The Strongest Interstellar Commander

One thousand three hundred and forty-nine The final battle (7)

The current situation is very unfavorable for the Tianshu Holy See.

The fleet was being played around by the enemy, and the battleship production line was also destroyed in large numbers. At the same time, there were more black voices in the world, which were directly slaughtered by the alliance.

Whether it is a battleship or a soldier, there will be big problems if this goes on.

The worst thing is that he sent ten chaotic beings by himself, hoping to rewrite the current unfavorable situation.

But the result?

Not only did he fail to make any changes, on the contrary, he was beaten by the pagans with a ten-kill record.

This is just killing!

Today, there are still 18 chaotic lifeforms in the headquarters of the Holy See, and there are four more outside the territory of the Holy See.

Of course, even if the four were to call them back now, it would take nearly twenty years.

Therefore, in the core battlefield, the Federation has achieved an advantage in high-end combat power.

Twenty-one chaotic life forms, three more than the Holy See headquarters!

In fact, even if the overall number is to be counted, the Federation still has an advantage. After all, there are four other people in the family, including Luo Li, who are also chaotic life forms.

It's just that they are the top scientists of the Federation. If it is not necessary, Lin Fan is not ready to arrange for them to go to the front line.

After securing the life of Chaos, the master of the Holy See, the Federation returned to its original tactics.

Continue to sometimes break into pieces, and sometimes gather troops to fight several annihilation battles, Jiang Hai has no way to do this.

In the end, we had to take back our troops and stick to the basic plan of the Holy See, and through the door of the black cavity, the production lines and resources in the black cavity world...

All of them are madly transported to those black chambers in the core area centered on the Holy See headquarters.

As for those black tune worlds outside the basic board, on the one hand, most of them are believers' civilization, and on the other hand, Jiang Hai is indeed nowhere.


Federal calendar 17288.

The war has been going on for over a hundred years.

Because the Tianshu Holy See has withdrawn all chaotic life forms and fleets to the core area.

Therefore, over the years, the alliance's actions have been very smooth. After more than 100 years, the more than 10,000 black chambers in the core area of ​​the Tianshu Holy See have finally been cleaned up.

Is this a big blow to the Tianshu Holy See?

That must be big, but not big enough to collapse the Holy See.

After all, more than 100 years ago, Jiang Hai, who saw that nothing could be done, directly withdrew all the fleets to the core area, and put a large number of warship production lines, reserve resources, and population in those black-speaking worlds that were not yet in the alliance at that time. ..

They were all transferred to the more than 10,000 black chambers in the core area through the door network.

Therefore, although the Holy See was destroyed by the alliance, it still kept about 60% of the production lines, and the resources transferred by the hundreds of thousands of Heiqiang world were enough for the Holy See to maintain the production of warships for a long time.

However, after completing the clearing of the peripheral areas, the alliance army that came to the core area of ​​the Holy See...

Not in a hurry to attack!

Originally, Lin Fan was preparing to attack, and even the battle plan had been issued to each fleet.


Just the day before the total, he suddenly stopped.

The reason is a sudden news from Luo Li...

A large number of conceptual technologies were broken through, and the Federation finally entered the ninth-order black cavity civilization with one foot, a field that even the Great Xia Federation could not enter.

And with those breakthrough technologies, the Chaos Research Institute is building an unprecedented device, one that can directly end the war.

With one foot, he entered the ninth-order black cavity civilization, or chaotic civilization.

Luo Li's cognition of black cavity space and consciousness has also risen to a whole new level.

If you want to use people as a metaphor for the black cavity space, these countless black cavity worlds are the cells in its body, and the Canglong universe with its own will, or the Yanhuang universe of the former Daxia Federation, for the black cavity itself , like a virus.

Moreover, it is a virus that spreads rapidly, and if it is not stopped, it will threaten the black cavity itself.

So, after realizing this, Heiqiang took medicine.

After all, you have to take medicine when you are sick, right?

Therefore, the sweeper is like the medicine taken by the black cavity to clean up the virus in his body, so as to repair the part of the cells damaged by the virus infection.

This is like a surgical operation. A virus called Canglong Universe appears in a cell called Kunsajie, so the easiest way is to completely remove this virus from the cell.

So, after understanding this, Luo Li also had a whim, can it cut off the black cavity consciousness of the source directly?

Of course, even Luo Li, who has mastered most of the truth now, cannot do such a thing as obliterating the black-toned consciousness.

However, there is a way to do it instead of obliterating it.

Once the black cavity consciousness is cut off, it is useless even if the gods are still alive, because the role of the gods is only a relay of the black cavity consciousness.

