The Strongest Interstellar Commander

1213 If you can't keep it, you don't have to waste food

Ten hours later...

Perando Universe, Latour Supercluster, Valdo Galaxies.

This is the gluttonous civilization, the seat of the governor of the Perando universe.

On one of these planets, Governor Lancalis is enjoying his favorite show every day...


The Hirbela people are the undisputed number one in the entire civilization food list (the birthplace of the Black Holy See and the White Holy See, the Hirbela Empire, so their captive descendants are collectively referred to as the Hirbela people in the text), For ordinary people in the gluttonous civilization, it is only during festivals that they are willing to spend a lot of money to buy and enjoy.

However, for Lankalis, who is the governor of the Perando universe, he can enjoy such a delicious meal at every meal.

Speaking of which, in order to compete for the position of governor of Perando universe, it almost turned into a civil war. Fortunately, in the end, the gluttonous king forcibly suppressed everyone and directly tasked the governor candidate, which gradually calmed down.

And Lancalis is the lucky one.

Originally, according to his strength in the early stage of the third-order, he was not qualified to take this position from the hands of the peak of the third-order, or even the early stage of the fourth-order.

This was deliberately done by King Taotie, which made him pick up this bargain.

In the words of the gluttonous king himself, that is...

Since no one else is dissatisfied with who this position is given, then give none of it, and give it directly to a lower-level person!

In short, since he somehow got a chance and became the governor of this Perando universe, Lankalis is like living in heaven, and he can even wake up laughing every day when he sleeps and dreams.

"Guard, why hasn't lunch been delivered yet?"

"It's almost there, Lord Lancalis, please wait a moment!"

The guards have become accustomed to Lancalis' urging.

After all, he was so impatient for almost every meal, and he always had to habitually urge him to be satisfied.

At this moment, a gluttonous glutton rushed into the room.

"I remember giving orders not to allow anyone to disturb me while I was eating!"

"Are you looking for death?"

Originally full of anticipation for the upcoming meal, but with the intrusion of this gluttonous glutton, Lancalis's two eyes on both sides of his abdomen suddenly became sharp.

"Lord Lancalis, although I am sorry to disturb your eating, we have detected that a fleet of unknown forces is coming to Perando. I am afraid that the visitors are not good!"

"Unknown force?"

"Yes, according to our long-distance observations, the battleships in this fleet are different from any civilization we know, and we also found that the number of black cavity lifeforms in this fleet is at least 5,000! "

(There are 1,000 people in the 071 Legion, plus 5,000 people from the Canglan God Territory, so there are 6,000 people in the 071 Legion)

"This is impossible!"

Widening his eyes on both sides of his abdomen, he stood up suddenly, Lankalis roared.

The scientific and technological civilization in the Covey world has been swept away by the gluttonous civilization as early as hundreds of thousands of years ago.

Today, all universes are under the control of their own family.

Where did the fleet come from, and where did at least 5,000 black cavity lifeforms come from?

"Lord Lancalis, we suspect this is the same situation as the Silberians!"

"You mean... the civilization of the outer Heiqiang world?"

"Yes, even if it is not a Silbera, it must be another civilization in the outer black cavity world!"


At this moment, Lancalis has forgotten that what his subordinates reported just now is that the other party has at least 5,000 black-speaking beings, and all he thinks about is the word civilization of the outer black-speaking world.

With the precedent of the Silberians, Lancalis is fantasizing at the moment, will this civilization also be so delicious, even more delicious than the Silberians?


At least five thousand black cavity life forms.


This is simply not something I can handle!

"How long will it take for that civilization to arrive?"

"No more than an hour!"


Don't be there in an hour before you find out? what to eat? "

"Governor Lancalis, we can't blame us for this, because the other party's speed is too fast, although they were discovered the first time after they entered our monitoring range, but according to their speed, these 100 black-chambered units are too fast. The distance can be crossed in less than an hour!"

In less than an hour, you can cross a hundred standard black chamber units?

So fast?

The battleship of your own family can't even fly a single black-chambered unit this hour, okay?

"Call all the soldiers immediately, and the slave army also makes them move!"

"At the same time, immediately report the situation here to Wang and ask for reinforcements!"

After finally understanding the crisis of the situation, Lancalis became serious and kept giving orders.

after all...

In Pelando, there are less than 800 black-speaking warriors, and nearly 200 tenth-order peak warriors.

There are a lot of other soldiers below the tenth rank. Those warriors who have not reached the tenth rank have no effect at all in this kind of black battle.

Not to mention that it is below the tenth order, even the tenth order peak is useless.

If it is not a black cavity life form, it cannot survive in the black cavity at all, and can only be reserved for Perando's internal deployment defense.

Therefore, the only people who can really meet the enemy in the black cavity are the black cavity warriors with a number of less than 800, and the slave army fleet of up to several legions.

Speaking of this slave army, they are all races that are considered unpalatable by some gluttonous civilizations.

And this is so unpalatable...

On the contrary, it is their greatest luck.

Those who could not become the gluttonous family who served Chinese food became slave army.

Usually, he is responsible for the vigilance of various universes and the task of suppressing some resistance forces in the universe.

Of course, the gluttonous civilization will not allow them to equip warships with too many traps, and they use warships of the level of the peak super civilization. That's it for fighting in space.

Well, in short...


Therefore, Lancalis never thought about how useful these slave armies could be. He simply wanted to use them to test the depth of the enemy.

"Governor Lancalis, do you want to receive the communication from the capital?"

"Wangdu? Hurry up and take it!"

"Yes, Governor Lancalis!"

Soon, a gluttonous glutton that was at least three times the size of Lancalis appeared in front of him.


"Lancalis, I already know the situation on your side. The reinforcements have been dispatched. Hold on for a month, otherwise you don't have to continue or waste food!"

The words of the taotie king are very direct.

However, Lancalis was worried.

"Wang, according to our investigation, the other party also has at least 5,000 black cavity life forms. This month..."

"It will take a month for General Carvio to reach Lampert, so you have to hold on for a month!"

Well, even if Wang has sent support, it is impossible to arrive in an instant.

It only took a month, and that was because General Kavio happened to be around here with the army.

Otherwise, don't expect anyone to come to support for a few months.

But, can you really hold on to this month?

In this regard, Lancalis deeply doubts...

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