The Strongest Interstellar Commander

One thousand one hundred and four Tris siege battle (3)

Almost 15,000 energy intensity, what kind of concept is this.

According to the calculation method of Sanhe Civilization, the newly promoted Heiqiang life is only 10,000, and this is still under the condition of not being restricted.

Now in the Peyton universe, it is quite good to be able to exert an intensity of 2000.

Although these 11th-order peak creatures with only three to five hundred strengths are more than enough to deal with in the Peyton universe, but facing a creature with a strength of up to 15,000, it is no use at all.

However, at the cost of an entire fleet, it should still be able to be piled to death, provided that...

Prepared well, and the target is only him.

But what is the current situation?

The Thirty-Ninth Fleet, which was responsible for the flanking peripheral defense, was almost wiped out by the attack of the Federal Fleet just now, causing the flanking door of the entire fleet array to widen.

In addition, the goal is not to attack alone, but to attack together with 30,000 biological civilization individuals at the peak of the eleventh order.

This situation doesn't look good.

"Let Haritro lead all the other black cavity lifeforms and peak dark energy to quickly support the flanks!"

"Legion Commander, you can't do this, Lord Harrietello's strength is only 10% or 20% of his peak strength now, and he is not the opponent of that creature at all. In addition to our peak dark energy, his strength is also limited, and even There is no energy intensity of 100, how can they be those 30,000 biological opponents with an intensity of at least 300!"

Hearing this, the adjutant was shocked and quickly persuaded.

You know, the Sanhe Civilization can afford to lose the fleet, but it cannot afford to lose the life of the black cavity and the peak dark energy.

It can even be said that if it can encounter an invincible situation, then Sanhe Civilization would rather sacrifice an entire legion, but also ensure that ten black voices and tens of thousands of peak dark enablers escape.

For a god-level civilization, the top-level combat power is so precious, and the ordinary fleet is so worthless.

"Shut up, once the group of biological civilizations rush in, the whole battle situation will be reversed in an instant, and all our fifty fleets will be buried here!"

"In this situation, once our fifty fleets are wiped out, do you think they can escape?"

"Tell me Haritro,

All they have to do is to hold back, buy me some time to adjust the deployment, and don't fight recklessly! "

"Also, in the event that nothing can be done, let the peak secretly make the legion go up to carry out self-destruction attacks one by one. In short, ten of them are not allowed to suffer any damage!"

"Do you understand?"

Vladimir looked angry.

Don't you know what the adjutant said?

But we must also look at the situation. If it is really according to what he said, in the end, not only will the entire legion be destroyed in the Peyton universe, but even Haritro and the others will not even try to escape.

"Yes, Legion Commander!"

At the same time, the Federal fleet array.

"Marshal, Garon, and Peyton Biological Civilization Group have already started to rush forward as planned, and it is expected to rush into the opponent's main array in one minute."

"What's the other party's reaction?"

"Ten black-cavity lifeforms and about 50,000 peak dark energizers were scanned, and they are going to intercept. In addition, there are three fleets in the opponent's main array, and there is a high probability that they are ready to be transferred to the flanks to fill the gap!"

"Order the fleet, concentrate all firepower, target this area, and attack me with full force in one minute!"

"Yes, Marshal!"

Looking at the three fleets that Liang Xue had identified in the real-time battlefield virtual model, Lin Fan pointed to one of the areas and ordered.

It is not an easy task to mobilize the reserve fleet to fill the flanks.

After all, the fleet has to be moved from the inside of the array to the flank of the array, and the road will naturally pass through the areas of other fleets. In order to let them pass, the fleet here has to stop the attack for a short time, and also adjust its own array to make way for it. A fast-moving channel.

And Lin Fan immediately judged the key point. After 30 seconds, the three reinforcements flanking the fleet will pass through the area where the other fleet is located. At that time, there will be a certain amount of time, a full four The fleets are crowded in this area...

When that time comes, what will happen when the twenty federal fleets will concentrate all their firepower there?

You don't even have to think about it to know that the opponent's fate will be quite tragic.


30 seconds later.

As Lin Fan had expected, he was dispatched by Vladimir to go to the three fleets supported by the flanks, and began to enter and pass through the area where the fifteenth fleet was located.

In order to allow these three fleets to pass quickly, the fifteenth fleet had to disrupt a part of its own array, leaving a channel wide enough to allow it to pass at the fastest speed.

As a result, the density of warships in the entire area instantly increased several times.

Also at this time...

The twenty trillion warships of the entire federal fleet, Qi Qi locked their weapons in this area.

"Marshal, those three fleets have already entered the target area, do you want to order fire?"

"No, wait a minute, let them go in some more!"

1 second...

3 seconds...

Five seconds later, Lin Fan's eyes lit up when he saw from the real-time battlefield virtual model that most of the three fleets had entered the target area.

"Order to fire!"

Dear, this chapter is not over, there is another page ^0^


Countless attacks were immediately launched from the federal fleet array, and they all focused their targets in a not very large area.

However, in such a small area, at this moment there are four fleets, a full four trillion battleships, and the density is the highest in the entire battlefield.

The array was disrupted, it was impossible to counterattack, and the density of fighter planes broke the table again.

Just one wave of attacks made this place a mess. The lost battleships alone reached a scale of more than 300 billion, which is not even a wounded battleship.

At this moment, the four fleets are in chaos.

Everyone knows that the opponent's attack will not be just this wave, and when the next wave comes, I am afraid that I will not be so lucky and can continue to survive.

When people are in chaos, the fleet is in chaos, and when the fleet is in chaos, the entire array is in chaos.

It is already an area where the density of warships is concentrated. What will happen to the array at this time?

The collisions between the warships began to occur, and there were even several serial collisions, and the most serious one, a large number of warships wrecked directly blocked the entire passage.

This time, the situation is more confusing.

The battleship behind was accelerating forward, trying to pass the passage faster, but the battleship in front was blocked and unable to pass.

Naturally, more accidents started happening.

Seeing this scene, the commanders of the four fleets knew that the situation was not good, and even issued various orders in an attempt to stabilize the situation and restore order.

But the federation will not give them this time...

The second wave of attacks has come again.

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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