The Strongest Interstellar Commander

1072 Cross-border channel, export battle (3)

The original federation had a good life.

Although the population is smaller than other alliances, it can't stand the advanced technology, a large number of robots replace the labor force, and countless battleship production lines are spread all over almost every universe under the federal government.

In addition, it has taken over the supply of warships for almost the entire Kunsa world, and has obtained huge resources to maintain the super-fast development of the Federation.

Originally, after unifying the entire Kunsa world, it stands to reason that there are more than 20 god-level civilizations in the alliance, as well as countless super civilizations, and the sales of this battleship should increase greatly.

But what about reality?

The Kunsar world is unified and peaceful.

No one bought the battleship!

Although the real high-level, such as human beings, Sanhe civilization, White Empire, Gem Empire, etc., are still expanding their military power crazily, in preparation for the battle against other black-speaking worlds.

But after all, their battleships are produced by themselves, and at most they only buy black cavity engines from the Federation. Compared with the benefits of their battleship sales, these are insignificant.

The plummeting amount of resource acquisition sounded an alarm bell for Lin Zhen, and it also sounded an alarm bell for the rest of the alliance executives.

For Lin Zhen, if this situation is not reversed, the Federation will have to adjust its development plan and greatly reduce the speed of development.

For the high-level civilizations of other alliances, the federation earns less, which also means that the alliance earns less.

After all, although the Federation took over all the battleship business, it provided 10% of the profits to the alliance for development.

You must know that the so-called provision for the development of the alliance, in fact, the majority will eventually be divided up by these civilizations at the top.

And don’t underestimate this 10%, let alone 10%, even 1% is an astronomical figure for these civilizations.

So, this group of high-level executives secretly held a meeting, and everyone discussed...

Well, since they thought that the Kunsa world was unified, there was no need for them to desperately expand their military power, that's easy...

Take them with you on this expedition, and let them charge in front of the main army formed by purchasing federal warships.

As a result, these civilizations, who originally wanted to live a peaceful life, directly experienced the dangers of the world.

The powerful warships purchased from the Federation and the legions formed were directly reimbursed as soon as they exited the channel.

Hearing the whole story, Liang Xue was also a little speechless.

My father-in-law is too black...

Well, in short, it is for this reason that there are more than 20 legions of god-level civilizations, who arrived at Dole Realm as pioneers.

"Marshal, according to the data returned by the front line, the other party dispatched black cavity life forms, the number is about 1,000, and there is no high-level existence!"

"This black Holy See, hundreds of years have passed, and it's still the same. Except for the red-clothed archbishop, they are all first-level existences..."

Already accustomed to the promotion speed of the Federation, Li Yan couldn't help but complain.

However, in fact, the speed of the Black Holy See is normal in this black cavity space.

After all, other civilizations in the Federation or the original Canglong Alliance are all because of the Canglong cosmos consciousness. The existence of such an exception has led to a much faster cultivation speed.

Otherwise, it would be very good to have a second-level existence in a hundred years.

"Inform Wang Hai, while guarding the bridgehead, give priority to attacking the opponent's black cavity life form!"



After a few minutes.

One of the eight mobile Holy Sees of the Black Holy See, the third mobile Holy See.

Everyone's eyes widened, looking at the real-time observation screen at the entrance in disbelief.

It is really...

A whole battle sacrificial group, that's a thousand purple-clothed bishops.

Although for hundreds of years, the Black Holy See used a special method to produce a large number of black cavity life forms with side effects because of the previous defeat in the Kunsa World.

And because of the side effects, these black cavity lifeforms can't go any further, and their strength will always stay at the level of the initial stage of the first level.

But after all, it is also a thousand first-level black cavity life forms.

But now, in front of only about three hundred people, they are so vulnerable.

With more than half of the casualties, he was unable to take anyone from the other side!

Simply outrageous!

"Archbishop Velos, do you want the other two sacrificial groups to go up?"

"What are you going to do on the top, and send it to the infidels to kill?"

Glancing at Bishop Zi who was talking, Velos said angrily.

One thousand people were easily slaughtered by others, can it be reversed by going up to two thousand people?

I'm afraid it's such a first level, it's useless to go up to 10,000 people!

Damn heretics, why are they so powerful?

"Inform Gart to activate the stellar defense array immediately. I will buy him three hours at most and let him move quickly!"

"Archbishop Velos, the stellar defense formation is immature and can only be used as a last resort!"

"Are you an idiot, look at the strength of those heretics, and look at how the Second Battle Sacrificial Regiment was slaughtered just now. Is this enough?"

"This... yes, I will immediately inform Bishop Garter!"

After being scolded by Velos, the purple-clothed bishop who opened his mouth immediately realized the problem.

Although this battle is indeed a start, but from the current situation, if the killer is not used, then the beginning is likely to be the end.

Immediately wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, he immediately followed Velos' order.


About one standard black cavity unit from the channel opening.

The scenery here is unbelievable no matter how you look at it, this is in a black cavity space.

Countless stars that should have existed in the universe are now all over the place.

Star Defense Array...

One of the three ultimate means of the Black Holy See.

Use a special force field to wrap the stars and pull these stars from the universe into the black cavity space.

In the black cavity space of hundreds of millions of stars, they are arrayed like a fleet, and finally stimulated by special means, instantly evacuating the energy of all stars, releasing the ultimate blow.

And this blow was so powerful that Pope Turner, who had watched the test, admitted that he would never be able to resist it.

A third-level powerhouse said that he could not resist, but one can imagine how strong this power is.

"What, Archbishop Velos said he would use the star array in three hours?"

"Yes, Bishop Garter!"

"Why are you in such a hurry, isn't the front line going well?"

"It is said that there was a problem on the front line. The power of the pagan main force is beyond imagination. If the star array is not used, the army of the Third Holy See will likely collapse in a short time!"

"Damn, how far are we at deployment completion now?"

"Because we are dragging the star slower than the fleet, we only arrived and started deploying a few days ago and are now at 72%!"


In this way, it will take at least half a day to deploy.

But the situation on the front line is already so critical.

"Notify everyone, cancel the shift, and let me deploy at maximum speed, within three hours!"

"Let the escort fleet join in to help!"

"Do it now!"

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