The Strongest Interstellar Commander

Forty Second Asteroid Belt War (3)

Area 019 of the asteroid belt, in the hangar of the flagship Uranos.

At this moment, Lin Fan was sitting in the mecha cabin.

"System, I will use the opportunity to improve my personal ability last time and use it for mecha driving."

"Ding, it has been used, please prepare the host, the instillation is about to start!"

As soon as the system's voice fell, Lin Fan felt a sharp pain in his mind. A large number of difficult mecha moves, tactics, experience, etc. were being instilled and merged with his original memory and body.

A minute later, Lin Fan opened his eyes, as if after years of training and a lot of actual combat, everything was deeply engraved into his memory and body.

Lin Fan looked at the attribute panel of the system. His mecha driving ability had reached S, and with his superhuman quality of 350 in all attributes, he could be called the number one mecha master of mankind.

The Uranos was different from Lin Fan's previous flagship. After all, the former flagship was just a battle cruiser, while the Uranos was a battleship, and it was a custom-made super-spec battleship with a cabin that could accommodate 300 people. A mech, a whole mech squadron!

And not long ago, all the mecha divisions of the 101 task force also conducted a big contest, and 300 of the most elite mecha divisions were selected from the 9,000 people and transferred to the Ouranos.

Therefore, the combat effectiveness of a mecha squadron of the Uranus is absolutely comparable to a mecha squadron in an air carrier, which is not an exaggeration at all.

"Commander, the fleet and the mecha unit have been deployed, just waiting for the fish to enter the net."

"Okay, then it's time for me to go too, and I'll do it when I get the signal!"

"Commander, I want to persuade you one more time, just let Zhang Hu lead the team, you don't need to take this risk!"

"Will, I don't think you understand who I am?"


"I am the strongest mecha division of all mankind!"


Will is a little stunned, his commander is the strongest mecha division of mankind? I do not know how?

"Okay, you can just follow my plan, and you don't need to worry about the rest!"


After finishing the communication with Will, Lin Fan took a deep breath, Liang Xue, here I come!

"All attack!"


Through electromagnetic ejection, Lin Fan was the first to eject from the ship, and then Zhang Hu took the other 298 mechas and ejected them one by one, following Lin Fan's direction!

Half an hour later, a fleet appeared between the 019 and 016 areas of the asteroid belt. It was the escort fleet of the Ninth Prince, and it was moving in the direction of the 019 area at the moment.

"Report, here is the reconnaissance ship 027. The enemy has been traced. It is entering the 019 area from the 016 area. There are 876 battleships in a protective formation, and the target ship is in the center of the queue."

"Received, continue to monitor."



"Report, this is reconnaissance ship 015, and the target is expected to enter the ambush circle in 1 minute!"


In the cockpit of the mecha, Lin Fan touched the pendant on his chest with his right hand.

"Liang Xue, do you feel it, I'm here to save you!"

At the same time, inside the transport ship, Liang Xue felt the pendant on her chest vibrate, her eyes widened suddenly, thinking of something, and immediately, two lines of tears ran across her beautiful cheeks!

This pendant was specially made by Lin Fan for Bai Zixuan, and it was a pair. Lin Fan and Liang Xue each wore one.

Since it was specially made by Bai Zixuan, it naturally has a special function. When the distance between the two pendants is within 10 million kilometers, it will not trigger any reaction, but if the two pendants are separated by 10 million kilometers, then return to to within 10 million kilometers,

It will trigger a slight vibration.

Lin Fan told Liang Xue that he was afraid that Liang Xue would not be able to find him like he did last time, so he specially asked Bai Zixuan to make such a thing. When Liang Xue received it, he was very moved, but it took so long. I haven't really used it, so Liang Xue almost forgot that there is this function.

Moreover, this thing naturally has a tracking function, which is why Lin Fan and the others have such a clear retreat route.

"Yo, our beauty Liang is crying, don't worry, I will take care of you when Jupiter arrives!"

Hmph, you have no chance. Feeling the slight vibration of the pendant on her chest, Liang Xue thought to herself, and then she closed her eyes and didn't want to look at this disgusting man again.

"Okay, go back to Jupiter and play whatever you want, now be quiet for me!"

"Yes, Your Highness!"


Suddenly, everyone saw outside the porthole, and countless energy bombs and energy rays flashed, and several warships were directly blown up.

This scene Doron felt a little familiar, it was exactly the same as the scene he encountered in the Rex fleet!

"what happened?"

Doron directly contacted the commander of the escort fleet!

"His Royal Highness, a human fleet has appeared on the side of my fleet, with 145 ships!"

"There are only more than 100 ships, so don't kill them soon!"

"Yes! I have arranged for the fleet to turn around, please put it down, Your Highness, and they will be wiped out in less than half an hour!"

"very good!"

What they didn't notice, however, was that Task Force 101, like last time, was focused on the carrier attack!

When the Ox Empire fleet completed its turn, 28 of the 35 aircraft carriers had been blown up.

At this moment, the 9,000 mechas that were originally hidden on the other side had been turned behind by the Oaks fleet.

Just as the escort fleet completed its turn and was about to fire and attack, 9,000 mechas came over from behind it, startling the commander of the escort fleet.

Being attacked by mecha behind is definitely the most disadvantageous position. If you want to intercept, you must turn the fleet 180 degrees, but this is obviously impossible. During the 90-degree turn just now, more than 80 warships were killed by the opponent. , in order to intercept the mech troops turned again? Get sick!

Fortunately, there are still 7 aircraft carriers, and the commander immediately let all the fighters in the aircraft carrier set off to intercept the mecha, and the fleet still launched an attack on the human fleet.

But at this time, the human fleet retreated, and even hid in the surrounding asteroids, causing the fleet of the Oaks Empire to lose its target all of a sudden, and I don't know what to do.

After a few seconds, the commander of the escort fleet made a choice, and the 200 warships in the rear turned 360 degrees to cooperate with the fighter jets to intercept the human mecha.

In the front, 400 warships were separated to attack the human fleet, and about 150 remaining warships stayed in the center to protect Prince Doron.

In an asteroid group not far away, Lin Fan in the cockpit of the mecha looked at the tactical panel, his eyes lit up. More than 100 battleships protect transport ships.

The time has come!

"Everyone, follow me!"

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