The Strongest Interstellar Commander

Eight hundred and ninety-six fall (below)

Nine silver-white light pillars in the void directly penetrated the entire array of the guard fleet, blasting out a huge hole.

A full tens of millions of warships turned into dust in the universe in this terrifying attack, including the flagship where Scarter was located.

The entire space seemed to be stagnant because of this blow.

"Commander, the main artillery attack has been completed, and the enemy flagship has been confirmed to be destroyed!"

"How long will it take for the Nether Fleet to arrive?"

"About 97 minutes!"

"Okay, continue to enrich the peripheral defense line for the Nether Fleet that arrives later. Our mission is to create a safe arrival area for the fleet, and the attack mission will be completed by the Moi Combined Fleet of the second echelon!"

"Yes, Commander!"


The loss of the flagship signal caused the entire Guard fleet to fall into chaos, and even the array began to gradually become chaotic, and even an effective counterattack could not be achieved for a while.

It was not until the commander of a squadron took over the command that it finally stabilized.

But obviously, the commander of a squadron of 100 million warships does not have the ability to command a large fleet of tens of billions to fight. Even if the situation is better, it is definitely worse than when Scarter was commanded. So that the combat effectiveness of the fleet is greatly reduced.

As the number of warships arrived in the Nether Fleet increased, the battle losses of the Guards fleet also increased rapidly.

Finally, after about half an hour, even the number of battleships was completely overtaken by the Nether Fleet, and they were defeated...

It happened in an instant!

Wang Hai did not arrange for the fleet to pursue the pursuit, but began to build a line of defense. After all, the remaining nine guard fleets of the Zilun Empire, a full 900 billion battleships, were coming, and in five minutes at most, the two sides would meet. firefight.

Therefore, Wang Hai did not have the time to chase a fleet that had already been defeated. Instead, he had to use these five minutes to build a relatively complete line of defense to deal with the impact of the Zilun Empire army.

When Wang Hai didn't notice, a shuttle ship was rapidly taking off from the capital star of the Zilun Empire, and on the orbit, a gorgeous battleship and a escort composed of one million battleships,

been waiting for this.

However, even if Wang Hai noticed it, it was useless.

After all, the distance is there, and there is a hyperspace interference device. Even if Wang Hai wants to intercept it, he is destined to be powerless.

Soon, the remaining nine Imperial Guard fleets that came to support had arrived at the 5AU of the Nether Fleet's defense line.

As if the two parties had agreed, they started immediately.

However, even with an absolute numerical advantage, the battleships they sit on are quite powerless in the face of tens of billions of ships that have at least a seventh-order but can exert a ninth-order combat power.

The one-way absolute barrier of dark energy is really too powerful.

Not to mention the Zilun Empire, even the White Tiger Empire, which was at the peak of the tenth rank, would definitely not be able to come up with so many high-rank dark energy to build such a terrifying fleet.

Although it depends on the number, the nine imperial guard fleets can still be maintained for the time being, and they are coming and going.

But anyone who sees it will understand that the final defeat is only a matter of time. Is the battle loss ratio reaching 1 to 1,000?

"How's the planetary bomb ready?"

As soon as he entered the bridge of his own car, Latis directly asked loudly.

"Your Majesty, it will take about an hour to prepare!"

"Let them speed up, and at the same time convey orders to the guard fleet, and give me an hour to stand up for me!"

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

"Also, have the reinforcements in the surrounding important garrison towns set off?"

"It's already set off, but even the nearest Hal will arrive in about half an hour. It should be able to catch up and provide strong reinforcements for the guard fleet in battle!"

"No, let all the reinforcement fleets go to Kansai to assemble, and then set off after the imperial capital is detonated, and catch humans by surprise!"

"Your Majesty, if this is the case, the guard fleet will..."

"The Empire will remember their sacrifices!"

Before the Minister of War could finish speaking, Latis rudely interrupted it and said with a blank expression.

"I understand, Your Majesty!"

Nodding his head, the Minister of War responded and withdrew.

And the Guards fleet that is fighting on the front line doesn't even know that it has become an abandoned child!


Unconsciously, the two sides on the battlefield have been fighting for more than half an hour.

As the fleet continues to arrive through the black cavity channel, at this moment, the defense line formed by the ghost fleet has used more than 20 billion ghost battleships, and the firepower has directly doubled.

The Guards fleet suffered heavy losses, and its battle losses had even reached 40 billion, which was close to half of the original full force.

Almost every second, at least thousands of warships were destroyed, and the entire battlefield was like a meat grinder, quickly tearing up the originally huge guard fleet.

Of course, Wang Hai's side is not easy.

In any case, the Zilun Empire is also a tenth-order scientific and technological civilization, even if it is only elementary.

Perhaps there is a big gap between the Netherworld fleet in terms of attack power and defense capability, but this does not mean that they cannot destroy the Netherworld battleship at all.

The one-way dark energy absolute barrier is indeed very powerful, but it is not invincible. If it suffers too many attacks at the same time, it will also be broken.

Tens of thousands of battleships had to be pushed to the rear due to their loss of combat power. Fortunately, most of the battleships avoided being directly blown up because of their strong defense. Therefore, the loss of personnel was not as much as the loss of battleships.

But this is definitely the largest casualty data of the Nether Fleet since its establishment.

"Commander, the main gun has been charged and can be fired again!"

"Okay, immediately mark the location of the opponent's nine flagships, each member of the battle team is responsible for one, and attack at the same time!"

"Yes, Commander!"

Soon, the formation of the ghost fleet on the defense line began to change, and the battleships located on the nine attack rays moved the battleships and began to evade.

A minute later, as nine silver-white beams of light crossed the void again, the guard fleet, which was already close to the brink of collapse, was disintegrated by the only fighting will.

Even if the battle is not over, it is basically possible to announce in advance that the capital of the Zilun Empire...


The emperor fled, all the high-level fleet commanders were killed, and the remaining 40 billion warships had no will to fight.

Finally, after a few minutes, the last fighting force in this capital circle collapsed...

All the warships fled, and the scene was chaotic.

"Commander, the capital star of the Zilun Empire was scanned, and the star core energy is abnormal!"

"Star core?"

"Yes, and this abnormality is extremely abnormal. It should be caused by human beings. If it continues, it will reach the critical point that the planet can bear in 15 minutes!"

"What happens when you reach the tipping point?"

"It will explode. All the energy in the star core of a large planet will explode, enough to destroy everything in the surrounding 100 AU!"

Hearing this, Wang Hai is also a lot more serious.

This is no joke!

You must know that the location of the black cavity passage is only less than 80AU away from the capital star of the Zilun Empire, which is completely within its reach.

The black cavity channel cannot temporarily change the connection position, and the fleet that has already arrived also cannot escape this range with sub-light speed within ten minutes.

"It's really cruel!"

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