The Strongest Interstellar Commander

Nine hundred and twelve tear open the gap

If you want to compare the current power of the Federation with the four super civilizations.

Then, in local conflicts, the Federation should be stronger, but if a full-scale conflict breaks out, the Federation will still be unable to handle it.

Even in terms of top power, the Federation is no weaker than the four major super civilizations, but the number is too small.

In terms of the number of intermediate forces, it is even worse by many times.

Take the Federation's latest black armored fleet as an example, its power is undoubtedly unquestionable, but the problem is that the number is only 100 million.

It’s okay to make a surprise attack, but you said that you are going to face the four super civilizations, and people will directly throw 100 billion battleships against you. Even if the black armor fleet is strong, it is not strong enough to ignore such a poor number. level.

Therefore, in the first wave of offensive, Lin Fan sent two eleventh-order dark ambassadors as a guarantee.

At this moment, most of the defense lines deployed by the Republic of Lothar at the ocean current node have been crippled, and the loss of battleships has even exceeded 200 billion. If there are not enough reserve forces, the federal fleet would have collapsed across the board.

Up to now, even if he was reluctant, Speight had to resort to fueling tactics.

You must know that the fleet of the Republic of Lothar here is more than 1.5 trillion battleships at the mouth of the ocean. In the Juertes galaxy group, all its forces add up to ten trillion.

This feeling is like fighting the Zerg back then. The more you kill, the more the other party can rush over to fill the vacancy, as if it will never be killed.

"Admiral Sophia, this is not the way to go. If we can't defeat the fleet on the defense line as soon as possible and let the fleet unfold, once the enemy reinforcement fleet comes, we will be trapped here. After all, we have no logistics now!"

"Have you got an idea, kid?"

"Lord Ziyuan and Ziling can't move for the time being, but I can gather all the battleships in the ranks of the tenth-order dark energy, and use their powerful firepower output to directly attack the opponent's defense line and blast a hole!"

"It's a good idea, but if you move like this, they will definitely notice. Once the other party focuses on fire... After all, you don't have black armor!"

Sophia understood Wang Hai's plan, but felt it was too risky.

Even if it is a battleship with a tenth-order dark energy,

That can't hold the opponent's huge number of battleships to focus fire.

The battle has been fought for two hours now. Which of the warships in the Nether Fleet are suspected to have tenth-order dark energy, I am afraid that the other party has already marked it.

Therefore, once the commander of the other side has good insight, it is very likely that he will directly launch a focused fire attack on the assembled battleship, which is really too dangerous.

"I understand, so I need Admiral Sophia to cooperate!"

"How to cooperate?"

"We are like this..."


At the same time, the Rossa Republic War Fortress.

At this time, Sbet can be said to be overwhelmed. I am afraid that he has been fighting for a lifetime, but he has never thought that one day he will have to use the stupid play of the oil-filling tactic.

But now, this method, which he thought was the stupidest, became the only tactic that could be used at the moment.

How sad?

"Is there any news from the commanding office?"

"Yes, Marshal, since we told us that the surrounding fleets will be supported first, there is no new news!"

"Damn, I lost nearly 300 billion battleships in just two hours. This is still when the other party has only reached more than one billion battleships, but in a few hours, or ten hours later?"

Sbet was a little annoyed.

Don't think that you have lost 300 billion battleships in more than 2 hours of battle, then 10 trillion battleships will be able to withstand a day.

You must know that this loss is only caused by the opponent's billions of warships, but how many hours will it take?

At that time, the opponent will not be more than one billion battleships, but billions. At that time, I am afraid that the loss of one hour will be much higher than the loss of two hours now.

And at this critical moment, several civilized fleets in the vicinity are still dragging their feet, and have not set off until now.

How can this make Best angry?

"Marshal, the situation of the opposing fleet has changed. About tens of thousands of warships are gathering at the front of their array!"

"Tens of thousands, what is there to report on such a small transfer?"

"Marshal, the key is that these are the battleships that we have marked before, and it is suspected that there are eleventh-order dark energy!"

"What, are you sure?"

"Yes, I'm pretty sure!"

Hearing this, Best's heart suddenly froze.

Tens of thousands of exclusive battleships with tenth-order dark energy are gathered together...

Just thinking about it makes my scalp go numb!

You must know that even for a top tenth-order technological civilization like the Republic of Lothar, the number of tenth-order dark energies is only maintained at 2 digits.

However, with such a two-digit dark energy, if all of them were to be concentrated together, the destructive power would still be terrifying.

Not to mention total annihilation, but it is not a big problem to knock down a line of defense with one blow.

Listen, what did the adjutant just report?

People directly gathered tens of thousands of tenth-order dark energy, what did they want to do?

"Order all the fleets that can attack their rendezvous point to attack with all their strength, no matter how much they pay, they must be wiped out!"

"Yes, Marshal!"

Under the order, the fleets that could attack the target on the defense line began to adjust their attack positions and prepare for a salvo.

However, a fleet of black ghosts rushed over quickly, broke into the array of these fleets in an instant, and directly rushed the salvo array that had just been prepared.

"Quick, azimuth 075-000, after charging is complete, notify Admiral Sophia to avoid the attack route!"

"Yes, Commander!"

When he saw the Black Armor Fleet mercilessly inserted into the opponent's array, Wang Hai immediately seized the opportunity and prepared to launch the planned shock.

One after another, dark energy matrices are continuously formed in front of each battleship. Whether it is size, thickness or the dazzling degree of its light, it is far higher than other nether battleships.

This is really more than 20,000 tenth-order dark enablers. You can imagine what it would be like when more than 20,000 Lin Yu who fought against the Zerg attacked together.

When Wang Hai's side was ready, Sophia also took the black armored fleet to start an emergency evasion.

After all, even the Black Armored Fleet couldn't withstand such an attack!

Fortunately, it is my own people, so I won't open fire until my fleet is completely evaded.

Half a minute later, when the black armored fleet had already rushed out from the other end of its array, and completely avoided the attack area set by Wang Hai.

"Start the attack!"

"Understood, the attack begins!"

No one knows what happened, the dazzling silver-white light completely makes everyone temporarily lose their vision, and when vision gradually recovers, what can be seen...

There is only the hemispherical line of defense that has been stabbed with a big hole.

Almost 50 billion warships were annihilated in an instant, and not even dust was left.

"Leaving 500 million warships to maintain the bridgehead of the Yangliukou, and the rest of the fleet immediately rushed out from the torn opening to protrude, don't give the opponent a chance to re-block the gap!"

"Yes, Commander!"

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