Both of them thought of King Qi in the northwest. If they started the northwest strategy now, how long would it take for them to implement the county system?

However, General Kang Ying quickly shook his head. Their situation was different from that of Xue Yantuo Khan. Xue Yantuo Khan led his troops to attack others secretly. Taking advantage of the Tang Dynasty's melee in Goguryeo, he planned to eat up the original Turkic land, but Unexpectedly, he lost his wife and lost his troops. If he had known this result earlier, it would have given the Khan the courage, and I am afraid he would not have taken action against the Tang Dynasty.

But now there is no regret medicine in the world. Although Khan Xue Yantuo regrets it, the Tang army will no longer give you a chance. Even if you want to surrender now, the Tang Dynasty may kill you. You In addition to those hundreds of people, do you have any chips in your hands? You've lost all your chips.

In addition, it is your fault. You have not been idle since you came to the Western Region. With your sharp tongue, you actually united the countries in the Western Region that had never been united before. This is amazing. Li Xiang has caused a lot of trouble. If they had not united, Li Xiang would have been able to defeat them individually. There would be no need to spend so much time. Think about what you have done by yourself. If you were Li Xiang , can you forgive your enemies?

"We can't go back to things over there. You'd better stay here well. If the countries in the Western Region are also occupied by the Tang Dynasty, maybe we will be in exile like you. Use your experience to help us analyze it. , is Datang really going to take action?"

When General Kang Ying said this, he was sighing in his heart. To be honest, they have been thinking about this issue recently. They don't know what Li Xiang is thinking, but the border The situation is becoming increasingly tense. Even if Li Shimin comes to visit, let alone Li You, they don't feel safe.

The Prime Minister of Loulan Kingdom also pricked up his ears at this moment. Although he was usually very wise, when facing the Tang army, he always felt that his thinking was chaotic. He couldn't find the reason before, but now he finally found it. Well, that is because the Tang Dynasty put too much pressure on them. When the Tang army moved once, many of their ideas were overturned.

"It's obvious that there are lice on the bald man's head. Why do you think they sent people to the northwest? As for that Li You, do you know who he is in Chang'an City? Although he is also the son of the emperor, Longsheng Jiuzi , he is a person who specializes in making trouble, and he was sent to visit various countries in the Western Region this time just to make trouble for you. The Tang Dynasty lacks an excuse now."

Xue Yantuo Khan snorted coldly. He could analyze these things, and the people present could also analyze them, but the two people in front of him did not want to believe it. They would rather believe that this was a normal diplomatic visit. As long as it is us If you can make Qi King Li You happy, then this war will not be fought.

"We have taken good care of him. If we don't give them this excuse, won't we be able to get through the difficulty?"

The prime minister of Loulan Kingdom is a smart man and is well-known throughout the northwest region. But when he said this, Khan Xue Yantuo couldn't believe his ears. Is this what a smart man should think?

In response to the Prime Minister's words, Xue Yantuo Khan stopped saying anything. He just picked up his wine bottle and continued drinking. If you two are willing to think so, I won't stop you.

Khan Xue Yantuo staggered away from the tent. He had now seen clearly that these people could deceive themselves, so what is there to say? If you deceive others, then you have the ability. But if compared with these people who can deceive themselves, the kind of people who deceive others can be considered kind.

General Kang Ying and Prime Minister Loulan both sighed. How could they not know that they were so naive, but they were not the only ones who were naive. The senior officials of the Western Regions may have thought so, and everyone wanted to catch them at this time. A life-saving straw. At this moment, they have grasped Li You, and what they think is that as long as he doesn't cause trouble, we can live in peace.

When a country is weak, they will cater to them in every possible way. They never want to break out any form of conflict. Just like the situation just now, they clearly know that Li Xiang's liaison station is to investigate the situation of various countries in the Western Region, but they still have to endure it. , if you refuse, will the artillery shells fall in our military camp tomorrow?

At dawn the next day, General Kang Ying's special envoy set out. They had agreed to Datang's request for setting up a liaison station, and had also chosen a good place for Datang. Regarding the place they chose, Li Xiang nodded directly. Agreed, we have to do it step by step. In the past, you didn't have a stronghold. Now, we have a stronghold even in the place chosen by others. This is the biggest progress.

When the people of the Western Region Allied Forces heard about this, they immediately became happy. In their opinion, Datang did not really want to occupy them, and Datang still respected them. Otherwise, we would choose How can anyone agree to the location? Don’t people still have to pick their own place?

Just when these people were thinking about this matter, Li You had already arrived at the border of the Western Turks. This place was already three hundred miles away from the military camp of the Western Region Allied Forces. Li You stopped and walked along the way. It was considered that he had arrived here. for nearly nine days.

During these nine days, Li You was not idle. Whenever he came near a tribe, he would ask the leader of the tribe to offer the most beautiful woman in the tribe, as well as gold and silver treasures. If it were you If you are obedient, that makes sense, but if you are disobedient, Li You will order the killing of ten men in the tribe.

This approach frightened Eunuch Han at first. The clay figure was still very angry. If he really offended these tribesmen, they might come over to assassinate him at night.

But unfortunately, nine nights have passed. Except for a little worry on the first night, the rest of the time is indifferent. What is the result? That is, there are more and more carriages behind Li You. There are three ladies in one carriage, and now there are four carriages. You can imagine how many tribes have surrendered.

These tribes have received news from their capital. Facing the Prince of Tang Dynasty, anyone who dares to object will be directly exterminated...

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