Luo Li didn't know what happened to the Tianshu Holy See, but what she was sure of was...

Once the black cavity consciousness is isolated, the huge number of believers will no longer obey the battle orders of the Tianshu Holy See.


The two sides who have faced each other for decades in the core area of ​​the Holy See, although there are occasional skirmishes, but no one has the idea of ​​starting a decisive battle.

Both parties are waiting...

Li Yan was waiting for Luo Li's result, while Jiang Hai was waiting for the fleet to be replenished.

Over the past 100 years, the fleet in its core area has expanded to the size of 150 million legions.

Among them, the main fleet of the Holy See has 30 million legions, and the fleet of believers is 120 million legions.

As for the alliance side, although a lot of troops have been added, the total military strength is still only more than 6 million legions, which is more than 20 times worse.

Federal calendar 17328.

The Tianshu Holy See, who felt that the time was ripe, finally no longer endured, and even didn't even want the old nest.

Strike out across the board and fight the alliance to the death.

For the Holy See, which was threatening and had twenty times more troops than himself, Lin Fan naturally wouldn't go up to confront him in a foolish way.

Instead, he intends to lead the army in a roundabout way and look for fighter planes. If there are no fighter planes, there will be no war. This is the iron rule!

For the next ten years, the two sides were like hide and seek.

While chasing on one side and dodging on the other side, it's been ten years since a single shot was fired.

However, under the constant siege and interception of the Holy See army, the alliance army also had to retreat, retreat and retreat.

After all, if he stayed on the front line to hide and seek, there was not much room for Lin Fan to use it.

Although the alliance's side should not fight, Jiang Hai doesn't care, at least the lost ground is recovered, right?

You must know that over the past 100 years, nearly 80% of the resources that had been transferred back from the various Heiqiang realms had been consumed due to the desperate violence.

But now, the Holy See is not like it used to be. With hundreds of thousands of Heiqiang realms to support, the more than 10,000 Heiqiang realm resources in the core area are simply unable to maintain such crazy violent soldiers.

Therefore, the site that Jianghai urgently needs now!

Only by taking back more territory can he have more resources and continue to expand his army crazily, right?

At this time, the Holy See has already figured out the maximum foldable range of the Alliance Boundary Wall Folding System, and it is even more convenient to deploy the net-type warriors.

Even Lin Fan couldn't find a good fighter for a while.

And just when he was troubled by this, the news of Luo Li came.

That device...

Finally finished!


Federal calendar 17355.

Under the fleet advancement of the Holy See, the alliance fleet has retreated more than 1,000 Heiqiang realms.

A large number of sites were taken back by the Holy See, and the destructive mining of resources was quickly launched.

When countless resources were continuously transported into the core area again, the countless battleship production lines of the Holy See once again turned on their horses and exploded the ships.

Everything is going in the direction that Jiang Hai expects.

However, he didn't realize that the things that could end everything had been transported to the front line.

At the same time, in the command center of the alliance army.

Lin Fan was holding a cube with a strange expression on his face. It was a dark cube with a length, width and height of only ten centimeters. It looked like a solid metal block and was unremarkable.

However, Luo Li told Lin Fan that this was the device he was talking about. As long as it was turned on, it could completely block the black cavity consciousness within the range of tens of thousands of black cavity circles in an instant.

Its effect...

It's no different from killing an angel!

Following Luo Li's instructions, Lin Fan called up the device's virtual control panel and operated it step by step.


There's a ghost and then...

After Lin Fan finally pressed the start button, he looked around, but nothing happened.

Are you sure it's not a malfunction?

In this regard, Luo Li said very calmly, there is absolutely no fault, it is normal to have no response, after all, this thing is not used to target you, how can you react?

Having said that, Lin Fan felt right.

But how to confirm this effect?

"Liang Xue, let Wang Hai bring 100,000 legions to raid Lankai Realm!"

"Lankai Realm? Isn't that in the enemy's hinterland?"

Liang Xue asked with some doubts.

"That's right, but it is only connected to one adjacent Heiqiang Realm. Even if we were discovered immediately after we set off, in three months, only three Heiqiang Realms can complete the support at most. All the support is here, and the total strength will not exceed 150,000 legions,"

"In this way, even if the device doesn't work, Wang Hai can withdraw calmly!"


Three months later, Wang Hai arrived at Lankai Realm, only to find that...

Not to mention any support, even the 50,000 believer army fleet originally stationed here has no fighting spirit at this moment.

As soon as he appeared, the other side expressed his intention to surrender.

What is this doing?

