"Lao Jiu is right. This city wall can't hold on any longer. If I were to look at it, based on their current level of attack, they would only have three days at most. They might not be able to hold on for even three days. One day There was a huge disparity between the two sides at the beginning. King Nanzhao's ability to persist until now is beyond many expectations. Look at the people around you like ants. They are all transporting various things into the military camp. This is slowly increasing the strength of King Zhennan, and how can the city have such ability?"

Hu San pointed to the people at the bottom of the hill and said, these people are the common people that King Zhennan found from the surroundings. King Nanzhao knew how to gather the young adults in the city. King Zhennan also knew about this, but he lived in the city. After all, there are only a few people in the country, and the surrounding villages have the largest number of people, and there are also more resources. Therefore, if there is a war of attrition, King Nanzhao has no chance of winning.

"Look, look, the giant trees have been lifted up. It looks like this afternoon will be different from before."

Qian Ping had been looking in one direction with his telescope. He didn’t know what he was looking at just now. Now everyone understood that a large log about forty meters long and more than half a meter in diameter was carried out. During the critical battle a few days ago, King Zhennan also had a similar big log, but unfortunately it was set on fire at the time, so there was no way to hit the city gate.

Now I finally got another one from another place, and I also got a lot of shields in front to prevent people on the city wall from pouring lamp oil. This kind of wood is not found in Nanzhao, even in the whole city. That is also extremely lacking in the Tang Dynasty.

The three of them still remembered the situation that day. If they continued to hit the city gate, they would probably break it open. As a result, several barrels of lamp oil fell down on the city wall, one of which fell on the original wooden block. On the top, the archers above shot down the flaming arrows again. At that time, the piece of wood ignited a raging fire, and then there was no way to open the city gate. It seems that the same trick will be repeated today.

After the three people finished speaking, the drums from Zhennan King's side rang. In the past few days, they had been attacking the city sporadically, and there was no big scene. But even so, the city wall was already exposed. There are big cracks, and many places are already crumbling. There is a huge gap in strength between the two sides. No matter what methods King Nanzhao uses, there is still no way to repair the city wall at this time.

The horn also sounded, and the catapult attack was much more intensive than before. Although the catapult attack never stopped, sometimes only some of them were working and the rest were resting. Now there are hundreds of them. Catapult works together.

Bugles also sounded on the city wall. Since there are more attacking troops below, more people on the city wall must be responsible for defense. Many soldiers even pulled and pushed some young adults up below the city wall. Now these The young adults finally understood that the chance of surviving after going up was very small.

When they first came here on the first day, there must have been at least 20,000 to 30,000 people here, but how many people there are now, not even half of what they were at their peak. At first, the people under the city wall were all young and middle-aged people, but now Even if there are old men in their fifties and children in their fifteenth or sixteenth year, these people must wait under the city wall. After all the young and strong people are dead, you people will have to go up and help defend the city.

According to what His Royal Highness the King said, if the city was destroyed, the King of Zhennan would get angry with all the people in the city and would definitely kill all the people in the city. Therefore, at this time, he had to risk his life to block the rebels outside the city.

Moreover, His Royal Highness the King also said that he has already requested the army of the Tang Dynasty to help put down the rebellion. Now the army of the Tang Dynasty is on the way and will arrive in a few days. As long as we can hold on to the last moment, then The army outside the city will definitely be annihilated by the Tang army. When the time comes, His Highness the King is willing to share all the gold and silver treasures in the palace equally so that his people can live a prosperous life.

At the beginning, many people believed this lie. After all, many people wanted to gain wealth through danger. According to what His Royal Highness the King said, as long as we can survive, our family will give us thirty thousand dollars.

This is already a lot of money for ordinary people, but there are also some people who are extremely smart. They don't believe that they can still get this money alive. Just look at the people who have died in the past few days. Ten people who go up can come back. Even if four people are too many, it is still when the attack power is not very strong. If a full-scale attack is launched, it is estimated that these four people will not be able to come back.

Moreover, some thoughtful people have also observed that the city walls have been changing defenses in the past few days. Today's troops seem to have been moved to the palace by His Royal Highness. Some of the people who went up again even included some government officials from major government offices. , these people don't have much fighting power at all.

So the people below also understood that His Highness the King was actually looking for a way out. Once the city wall could not be defended, His Highness the King would definitely return to the palace immediately. There were also various defensive palace walls around Wang Gong. , His Royal Highness the King can immediately hold on for a while longer, but how can the people in the city hold on?

According to what His Royal Highness the King just preached, once the city is captured, King Zhennan will definitely kill them all. You can run to the palace and continue to wait for the Tang army. We can also follow in. ?

So in this case, many people on the city wall began to passively avoid fighting. Often when the enemy attacked, they would find a place to hide themselves. If the army of King Zhennan came up by ladder, These people will just smear some blood on their bodies, and then find a place to pretend to be dead. As long as you hide far away, the war won't have much to do with you.

Things like this happened a few days ago, but they were very rare. There were too many similar things these days, so the last time I climbed the city wall, I was almost captured by the people of King Zhennan. If it hadn’t been for His Highness the King himself. Bring people up to the top, I'm afraid the city wall has been replaced by people now.

It was at that time that His Royal Highness the King also saw that the people on the city wall could no longer hold on. No matter how many people were allowed to go up, the damage to the city wall was unavoidable. This time, the people who had consumed the second child to the maximum extent had been exhausted. Then we have to retreat to the palace.

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