The array of the 3rd Praetorian Guard Corps, the black chamber creatures raged in the center, and the firepower of the Federation was concentrated around, as if...

The Federal Fleet is covering the black cavity creatures and attacking normally.

If any other god-level civilization sees this scene, they will definitely be shocked and drop their jaws, which is really indescribably weird.

At the same time, inside the fault channel.

"Commander Taretel, there is news from the fleet ahead that Commander Rand's battleship was destroyed. Now the black cavity creatures are out of control and are turning around to attack our fleet!"

"Is it still unreliable?"

Although the adjutant was very anxious, Taret just said this lightly, without any signs of being anxious, but as expected, it really looked like this.

This makes the adjutant unable to understand, what does the commander of his own army mean?

In fact, Taretel had doubts from the very beginning of Rand's plan for the Black Chambered Creature Corps.

Indeed, once this plan is successful, the empire's combat power can be increased several times.

But the problem is, once there is an accident on the battlefield and let these guys get out of control, it will also be a double-edged sword!

After all, this is not a low-intelligence creature, but a properly high-intelligence creature. As long as their consciousness regains consciousness, they will naturally recognize which side on the battlefield controls them and which side they should attack.

Therefore, the current result, Taretelle had expected.

Of course, be prepared!

"Go, use my authority to call the S78 code from the flagship main brain, I have authorized you!"

"Send the S78 code to the frontline fleet and let them play it in a wide area!"

"Remember, tell the frontline commanders that after the S78 code is released, those black chambered creatures will be at a standstill for about three minutes, during which they will not defend or attack, but there is only one chance. !"

Talettel, who was sitting on the command seat, gave orders with a blank expression.

This was the backdoor he had prepared for a long time, and even Rand didn't know that when he was making those black chamber creature controllers, he had already left this backdoor, just in case.

By detonating the controllers placed in the brains of these black-cavity creatures, their brains will be damaged to a certain extent. However, due to the powerful vitality of black-cavity creatures, even if the brains are damaged to a certain extent, they can be completely damaged in a very short time. repair.

Therefore, this backhand cannot kill them, but it can make them lose consciousness and mobility for a short time, thus becoming a lamb to be slaughtered.

As for the latter, it's that simple.

Kill them all while they are unconscious and unable to release any defenses!


Outside the fault channel, the First Army of the Canglong Alliance, the flagship of the Federal Fleet, Hongmeng.

"Marshal, with the help of the black cavity biota, our losses in this battle may be much less than previously expected!"

"That's true, but be careful, after all, those controllers are still in their heads. If there are other control ships in the 3rd Praetorian Guard, or if the controller itself has any backdoor just in case, then The situation could change drastically in an instant.”

Nodding, Lin Fan said.

After all, it just destroyed the source of the chain of command, not the entire chain of command. Once the control ship as its source has a backup, it is still possible for this group of black cavity creatures to turn around and attack the Federation again.

And the Third Praetorian Guard Corps, which had suffered a loss, would not allow itself to find and destroy its control ship so easily.

The most important thing is that even if there is no second control ship, if you think about it according to normal logic, it is so dangerous to control the black cavity biota. Does the Heimang Empire really leave no backhand to prevent possible occurrences? Out of control situation?

Therefore, now is not the time to relax, we must keep an eye on all the changes on the battlefield,

If there is a slight abnormality, you need to make a correct response immediately.

"Marshal, we received a strange code, which was broadcast by a battleship of the other party through a wide-area format!"

"Strange code?"

"Yes, this code doesn't make any sense, it's just gibberish!"

Pointless, almost garbled weird code, or broadcasting over a wide area?

This sounds a little familiar.

Isn't this the same trick that the Federation used against the Kabat Empire when it was still on Orion's arm?

At that time, the Federation sold a large number of foreign trade versions of energy shields to the civilization. A few years later, when conducting raids on its territory, it used a special code to transmit it through broadcast, directly activating all its warships, and in the energy shield module. The secret door, thus establishing the victory in one fell swoop.

And now this scene, no matter how you look at it, is exactly the same as the scene that he planned back then, right?

The only difference is that there is no Heimang Empire in the federation, so this is not used for the federation, but...

"Scan the black chamber biota immediately, focusing on the location of the controllers in their brains!"

"Yes, Marshal!"

After hearing Lin Fan's order, the ship's expert Luo Hao also got busy again, quickly locked a part of the life in the black cavity, and quickly scanned its brain area.

"Marshal, the energy emanating from those controllers continues to grow, something like..."

"like what?"

"Like the result of overloaded equipment!"

Is that really the case?

After listening to the expert's reply, Lin Fan was basically sure what the code released by the other party was going to do.

Obviously, it is not aimed at himself, but intends to destroy all those black cavity creatures!

"Lao Luo, in your judgment, after the overloaded operation caused the self-destruction, can this power kill the black cavity creature?"

"It's hard to say. Judging from the current situation, the power should not be very large. After all, no large energy source has been detected. However, its location is always attached to the brains of those black-chambered creatures. Once it explodes. , is likely to destroy most of its brain!"

"That means it can be killed?"

Well, if most of the brain is destroyed, what is the difference between that and death?

Lin Fan complained.

"This is not necessarily true. Dean Zeng Wei issued a paper in which experts expounded the super-regenerative ability of black-cavity creatures. According to the point of view in the paper, even if the brains of black-cavity creatures are severely damaged, as long as they are not completely destroyed, their The super-regenerative properties will also completely repair the brain in a very short time!"

"Can it still be like this? Could it be the same with my brain damaged?"

"Uh...I really don't know about this!"

Well, the focus of his own marshal is really different.

However, since the black-cavity creatures are only incomplete entities of the black-cavity life, as the marshal of the black-cavity life, there is no reason to be worse than the black-cavity creatures in this respect, right?



Maybe as the marshal said, he can also regenerate quickly as long as his brain is not completely destroyed?

Or, find a chance to talk to the marshal and try a slice experiment?

If Lin Fan knew what Luo Hao was thinking at this moment, he would probably slap him to death...

"Marshal, the critical point is reached!"

A few seconds later, with a shout from Luo Hao in the bridge, all the black-caved creatures on the battlefield...

All stopped, motionless!

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