Soon, the news was sent back to the alliance's command center. After confirming that the device was effective, Lin Fan finally stopped retreating, and commanded the army to launch a full-scale counterattack.

Along the way, the fleet of the believers surrendered one after another.

As for the Holy See's Crusaders, although they were not as bachelors as the believers, they launched a counterattack.

However, the league's side can clearly feel it.

The fleets of these Crusaders are markedly different.

When the Crusaders fought, it was a madness, and it was a typical example of desperation.

But at this moment, they have completely lost their life-threatening energy, and even collapsed when they were banging.

The Crusaders collapsed in battle, something that had never happened before.

In the past, even if they were lost, they would definitely fight to the last battleship, and it was absolutely impossible for the fleet to collapse.

Obviously, the device Luo made for him was quite good!

The alliance army was advancing frantically all the way, while the Holy See fleet was surrendering, collapsing and collapsing.

Jiang Hai has no idea at all, what exactly is this situation?

After all, Heiqiang consciousness cannot control a chaotic life body, so Jiang Hai doesn't have much feeling about the fact that Heiqiang consciousness is blocked.

And no matter how he contacted the front-line commanders, asking them to swarm and not be allowed to retreat, it was of no use.

The rout continues.

Soon, the front was pushed back to the core area of ​​the Holy See.

Jiang Hai... completely stunned!

In less than 30 years, all 150 million legions have disappeared, and in the core area, there are only 8 million new legions newly built in the past few decades, and among them...

The Crusaders have only 2 million corps, and the remaining 6 million are the fleets of the believers.

In the face of the alliance's more than 6 million full main fleet, these combat powers are simply not enough.


Federal calendar 17395.

The final attack begins...

The various armies of the alliance directly entered the core area of ​​​​the Holy See, and the fleet of believers stationed on the periphery of the core area...

The script to welcome Master Wang was started directly, which even Lin Fan couldn't handle.

Although there is no interference from the black cavity consciousness, it is not so cowardly, right?

However, these are not important, the important thing is the Holy See!

Soon, on the way of the Alliance's advance, it encountered the fleet of 2 million Crusaders, and it entered the white heat as soon as it came up.

This made many commanders in the alliance sigh that there is always a decent opponent out.


It didn't take long for them to sigh, that Crusader fleet...


Initially, a small number of them fled.

But soon, the rout of this small part led to the rout of more fleets.

Hours later, even the entire Crusader fleet, more than 200 legions, fled.

The largest rout in the world was displayed in front of the Alliance fleet.

For a while, everyone was a little stunned whether to pursue or not to pursue.

Soon, Lin Fan's order came over.


Not one left!

He knew very well that once something went wrong with that device and the black cavity consciousness intervened again, the Holy See's Crusaders would turn into the craziest believers again.

Therefore, it is meaningless to take prisoners, and it is serious to kill them all.

Ten years later.

Except for the headquarters of the Tianshu Holy See, all the rest of the Heiqiang world have been occupied!

In this process, Jiang Hai did not think of a way.

And the most direct way is to...

Let the rest of the chaotic lifeforms strike!

Although he didn't know what the situation was, he found that this situation seemed to have no effect on chaotic life forms.

So, to turn the tide of the battle, or to fight for the last.

Jiang Hai took the other twenty-one chaotic life forms and killed them.


They have already reached the door of the house, how could Lin Fan not guard against these chaotic life forms?

Twenty-one people beat twenty-two people, which seems to be a bit of a disadvantage, but now there are not only twenty-one people in the Federation.

During the nearly three hundred years of fighting against the Holy See, five other people from the Federation made breakthroughs and achieved Chaos Life.

Therefore, the number of chaotic life forms in the Federation at this moment is twenty-six!

If you want to add Luo Li and the others, there are thirty people!

Of course, Lin Fan wouldn't let Luo Li and the others go to battle. Twenty-six against twenty-two would be enough, right?

The old rule, hold the rest first, and then concentrate on killing one!

So, twenty-one beat twenty-one over there, while Lin Fan and the others surrounded Jiang Hai with five people.

In this case, Jiang Hai was about to scold his mother.

In the end, he didn't last too long, and after about three hours, he was completely defeated by Lin Fan and the others.

Just when Lin Fan was about to come forward to give him the final blow, Luo Li sent a message to Lin Fan through spiritual sharing.

And it was these words that made Jiang Hai survive!


Federal calendar 17396.

The Second Holy War in the Black Chamber, with the final victory of the Federation...

The curtain was drawn.

However, this is not the end.

Because the black cavity consciousness is still there!


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