The Strongest Interstellar Commander

1207 Revealing the Secrets of Stos (middle)

Although outwardly, he is no different from a human being.

However, at this moment, countless data flashed through his eyes, like a robot.

"Beep beep!"

"Consciousness transmission completed!"

"Creator Dr. Wang Feng, good morning!"

A few minutes later, as the flickering data in the man's eyes gradually disappeared, the device on the side made a sound again.

Ignoring the device, Wang Feng sat up and raised his hands to look.

"Smart, how long have I slept?"

"Five billion years, thirty-eight million, two hundred and fifty-six days!"

"Has it been so long, that is, the plan of the year was successful?"

"Yes, Dr. Wang Feng!"

"How many people are there in our clan now, how is the situation?"

He has been sleeping for more than five billion years.

Even Wang Feng was a little surprised.

However, it was a huge surprise.

After all, it's been more than five billion years, doesn't that mean that his plan was successful?

Otherwise, let alone more than five billion years, it will be difficult for five thousand years.

After all, the black cavity consciousness can locate these "virus" coordinates of them!

"According to the feedback from the monitoring devices left in the new earth, the current human population has exceeded 300 billion!"

"However, although the new earth is a super-giant planet, it has reached the limit of the population that can be accommodated and cannot continue to grow!"

"According to your instructions, Doctor, I will randomly reset the basic rules of the area where the new area is located every thousand years!"

"Therefore, humans have always been unable to get out of space!"

"In the past five billion years, the highest level of technology that has ever been reached is the age of steam."

The intelligence in the device answered Wang Feng's question in an emotionless tone.

From these contents, it can be heard that Wang Feng has made extremely strict restrictions on the human beings in the new earth.

Every thousand years, reset the basic rules of physics and let them change randomly.

Since then, human beings have finally developed some technology, but one day, because of the change of the basic rules, everything is empty, and we have to start all over again.

This cycle has been repeated countless times in the new earth for more than five billion years.

And as intelligence said, in these countless times, the highest achievement of human beings is to enter the age of steam.

Therefore, in this cycle, humans can never get out of the planet and fly into space.

Unless, you can complete the evolution from primitive society to modern civilization within a thousand years.

Obviously, however, this is almost impossible!

You know, the Daxia Federation once went from primitive society to interstellar civilization, but it took thousands of years.

And this is because Luo Li has traveled through the past.

Otherwise, if you want to completely become an interstellar civilization, you will have to go back a thousand or two thousand years.

After all, just launching a satellite and building a space station is not an interstellar civilization.

"Well, since everything is going well, why wake me up?"

"Dr. Wang Feng, the isolation device has been attacked from outside. It has stopped working and needs to be repaired!"


Hearing this, Wang Feng instantly widened his eyes.

Isolation device stopped working, what does that mean?

Representing the only remaining ethnic group in the Great Xia Federation, it will once again be exposed to the eyes of the black cavity consciousness.

If the equipment can't be repaired immediately, I'm afraid it won't take long before the army of those sweepers will arrive, right?

At present, these 300 billion human beings are still in a state of constant wandering between the primitive society and the steam age. What can they use to resist the sweepers?

Immediately, Wang Feng was in a hurry, and immediately got up and went to a console of the isolation device, and quickly operated with both hands.

"Well, the attack of the special code directly disintegrated the core program?"

"how can that be?"

"And, this residual code..."

"This writing style and habit...why is it exactly the same as the teacher?"


This kind of attack directly points to every key point of the core program. Unless someone knows the core program well, it is impossible to be so precise! "

"Speaking of which, this core program was written by the teacher back then..."

When Wang Feng checked the equipment, and looked at some of the code left after attacking the equipment.

He was completely bewildered.

An impossible thought flashed through his mind.

Is Teacher Luo Li still there?

"Intelligence, has the operating rules of the Stooges universe been fully restored?"

"Yes, because the isolation equipment is offline, Stoos has reconnected to the black cavity space and restored the normal basic rules."

"That means, other equipment can be used outside our room, right?"


"Restart the entire institute immediately, and then conduct a comprehensive scan of the entire Stoos and the black cavity space near Stoos!"

"The instruction has been received, the main system of the institute is restarting, it is expected to be three minutes!"


Just when Wang Feng had some guesses and restarted the institute that had been dusty for billions of years.

The fleet sent by Lin Yu also arrived at the three legions of Katis Kingdom.

After entering these battleships and investigating, a general conclusion was quickly drawn.

All the soldiers of Katis Kingdom have died, and the cause of death is initially judged to be suffocation.

Of course, some of them were attacked to death or committed suicide.

It is presumed to be a state of despair, and the actions produced under the mental breakdown.

And this report is basically consistent with Luo Li's previous speculation.

The next step is to find the location of the isolation device, and try to search for the possible survivors of the Daxia Federation.

After all, Lin Yu didn't dare to send more fleets in without finding that device for a day.

Otherwise, if one day, the damn isolation device starts operating again, then the fleets sent by yourself must not all be the same as the three legions of the Katis Kingdom, and they can only be trapped in Stoss and wait to die?

Therefore, Lin Yu still ordered the star-level fleet to perform the task of searching for the isolation device and the remnants of the Daxia Federation.

The good thing is that the location of the isolation device can already be locked through the device that Luo Li had made by Lin Yu, and it won't take too long to find it.

However, Lin Yu was a little surprised.

When the specific location coordinates were determined, this device was not in any super galaxy cluster, and the planet where it was located was completely independent of the super galaxy cluster system.

However, none of this matters.

The important thing is that the location has been found, isn't it?

Immediately, Lin Yu ordered to enter the legion of Stos, and immediately go to the target planet to control the isolation device.

What Lin Yu didn't know was that...

Just when he issued this order, Wang Feng had already discovered the Federal Fleet!

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