaptation well. How much combat effectiveness does the army of the Tang Dynasty have now? In the future, no one will have the privilege to have as much fighting power as our Gaochang army."

Wadahan really didn't want to listen to these people crying, so he interrupted them directly. The people present were silent for an instant, but everyone still maintained their previous actions. They all suspected that their ears had heard wrong. your wishes?

Many people don't believe what Vardahan said, but this is indeed what the king said. If you don't believe it when you hear it with your own ears, how can you believe it when others say it?

Some old ministers are no longer willing to stay here. They are all veterans of Gaochang. They originally thought that the king still has some blood, so they want to stay here for a few more days, but now the king has no blood at all. Let's stay Are you going to be a slave to the Tang Dynasty?

After figuring out this matter, several ministers immediately wanted to retire and return home, which made Wadahan very anxious...

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