The Strongest Imperial Grandson of the Great Tang Dynasty

Chapter 940: Guarding the Buddha and lynching him

At this moment, in front of the Buddha statue, Changsunze was beaten to the point where he could not stand up. There were scars all over his face and body. After completing the task, Changsunze was in high spirits, imagining that he would bring the news back to Chang'an. City, my father and brother must be proud of themselves.

Approaching the border, Changsun Ze didn't even send out his scouts and led his men forward.

Sure enough, it is exactly what Li Xiang said. If you are a little careless, something may happen immediately. When Li Xiang called him in the military camp, he didn't take it seriously when he heard this. He was about to go to Sichuan. It's within our territory, it's our own territory, how could anything happen?

Thinking about it now, I really regret it. It was in these last few dozen miles that he and his men encountered an ambush, the ambush of these bald donkeys in front of him.

Chief Sun Ze still remembers the situation very clearly. The group of people in front fell directly into the trap, and most of them were trapped into a hornet's nest. Before the people behind could react, a large number of people rolled down from the side in an instant. Stones and logs.

Even in such a desperate situation, Changsun Ze and the others still fought back, causing a lot of losses to the bald donkeys in front of them, but in the end they were still outnumbered. Except for Changsun Ze and a few of his men, the rest of the people were beaten by these seemingly The kind monk was killed.

However, Chang Sun Ze destroyed the letter at the last moment.

There happened to be a puddle next to it, so Chang Sunze turned the letter around a few times in it. When the people took it out, there was nothing visible on it except a ball of ink.

"I have told you many times that the letter at that time was sealed, and I was just doing things for people. What is on it? I don't know at all. We are a caravan from Chang'an, from Fuyuan Trading Company... "

Changsunze said extremely weakly. He had been tortured countless times along the way, but if he had to answer, Changsunze only had these few words.

He knew that the other party didn't believe it, but every time he was beaten, he would answer it once. This could also confuse the other party. When they beat him to death, these bald donkeys would go down and think carefully. Could this guy be telling the truth? Of?

Fuyuan Trading Company also has dealings with King Zhennan. If what he said is true, then he may have made a mistake this time. However, these people also have their own considerations. How can a trading firm have so many good people? ?

"There is no need to use your rhetoric to deceive us. These people in our temple have been practicing dancing since they were young. They can be said to be the strongest in our temple. Let alone you, a escort team of a trading company, even if they face us Some of the palace guards in Nanzhao are not inferior to us in fights, but you have killed so many people, can you say that they are the escorts of a trading company?"

One of the monks got so angry that he slapped him in the face. Because he had a special hook on his hand, the skin on Changsunze's face was instantly torn apart, and Changsunze howled in pain.

If he had not gained experience in the army, Changsun Ze might have said everything now. However, after staying in the army for such a long time, Changsunze also knew the honor of the Tang army, especially since he wanted to In order to make his father and brother proud of it and wash away the humiliation on his body.

So after being arrested, Changsun Ze has already decided that no matter how these people treat him, you don't have any evidence in your hands anyway. Once His Highness finds out, you people will not have a good life. No matter how you treat me, I will pay it back tenfold and a hundredfold to let you bald donkeys know that I am not someone to be trifled with.

Although Changsun Ze was caught by them, he has been counting the days in his heart. Although there is no daylight in this room, he can calculate how many days have passed just by the people eating in front of him. His Highness should be arriving in Sichuan soon. Now, as long as His Highness meets Lord Xiao Yu, he will know that he is still in Nanzhao. By then, with the investigation capabilities of his subordinates, he will be able to quickly find out who has captured him.

The people in the temple didn't know much about it. They just knew that these people came from the Zhennan Palace, but they didn't know their identities.

But they know that the identities of these people are very valuable, because King Zhennan sent them out personally. Although they did not send them out of the city, even so, they are very important to the Palace of Zhennan. If we know some of the secrets of King Zhennan , coupled with the king's dependence on us, Tianlong Temple is likely to become the number one force in Nanzhao.

Therefore, even if these monks know that they have done something immoral, they still continue to do it. Who doesn't want to continue to expand their influence?

Just when these people were tired of beating others, Qian Ping and Long Jiu marched for a day and a night, and finally returned to the royal city of Nanzhao. If you want to blame, your country is too small and our marching speed is too fast. .

At this moment, they also received the news that Li Xiang had met with Mr. Xiao Yuxiao. The two of them breathed a sigh of relief. They were afraid that Li Xiang would stay in Nanzhao. If this was the case, the brothers would probably let go. We are always afraid of being attacked by Li Xiang without resorting to any tricks. Now that we have secured our base, even if the whole of Nanzhao is turned upside down, we don't have any scruples in our hearts.

Although everyone looked okay in the early days, you now dare to attack our people directly, killing dozens of our best soldiers at once, and the whereabouts of the remaining people are still unknown. It was you who took action first, and we The Tang Dynasty will never bully the small. If you show us your sword first, then the price for you will definitely be high.

"Father-in-law, is there any way to infiltrate?"

Long Jiu had thought about it on the way here. He was definitely not as good as Qian Ping when it came to using his brain. Now he was not far from Shangqing Temple, so he had to have a plan of action. He couldn't just go there in a daze.

"When we get to the area, rest for a few hours. I'll ask someone to find out the specific situation in the temple. There's no way to infiltrate, so we can only attack by force."

Qian Ping's face was sinister. This guy had already figured it out. If it slowly penetrates, who knows how long it will take. If we can afford to wait, can His Highness afford to wait?

Now he is about to return to the capital. If Qian Ping has this merit in his hands, he will be able to continue to shake up after returning to the capital. In addition, Changsun Ze's life is also very precious...

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