Just when the matter here was almost settled, the special envoy from the imperial court also came, urging Li Xiang to return to the capital as soon as possible. After all, the affairs of Nanzhao Kingdom were also on the agenda. If Li Xiang didn't hurry up, then what would happen if Li Xiang didn't hurry up? It is also a diplomatic crisis.

Li Xiang counted the days and there was indeed not much time left for him. It seemed that he was going to move forward quickly on the road again. It seemed that he had spent most of his time on the road since his rebirth.

But no matter how nervous he was, Li Xiang still had to meet with Wa Dahan and Xiao Shougui. These two people were the foundation of his stability and skill. No matter how nervous he was, he couldn't waste time on them.

Knowing that Li Xiang was going back to the capital, Cheng Luan also said goodbye to his brother. Li Xiang asked Cheng Luan to go on the road first. After meeting these two people, Li Xiang caught up with him.

The female soldiers under Cheng Luan are very powerful, so there is no need to worry about safety issues. What's more, after entering Gaochang, they will immediately arrive at my location in the Tang Dynasty. They are all surrounded by military stations and liaison offices installed by Li Xiang. If It would be damned if something happened here.

"Farewell to Your Highness."

Led by Mr. Zhao, accompanied by Yuchi Baolin and Cheng Chuliang, Cheng Chumo escorted Li Xiang back to Beijing.

Even though Mr. Zhao is not from Li Xiang's camp, he still admires Li Xiang very much. He came from Chang'an City at a gallop. The mess like King Qi was solved as soon as he said it would be solved, and he also disintegrated the Western Region Allied Forces. This For the entire Tang Dynasty, this was a great success.

"In the future when I am not in the Western Region, I will have to rely on you for some things. Let's communicate more about anything. You can also make decisions on some things. After all, the journey is long. If you just wait for the above, you may lose the opportunity. No more waiting.”

Li Xiang knew that the situation in the Western Regions would change. According to the current development situation, it would be impossible for him to remain unchanged. Li Xiang had already left a strategy for the Western Regions to Mr. Zhao, which was to take the lead in disintegrating these small countries. Since the Western Regions Turks have some difficulties, so we can start with these small countries.

"Please rest assured, Your Highness, I will let everyone take a good look at the strategy you have left behind. As for any problems that arise during this process in the future, we will report to you in a timely manner."

Mr. Zhao didn't close his eyes all night, and he finally finished reading Li Xiang's strategy. He was also wondering in his heart. He was obviously a young man and had not encountered many things, but why could he write down this strategy? Even for an old fox like him, it would take a long time to figure out what is in Li Xiang's mind?

Take this strategy as an example. Many people know some of its contents, but some things are not coherent, or there is no way to express them in suitable language. It takes a long time to settle, but according to what he has obtained According to the news, Li Xiang just thought about it for one night and wrote out this strategy.

You must know that it involves more than a dozen countries in the Western Regions, and even some existing terrains are written down. Li Xiang either actually went to the Western Regions to explore, or he has a spy in each country, otherwise it would be impossible I will write it in such detail.

"The things I wrote are relatively rigid. You have to use your own brains. I just pointed out a general direction for you. You should work hard in this direction and be more flexible in various things in the middle. If If the light shines on this booklet, I’m afraid there won’t be much change next time I come back. When I come back next time, I hope we will become the real kings.”

Li Xiang is different from other generals. If those people return to Beijing to report on their duties, they would like to have everything arranged on the front line and not allow their subordinates to change it casually. However, Li Xiang does not think so. If the foreign emperor's orders are not accepted, if all the generals are restrained, then there will be no surprises in the future. Of course, there is a reason why Li Xiang did this. He has so many system soldiers in the Western Region, of course not I'm afraid these people will rebel.

After saying these words, Li Xiang saw that it was getting late and he had to rush to the royal city of Gaochang today, so he didn't say much to others, waved his hand and took nothing away...

"Farewell to Your Highness."

Thousands of soldiers nearby also knelt down. These people had just come from the mainland. According to Li Xiang's plan, all soldiers must be rotated every six months to eight months. Soldiers cannot be allowed to stay there forever. If they are allowed to stay in one place for a long time, they may become inert.

What Li Xiang has to do now is to get all these soldiers moving. Although it costs more money, they can also adapt to the terrain across the country and allow them to march long distances. This is also a kind of alternative training. If it is a large-scale If there is a problem elsewhere in Tang, they can rush there as soon as possible.

According to what Li Xiang thought, the current Western Region could not be considered a success. The imperial court spent a lot of money and a lot of effort here, but now it is just infiltration, and the imperial court cannot keep up. Li Xiang's ambitions. After returning to Beijing this time, Li Xiang is also ready to make adjustments and try his best to let the court keep up with his pace.

After all, there are still many things that cannot be decided now. For example, the mobilization of many local armies. The combat effectiveness of the Tang army is not weak. If it can be fully mobilized, it will be extremely beneficial to the current situation.

While Li Xiang was thinking about these issues, the convoy had already entered the gate of Gaochang Royal City. This place was different from the last time Li Xiang came. The soldiers on the city wall were trained by the Tang Dynasty, and they were only superficially similar to the current Gaochang Kingdom. In fact, Vadahan alone cannot mobilize the subordinate relationship.

"See Your Highness."

Xiao Shougui and Su Dingfang were already waiting at the door. They were originally going to go fifty miles out of the city to greet them, but Li Xiang didn't care about the ostentation. As long as they drove Wadahan away, there was no need to worry about the rest.

"Everyone, get up. The wind and sand are too strong here. Let's go into the city and talk about it."

It was still sunny and sunny when Li Xiang set out, but now the dust has almost covered the sun. If he talks here, he may be full of sand in a while. It is better to go inside, but Xiao Shougui's face is not expressionless. So pretty...

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