If they want to maintain local stability and prevent all parties from making trouble, Qian Ping and Long Jiu don't have the ability to beat them to death. But if they want to create chaos, they can take the opportunity to let all parties start fighting and let the entire Nanzhao fell into chaos, so only one of the two men needed to be dispatched.

About half a month after the fire in Shangqing Temple, Qian Ping received news from Li Xiang. This was almost what they expected. Li Xiang must choose to take action. After all, this opportunity is once in a lifetime. If he doesn't take action now, he will probably die. A bit of a disadvantage.

This old monk is obviously of no use anymore. He has explained everything that needs to be explained, so it is time to send him on his way today. His body is still of some use.

"This old monk is still waiting to go to Chang'an City. The people we promised him back then remember that every time someone goes to deliver food to him, they will read these words out again."

After Qian Ping expressed his thoughts, Long Jiu was eating next to him and said that they were now scattered around the royal city and absolutely did not dare to gather together. The main reason was that the surrounding air was filled with a tense atmosphere. Thousands of people have gathered together. Even if you just sit here and do nothing, those people will suspect you, so they are all broken into pieces. The farthest one is even more than a hundred miles away from the royal city. .

"This old monk is really thinking too far. Our Highness's order has arrived. After killing this guy, find a place to hang it tonight, preferably a more conspicuous place. During this time, I will look at all aspects The power has subsided a bit, so we have to hurry up and take some action."

When Qian Ping faced these people, he had no mercy at all. Only by finishing the work here could he follow His Highness back to Chang'an. Only by finishing the work here could he live the life he had before. So you pity these people, who pities you?

"After I finish this meal, I'll hang it at the door of Tianlong Temple. In this case, the impact will be stronger. Besides, I have been visiting Tianlong Temple in the past few days. It is really a serious temple. The monks inside None of them know much about martial arts. The monks who might know martial arts were all in Shangqing Temple and were burned down by us."

Long Jiu said while eating that this was a kind act and sent the old monk back to Tianlong Temple. Although he was not the abbot of Tianlong Temple, he turned out to be a monk in Tianlong Temple.

Of course, they did this without any psychological pressure. Although this old monk looked very charitable, there was a lot of gold and silver in it when he retreated from Shangqing Temple. Where did these things come from? The old monk probably couldn't explain it himself. The local people were not very wealthy, so these people could do it to deceive them and lose their money.

In addition, they have also heard that many people were arrested in Shangqing Temple in the past, some were dignitaries, and some were ordinary people, but no one came out later. When someone went to Shangqing Temple to ask, they directly denied it. If If you go to report it to the officials, they will give the same answer to the officials.

To put it bluntly, this is a place that specializes in dirty work. Tianlong Temple has done countless immoral things openly and secretly. Now, killing this old monk is also to avenge the souls of those who died.

"Are you going to take me to Chang'an? You have promised for a long time."

When the old monk saw Long Jiu coming in, he was a little nervous in his heart, but he kept telling himself that these people from the Tang Dynasty always meant what they said, and there was no way they would lie to him. The old monk had given all the money to Shangqing Temple. He told everything in order to exchange for a chance to go to Chang'an. If he continued to stay here, his senior brother would never let him go.

"As long as you yearn for Chang'an City, Chang'an City will be everywhere..."

When he said the first sentence, the old monk still had a trace of doubt on his face. When he said the second sentence, the old monk finally knew that his life had come to an end. When the old monk wanted to run aside, A knife has penetrated his chest and lungs. This old monk will definitely not survive. However, after doing so many evil things, your death will be very comfortable. It will not torment you much. Compared with death, You have taken advantage of those people in your hands.

At midnight that day, Long Jiu brought his men to Tianlong Temple. Because of the fire in Shangqing Temple, Tianlong Temple had a few more monks on night watch, but these monks were just ordinary people and they didn't have any skills. , was knocked unconscious by Long Jiu's men, and then hung the old monk's body on the door of Tianlong Temple.

Fortunately, this thing is made of old heavy wood, so it is very strong, otherwise it would definitely fall.

There was a lot of incense at Tianlong Temple. At dawn the next day, people were already coming to burn incense. But today was different from other days. The steps in front of Tianlong Temple were all red. Many people thought they had seen it wrong. , how could there be blood here? But when they rubbed their eyes and continued to look, it was definitely blood.

"There are dead people, there are dead people in Tianlong Temple..."

The first person who came to offer incense shouted loudly, and some monks in the doorway also heard it. When they rushed out, they saw that it was their great uncle, who could be said to be at the top of the hierarchy in the entire temple. , the former host of Shangqing Temple.

Master Jinghong also came out immediately. Master Jinghong has been sleeping very lightly these days and always felt that something would happen. Today it finally happened. Disciples who had arranged night patrols at night were already knocked unconscious. , so I didn’t know anything about it when I asked them.

When he saw the body of his junior brother, Master Jinghong's face was very sad. He finally knew the final result. It was indeed the same as the worst result he thought. Those people in Shangqing Temple should have no way to survive. It is impossible for this arm to grow back. This is the result of twenty years of hard work. I didn't expect that it was burned out by a fire overnight, and my junior brother died like this.

Suddenly, Master Jinghong began to worry. This junior brother knew a lot of his scandals. If he was captured by others, would he tell all these things in the end? And he still has evidence in his hand, the image of his own Buddhist master...

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