"Hurry up and send someone to hurry up. His Royal Highness the Grandson is about to go on the road. Let's put away the love affairs of our children first. It's not like we won't see each other in the future. Didn't His Highness just say that? If we have a chance, we must be there. Go to Chang'an City to pay homage to His Majesty the Emperor."

King Nanzhao had a somewhat dissatisfied look on his face. He was already preparing to leave, but these ladies behind him were still holding on to Princess Yongning. Do you really think this was an ordinary way of giving away your daughter for marriage?

This is a matter between the two countries. I explained it for a long time before leaving the palace. I was afraid that such a thing would happen, but I didn't expect it to happen. Fortunately, Li Xiang had a smile on his face. If he had shown a trace of dissatisfaction, , then aren’t our efforts during this period in vain?

After receiving the order from His Highness the King, the four eunuchs ran back quickly. The Queen was also a person with general knowledge. When she saw the team stop, she knew it was time to separate. At this time, she could only Neng pushed Princess Yongning out, but now that she had no strength, she said goodbye in person, and ordered people to drive her car immediately towards the royal city.


Seeing that the queen did not come over, Princess Yongning came over accompanied by her sister. King Nanzhao also felt a little embarrassed on his face. After all, Li Xiang was leaving, and the queen should come over and say a few words. Now In order not to shed tears with her daughter, she actually went back to the palace early.

"It's understandable. After all, she is my own flesh and blood. If one day my own daughter behaves like this, she may not behave as well as the queen. We are on our way now. Please come back, His Royal Highness. Everyone, please come back."

Li Xiang saw Princess Yongning and her sister getting on the carriage, as well as Duan Hai's youngest son. There was nothing else going on at the moment. Su Dingfang also nodded, indicating that everything had been prepared and it should be done now. Set off towards Chang'an.

Speaking of which, Li Xiang had not left Chang'an for a long time this time. He spent such a long time in Sichuan, settled the affairs of the four chieftains, and then learned about Nanzhao's affairs here. Chang'an City I don't know how much fun I had. After all, it was the center of the Tang Dynasty. Li Xiang also wanted to go back to Chang'an City now.

"Farewell to His Royal Highness the Imperial Grandson."

Except for the King of Nanzhao, everyone else got off their horses and those who dismounted. If the King of Nanzhao was not Li Xiang’s father-in-law, he would have to dismount at this moment. Everyone bent down. , this is also a sign of respect for the third most powerful figure in the sovereign state.

Li Xiang nodded slightly, then slapped his horse's ass hard, and then walked at the front of the team, followed by the people guarding Li Xiang, and then followed by Princess Yongning's carriage.

When a lot of dust was raised from the scene, everyone breathed a sigh of relief. Even though they smiled like a flower in front of Li Xiang, most people actually felt uncomfortable in their hearts. , after Li Xiang left, these people breathed a sigh of relief. After all, Li Xiang is the grandson of the sovereign state. If something happens on this land, according to some of the current behavioral norms of the Tang Dynasty, it is very likely that They will destroy the country.

So after Li Xiang left, these people all felt very relaxed. Now Li Xiang has left us safely. Even if something happens on the road, it has nothing to do with us. We are finally able to return to our previous situation and live a good life again.

Of course, this is what most people think. Only a small group of people have a very keen sense of politics. Do you really think you can live a good life now? I'm afraid some things are not that simple. Just look at the changes in the entire capital and you will know. His Royal Highness the King got everything he wanted. On the surface, King Zhennan lost a lot of ground, but will King Zhennan just tolerate it that much? ?

The battle between His Highness the King and King Zhennan may have just begun now. In the past, His Highness the King was not that strong, so facing the aggressive King Zhennan, His Highness the King could only listen honestly. Now With the support of His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, will His Highness the King continue to listen?

After leaving the royal city for a while, Li Xiang sat on the carriage. It would not be impossible for Li Xiang to keep riding back, but Princess Yongning was feeling uncomfortable now. It seems that Li Xiang is too unkind. He has just left his parents and relatives. What he needs right now is Li Xiang's consideration.

The carriage is still very spacious. Although Princess Yongping is also here, Li Xiang did not feel very crowded after entering. There is still a big gap next to it. At this moment, both sisters are crying, and so is Princess Yongping. It was the first time I left Nanzhao Royal City, but unlike Princess Yongning, Princess Yongping could still come back in the future.

But if Princess Yongning wants to come back, I'm afraid it won't be that easy. If Li Xiang is willing, she may have the opportunity to come back to visit her relatives, but if Li Xiang is not willing, she will have to live with her hometown for the rest of her life. Saying goodbye was the same outcome for some princesses who got married in the past.

Although Princess Yongping and Li Xiang had spoken in private, they were in the same carriage at the moment. Princess Yongping also felt a little cramped, so when Li Xiang came in, Princess Yongping was ready to go out quickly. The two sisters Everyone has their own carriage. If they are staying out overnight, it is better to stay in the carriage, so they prepare their own carriage before leaving.

No one knows how Li Xiang coaxed her, but by the time of lunch, there were no tears on Princess Yongning's face. In fact, this was not a problem for Li Xiang. Who knew that this guy came from modern society? As long as he uses his brain a little, such things are easy for him.

Now we are twenty-five miles away from the royal city, and it is exactly noon, so Li Xiang ordered lunch. Since we are not marching in a hurry, there is no need to eat on horseback. It happens that it is not far from a county seat. Li Xiang sent someone to buy something to eat, so as to save the rest of us from making fire and cooking.

Princess Yongning has also heard people say that there may not be food from Nanzhao in the Tang Dynasty. While she is still in her own country, Princess Yongning can eat as much as she can.

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