The Strongest Interstellar Commander

Twenty-four siege nets that cannot be escaped

The battlefield right now is weird.

It stands to reason that it is not difficult to deal with Lin Fan's move. There are several methods to choose from.

For example, strengthen the thickness of the central array, so that the fleet's capital ships are gathered in the center.

But the problem is that the entire Oaks rebel fleet controls 2 capital ships, and a large number of cruisers, destroyers, and frigates are simply unable to resist the firepower of the capital ships, let alone fight back.

Another method is that if the central array is obviously unable to block the opponent's assault, the fleet will be actively separated to the left and right, and then turned to the center respectively, and with the breakthrough of the central enemy fleet, always let the fleets on both sides adjust the direction of the ship's bow. , and will eventually bite the tail of the assault fleet.

There is also a problem here, that is, the temporary formation of the rebel fleet does not have efficient fleet coordination, nor does it have a clever commander.

So, if it is broken through, is it a foregone conclusion that it cannot be recovered?

Not really, there are still many ways to solve it.

The more common way is to accelerate the fleet forward, because after the enemy has broken through its own array, if it wants to expand in the rear, it must take a certain amount of time to turn.

However, if you let your fleet move at full speed when the opponent has just broken through, you will be out of range by the time the opponent turns around.

But this last chance, the rebels still missed, because the commander of the rebels died, along with the two battle cruisers.

However, Lin Fan said that even if the commander didn't hang up, it was useless, because while Lin Fan let the face charge all the way, he also left a lot of space mines behind.

Therefore, there is currently a large minefield in front of the rebels. If they break through hard, they will lose at least half of the warships.

The rebels, who were caught in a panic, gave Lin Fan time to directly use the two-way expansion behind him, forming a small semi-encirclement.

Although it is a semi-encirclement, the rebel fleet cannot move forward because of the minefield ahead, so the semi-encirclement at this moment is equivalent to the full encirclement.

The rebels were left with only two options.

Surrender, or perform a slow turn in place.

But will these orcs' rebel fleets surrender? The commanders above are all die-hards of the eldest prince, so it is obviously impossible to surrender.

Then there is only one choice left, and turn to face the enemy with a lot of battle damage!

After seeing the rebels' choice, Lin Fan was happy.

For Lin Fan, he didn't want these rebels to surrender, otherwise how would he accomplish his mission? Should we wait a few years to start again? Or sneak out to fight a few battles in violation of the agreement during the armistice?

Obviously impossible, so this rebel fleet was Lin Fan's last chance to complete his mission.

"Is the air carrier in place?"

"Fifteen seconds left."

"After it is in place, release all the drones from both sides, and then all the mechas will also attack!"

"The air carrier is in place, start releasing the drones..."

"The drones are released, and the mech troops start to attack!"

Although warships are the natural enemies of mechas and fighters when they are not in close proximity, it is also advisable to face mechas and fighters in the opposite direction.

And now Oakes' rebel fleet faces a choice.

The fleet at this moment is about to complete the turn, and the aircraft carriers of Task Force 101 have been deployed on both sides of the encirclement, releasing all drones and mechas.

So do you choose to turn again and turn back to attack the drones and mechas, or ignore these drones and mechas, continue to complete the turn, and attack the battleships behind?

Originally the best way is to release the fighters to resist the mechs and unmanned fighters on both sides.

But there is a problem here, the rebels have only ten aircraft carriers,

Just now, when Task Force 101 broke through in the center, it killed two ships. Within a few minutes of turning around, five more ships were killed, and now there are only three ships left.

Of course, no matter what the rebel fleet chose, Lin Fan had a corresponding way to deal with it.

However, Lin Fan only had two words to comment on the choice made by the rebels at the next moment.


Why is it stupid, because the rebels directly released the 30,000 fighters on the three air carriers and divided them into two teams to intercept the two sides.

After turning to the rebel fleet, they formed an assault formation and charged in the direction of the battlecruiser group of Task Force 101.

One can imagine how much the other party wanted to kill Lin Fan's flagship, even if the entire army was wiped out.

"Hehe, Commander Adams, it seems that they are willing to rush up to kill you even if the entire army is wiped out. They are really persistent!"

Lin Fan looked at the tactical panel, smiled and said to himself.

"Give them the road in the middle, and then the fleets on both sides converge towards the middle! Change our encirclement from the front half to the back."


Soon, a strange scene appeared. With the assault of the rebel fleet, the middle of the encirclement of Task Force 101 suddenly retreated to both sides, while the original fleets on both sides moved closer to the middle and connected.

So, what was originally a semi-circular encirclement on the front has now become a U-shaped encirclement and pursuit circle on the back.

Even the rebels were a little stunned, so I charged and ripped apart part of your encirclement.

Why did I suddenly form a U-shaped encirclement on the side and back without me noticing?

This makes absolutely no sense.

There were only dozens of battleships left and most of them were wounded. After being half-surrounded again, there was no chance.

Whether he wanted to escape, or hunted Lin Fan's flagship again, there was no chance.

Ten minutes later, as the last rebel frigate was blown up, the normal battle came to an end!

"Ding, congratulations to the host for completing the task: destroy a total of 500 Aux civilized battleships and obtain the reward energy shield technology."

call! It's finally done.

With this technology, a few years later, there is a greater certainty to fight back.

"Adjutant, order the fleet to clean the battlefield and search for the remains of your own personnel! As for the battle damage data, let me know after the statistics!"


While cleaning the battlefield, Lin Fan opened the communication in the lounge.

"Commander Adams, it's over, do you need us to escort you back, or let your people arrange a boat to pick you up?"

"Don't bother, the boat to pick me up has already set off."

"Okay, then you are free, I will let the fleet release!"

"Thank you so much then!"

The two sides didn't have much to say, because everyone understood that once the Ninth Prince was returned in a few years, it would not end until the other side was completely killed.

"Commander, the preliminary battle damage report is out!"

"Read it!"

"A total of 348 local warships were annihilated in this battle. Our warships lost 2 cruisers, 5 destroyers, and 11 frigates! The loss of mechas was 2,184! The initial estimate of personnel loss is about 5,000 people, the specific data depends on How many people can the mech troops save?"

"18 battleships, 5,000 casualties! I'm still a long way off."

Inside the empty bridge, Lin Fan's sigh echoed!

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