The Strongest Imperial Grandson of the Great Tang Dynasty

Chapter 705 Comparison means price reduction

Speaking of which, this is the second time Li Xiang has entered the imperial city of Western Turks. It is really not that good here. Of course, he did not enter the imperial city last time.

There were no people on both sides of the road. It seemed that the people of the Western Turks had already announced that Li Xiang was going to enter the imperial city of the Western Turks today. People were not allowed to watch here. Maybe he was afraid that the people would see the military might of the Tang Dynasty.

In fact, the weaker the country, the higher its demands on the people. If it is a strong country, the people can do whatever they want. If something happens, the country will be able to bear it for you. Obviously, the West Turks Without this ability, the control over the people is very strict.

This is the capital of a country. It should be very prosperous at night, but Li Xiang saw that many shops on the street next door were also closed. This shows that except for the order of sucking the head, the people here rarely go out at night. This is different from Chang'an. The city is different. The current curfew in Chang'an City has been lifted.

When Li Xiang was first reborn, the curfew in Chang'an City was still very strict. If you were caught outside without a legitimate reason, you would face severe punishment, even if you were a child of a prince or aristocrat.

But later the imperial court tasted the benefits. Take the night market in Chang'an City as an example. Now the imperial court can receive 800,000 yuan in tax revenue here every year. If this place is closed, who will you go to get this tax revenue? Woolen cloth?

There are no special circumstances. Now Chang'an City will not be closed at night. No matter people inside the city or outside the city, you can drink in Chang'an City until dawn. Some people are specially engaged in this business, that is, only in the middle of the night. Open the door.

At the beginning, many people felt that they were full. Who would go there to drink and eat in the middle of the night? But later these people realized that they were wrong. Although the people who specialize in this business were confused day and night, because the pubs were open at night There are very few, so there are more people eating here.

In this case, many people also began to imitate, but the first one to eat the crab was the most popular, and those who followed the imitation could only do it without much benefit.

"Your Highness, please dismount."

When Abalasha said this, Li Xiang was missing the prosperity of Chang'an City at night.

In fact, when he said this, he was quite uneasy in his heart. According to their Western Turks' rules, everyone has to dismount here, but if the people of the Tang Dynasty don't abide by it, think about the Qi people. Wang Liyou, all rules were trampled in his eyes, and he even required the princes and nobles of the Western Turks to kneel down to greet him.

If Li Xiang had such an idea, it would be difficult to explain at that time. However, Li Xiang did not have such an idea, but fully respected their customs. As before, Li Xiang would not embarrass his own people. .

Abalasha has not yet given an obvious signal of surrender, but he already has an idea in his heart. What Li Xiang wants to do at this time is to win over others, not to bully them. If you bully them to the other side, then You regret that you don't even have time to cultivate an internal response in such a big country. It is a very difficult thing, and it is definitely not comparable to someone like Wadahan.

Abalasha was very happy to introduce the royal city here, but when he saw the expressions on the faces of the people around him, he knew that his introduction was a bit like country people entering the city. These people all came from Chang'an City. Come on, Li You made it very clear that day, is this considered a royal city? Even my king's palace can't keep up.

Although Li You was very arrogant, this guy was definitely not lying. Anyone who has been to Chang'an City knows that some palaces are indeed very gorgeous, much more gorgeous than the imperial city in front of them.

Compared with the arrogant and domineering King of Qi Li You, Li Xiang just smiled and nodded. It was not that Li Xiang had a broad heart, but that he felt there was no need to compare with these people. How much land did the Tang Dynasty occupy? What are the annual taxes? If we were to compare with these people, we would have lost value for no reason.

The Western Turkic guards around them no longer thought this way. Instead, they felt that Li Xiang was very generous, which was not comparable to that of the Prince of the Tang Dynasty that day. Although he was an uncle and nephew, in terms of the magnanimity of a man, that great man was far more generous. Prince Tang has completely lost.

"This is our Khan..."

When entering a large courtyard, there was a person standing alone in the distance. This made Li Xiang feel a little embarrassed. Because of the incident with King Li You of Qi, the women of the Western Turks Khan did not come out. Maybe they were afraid that there would be another thing like that. .

Li Xiang didn't ask for too much here. Both of them bent their waists, which was considered as a courtesy. Abalasha was originally very worried, but she didn't expect that this matter would pass so quickly. .

"Please come inside, this is the best mutton in our Turks."

The Western Turk Khan pointed to some mutton inside and said that many masters have already started taking exams now. This may be the earliest freshly roasted and eaten dish in this era.

The Western Turkic Khan sat in the center, Li Xiang sat on the left, and Abalasha sat on the right. This seat had been discussed long ago, and it was considered to show the greatest respect to the host.

"The mutton is indeed delicious, but I am not here to taste the mutton today. There are some things we should solve before we talk about it. After we solve these things, we will not eat the mutton again. What does Khan think?"

Li Xiang didn't eat roast lamb after sitting down, but just drank a cup of tea.

The Western Turk Khan frowned in displeasure, aren't you Tang people very reserved? Why do we have to go straight to the topic today? Besides, even if this matter is to be discussed, we should bring it up first. After all, we are the victims. What’s going on with your tone?

"Why don't we chat while eating? The mutton is already roasted. If you don't eat it, it will be cold in a while."

Abalasha was very good at observing words and expressions. When she saw the Western Turkic Khan frowning, she quickly said these words.

"In that case, let's chat while eating. I've been here for a long time. When I see the customs and customs of your country, it is indeed a beautiful country, but..."

When he said the previous words, the Western Turkic Khan's face was still very happy, but when Li Xiang said these two words, the Western Turkic Khan was waiting for the next words. As a result, Li Xiang stopped talking and left his mouth. Stuff in a piece of roast lamb...

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