The Strongest Interstellar Commander

One thousand one hundred and forty-seven 1 person threatens the entire army!

Lin Yu was not at all worried about the fleet of the White Holy See falling into the passage.

This channel is opened by us, let alone half a minute behind you.

Even if the gap is only a few seconds, the base camp can directly close the channel after the cross-border device arrives.

And these white Vatican fleets chasing in...

It's just a gift!

Therefore, it is better to take advantage of the White Holy See to mobilize troops to chase into the passage, and these people hurriedly evacuate.

After all, there are almost 3.5 standard legions of the Crusaders, and there are also thousands of black-speaking beings.

Although I just caught them off guard, once the other party reacts and stabilizes the situation, I am afraid that these people will have to pay the price of several deaths before they can complete the evacuation.

Come fast, go faster.

Maybe the Chaos Mecha is not as fast as the battleship, but it can definitely reach the speed of the sixth-generation black cavity engine, or even close to the seventh-generation speed.

Therefore, once the speed adds up, the White Holy See simply has no capital to pursue.

When Paulina arranged for the chasing fleet to enter the channel, and was about to direct the rest of the fighting forces to encircle and suppress the black-hearted beings of these alliances, she found that...

Except for one mecha, the rest have already run far away.

As for the mecha that is still here, it is naturally Lin Yu's mecha.

After all, even if the White Clothes Sect cannot catch up, it can still be attacked for the time being.

Therefore, Lin Yu simply carried out the task of breaking the aftermath himself. On the one hand, he attracted the opponent's fleet and the powerhouses of black-cavity life, and on the other hand, he was ready to block the opponent's attack at any time.

Just half a minute is enough to let the rest of the people escape from the attack range of the White Holy See fleet.

It was as if the mecha had malfunctioned, and it did not move at all, and there were still the battleships of the White Holy See and the life of the black cavity surrounding itself.

In this situation, no matter how you look at it, surrounded by a huge fleet and a large number of powerhouses, this mecha has no chance of escaping.

But there was no happy expression on Paulina's face.

As a third-level powerhouse, he has stronger senses and knows more than anyone from the White Holy See here.

Although she didn't know who was in this mecha, Paulina could feel that the power of the man inside was definitely not under the White Holy See Pope Ziegler.

In other words, this person is at least a black cavity lifeform in the middle stage of the fourth level.

So here comes the question.

A fourth-level black cavity lifeform can deal with three and a half at the same time, and is it a legion of the level of the White Holy See and more than a thousand black cavity lifeforms?

The answer is obviously impossible!

Although the fourth-level powerhouses are powerful, they are not invincible, and the forces of the White Holy See can still stack up to four fourth-level powerhouses.

However, it takes a lot of time and a huge price to do this.

It's not that the White Holy See can't afford this price. After losing one or two legions and hundreds of Heiqi life, if you can kill a fourth-level powerhouse.

So, no matter how this account is calculated, it is earned in blood.

But as I said just now, it takes a lot of time to slowly grind the opponent to death.

And this time is at least a few days.

But are they stupid?

Stay here and let you grind slowly?

This is the fourth-level powerhouse, the same level as the White Holy See Pope Ziegler.

If he wants to leave, even if the strength of the White Holy See is doubled, it will definitely not be able to stay!

Therefore, killing a fourth-level powerhouse is just theoretically feasible, but practically impossible.

"Archbishop Paulina, are we capturing this infidel alive or killing this infidel?"

It was the purple-robed bishop who started the second crime again, although he didn't do it on purpose.

After all, these second-level black-chambered beings,

It is impossible to accurately judge Lin Yu's strength at all.

But Paulina still kicked him straight away.

Catch alive or kill?

Are you sick? It's obvious that they stayed here on purpose, and then I'm thankful to leave directly. You want me to go up and do things?

This thing got mad, and started a war with us directly here, playing for 1 or 2 days, and didn't leave until it started to exhaustion later.

But not only can we not catch people, but we have to pay a huge price, which is really dead!

"Disperse the encirclement and make way for him!"

After kicking the purple-robed bishop, Paulina sighed slightly and said.

However, this order made the other purple-clothed bishops around him all look at each other in dismay.

"Archbishop Paulina, are you going to let the heretics go?"

"Are you fools? They just stay here on purpose. This is a fourth-level powerhouse, and they want to capture or even kill the opponent alive?"

Hearing this, everyone's expressions suddenly changed.

Fourth-level powerhouse?

The entire White Holy See is only a fourth-level powerhouse, that is, Pope Ziegler, and even the third-level, there are only three people, that is, three red-clothed archbishops.

Only then did they realize why Paulina kicked the purple-clothed bishop, and why did she let them out of the way, and the pagan still left.

However, just as these purple-robed bishops were about to deliver their orders, something even worse happened.

"Archbishop Paulina, at the 100 black chamber units in Trowa, a large number of pagan fleets are coming towards us, and the speed is very fast, to the point of outrageous!"

"If they can keep going like this, they'll be here in a day!"

A bishop in purple who was present suddenly reported the news in a loud voice.

"A lot, how much is a lot?"

"This... no less than fifteen legions!"


After removing half of the legions that had chased into the black cavity transmission channel, at this moment, there were only three legions of the White Holy See in Trowa.

A full five times the strength of the troops, it is impossible to fight.

If it was normal, Paulina would definitely order a tactical retreat, but now...

People can cross a hundred standard black chamber units a day, how do you retreat?

Even if they start to evacuate immediately, they will be caught up by others immediately, which means nothing at all.

More importantly, the cross-border device was directly stolen by the other party, so that it was impossible to evacuate to the Sierra Realm.

"Surrender, or be wiped out a day later, choose!"

Just as a look of despair appeared on Paulina's face, a voice suddenly entered the minds of everyone in the White Holy See on this battlefield.

Obviously, this voice came from Lin Yu who was "surrounded".

One person threatens an entire army!

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